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I just started learning common lisp and so I've been working on project euler problems. Here's my solution (with some help from ). Do you guys have any suggestions for stylistic changes and the sort to make it more lisp-y?
; A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made
; from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 99.
; Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
(defun num-to-list (num)
(let ((result nil))
(do ((x num (truncate x 10)))
((= x 0 ) result)
(setq result (cons (mod x 10) result)))))
(defun palindrome? (num)
(let ((x (num-to-list num)))
(equal x (reverse x))))
(defun all-n-digit-nums (n)
(loop for i from (expt 10 (1- n)) to (1- (expt 10 n)) collect i))
(defun all-products-of-n-digit-nums (n)
(let ((nums (all-n-digit-nums n)))
(loop for x in nums
appending (loop for y in nums collecting (* x y)))))
(defun all-palindromes (n)
(let ((nums (all-products-of-n-digit-nums n)))
(loop for x in nums
when (palindrome? x) collecting x)))
(defun largest-palindrome (n)
(apply 'max (all-palindromes 3)))
(print (largest-palindrome 3))
Barnar's solution is great however there's just a small typo, to return a result it should be:
(defun largest-palindrome (n)
(loop with start = (expt 10 (1- n))
and end = (1- (expt 10 n))
for i from start to end
maximize (loop for j from i to end
for num = (* i j)
when (palindrome? num)
maximize num)))
(setq list (cons thing list))
can be simplified to:
(push thing list)
My other comments on your code are not so much about Lisp style as about the algorithm. Creating all those intermediate lists of numbers seems like a poor way to do it, just write nested loops that calculate and test the numbers.
(defun all-palindromes (n)
(loop for i from (expt 10 (1- n)) to (1- (expt 10 n))
do (loop for j from (expt 10 (1- n)) to (1- (expt 10 n))
for num = (* i j)
when (palindrome? num)
collect num)))
But LOOP has a feature you can use: MAXIMIZE. So instead of collecting all the palindroms in a list with COLLECT, you can:
(defun largest-palindrome (n)
(loop with start = (expt 10 (1- n))
and end = (1- (expt 10 n))
for i from start to end
do (loop for j from start to end
for num = (* i j)
when (palindrome? num)
maximize num)))
Here's another optimization:
(defun largest-palindrome (n)
(loop with start = (expt 10 (1- n))
and end = (1- (expt 10 n))
for i from start to end
do (loop for j from i to end
for num = (* i j)
when (palindrome? num)
maximize num)))
Making the inner loop start from i instead of start avoids the redundancy of checking both M*N and N*M.
The example below is a bit contrived, but it finds the palindrome in a lot less iterations than your original approach:
(defun number-to-list (n)
(loop with i = n
with result = nil
while (> i 0) do
(multiple-value-bind (a b)
(floor i 10)
(setf i a result (cons b result)))
finally (return result)))
(defun palindrome-p (n)
(loop with source = (coerce n 'vector)
for i from 0 below (floor (length source) 2) do
(when (/= (aref source i) (aref source (- (length source) i 1)))
finally (return t)))
(defun suficiently-large-palindrome-of-3 ()
;; This is a fast way to find some sufficiently large palindrome
;; that fits our requirement, but may not be the largest
(loop with left = 999
with right = 999
for maybe-palindrome = (number-to-list (* left right)) do
((palindrome-p maybe-palindrome)
(return (values left right)))
((> left 99)
(decf left))
((> right 99)
(setf left 999 right (1- right)))
(t ; unrealistic situation
; we didn't find any palindromes
; which are multiples of two 3-digit
; numbers
(defun largest-palindrome-of-3 ()
(multiple-value-bind (left right)
(loop with largest = (* left right)
for i from right downto left do
(loop for j from 100 to 999
for maybe-larger = (* i j) do
(when (and (> maybe-larger largest)
(palindrome-p (number-to-list maybe-larger)))
(setf largest maybe-larger)))
finally (return largest)))) ; 906609
It also tries to optimize a bit the way you check that number is a palindrome, for an additional memory cost though. It also splits the number into a list using somewhat longer code, but making less divisions (which are somewhat computationally expensive).
The whole idea is based on the concept that the largest palindrome will be somewhere more towards the... largest multipliers, so, by starting off with 99 * 99 you will have a lot of bad matches. Instead, it tries to go from 999 * 999 and first find some palindrome, which looks good, doing so in a "sloppy" way. And then it tries hard to improve upon the initial find.
(defun queens (n &optional (m n))
(if (zerop n)
(list nil)
(loop for solution in (queens (1- n) m) ;; <=== what does the (1- n) mean?
nconc (loop for new-col from 1 to m
when (loop for row from 1 to n
for col in solution
always (/= new-col col (+ col row) (- col row)))
collect (cons new-col solution)))))
(defun print-solution (solution)
(loop for queen-col in solution
do (loop for col from 1 to (length solution)
do (write-char (if (= col queen-col) #\Q #\.)))
(defun print-queens (n)
(mapc #'print-solution (queens n)))
hi, can anyone explain to me this N-Queen algo why is there a (1- n)? what does the "1-" part and &optional syntax?
thank you,
1- is a function that subtracts one from its parameter.
&optional states that optional parameters will follow. Usually the default value is nil, but if you specify it as a list - i.e. (m n) then the parameter defaults to the second value in the list (in this case m defaults to n if a second parameter is not passed).
SICP contains an partially complete example of the n-queens solutions, by walking a tree of every possible queen placement in the last row, generating more possible positions in the next row to combine the results so far, filtering the possibilities to keep only ones where the newest queen is safe, and repeating recursively.
This strategy blows up after about n=11 with a maximum recursion error.
I've implemented an alternate strategy that does a smarter tree-walk from the first column, generating possible positions from a list of unused rows, consing each position-list onto an updated list of yet-unused rows. Filtering those pairs considered safe, and recursively mapping over these pairs for the next column. This doesn't blow up (so far) but n=12 takes a minute and n=13 takes about 10 minutes to solve.
(define (queens board-size)
(let loop ((k 1) (pp-pair (cons '() (enumerate-interval 1 board-size))))
(let ((position (car pp-pair))
(potential-rows (cdr pp-pair)))
(if (> k board-size)
(list position)
(flatmap (lambda (pp-pair) (loop (++ k) pp-pair))
(filter (lambda (pp-pair) (safe? k (car pp-pair))) ;keep only safe
(map (lambda (new-row)
(cons (adjoin-position new-row k position)
(remove-row new-row potential-rows))) ;make pp-pair
;auxiliary functions not listed
Not really looking for code, but a simple explanation of a strategy or two that's less naive and that clicks well with a functional approach.
I can offer you a simplification of your code, so it may run a little bit faster. We start by renaming some variables for improved readability (YMMV),
(define (queens board-size)
(let loop ((k 1)
(pd (cons '() (enumerate-interval 1 board-size))))
(let ((position (car pd))
(domain (cdr pd)))
(if (> k board-size)
(list position)
(flatmap (lambda (pd) (loop (1+ k) pd))
(filter (lambda (pd) (safe? k (car pd))) ;keep only safe NewPositions
(map (lambda (row)
(cons (adjoin-position row k position) ;NewPosition
(remove-row row domain))) ;make new PD for each Row in D
domain))))))) ; D
Now, filter f (map g d) == flatmap (\x->let {y=g x} in [y | f y]) d (using a bit of Haskell syntax there), i.e. we can fuse the map and the filter into one flatmap:
(flatmap (lambda (pd) (loop (1+ k) pd))
(flatmap (lambda (row) ;keep only safe NewPositions
(let ( (p (adjoin-position row k position))
(d (remove-row row domain)))
(if (safe? k p)
(list (cons p d))
then, flatmap h (flatmap g d) == flatmap (h <=< g) d (where <=< is right-to-left Kleisli composition operator, but who cares), so we can fuse the two flatmaps into just one, with
(lambda (row) ;keep only safe NewPositions
(let ((p (adjoin-position row k position)))
(if (safe? k p)
(loop (1+ k) (cons p (remove-row row domain)))
so the simplified code is
(define (queens board-size)
(let loop ((k 1)
(position '())
(domain (enumerate-interval 1 board-size)))
(if (> k board-size)
(list position)
(lambda (row) ;use only the safe picks
(if (safe_row? row k position) ;better to test before consing
(loop (1+ k) (adjoin-position row k position)
(remove-row row domain))
Here's what I came up with a second time around. Not sure it's terribly much faster though. Quite a bit prettier though.
(define (n-queens n)
(let loop ((k 1) (r 1) (dangers (starting-dangers n)) (res '()) (solutions '()))
(cond ((> k n) (cons res solutions))
((> r n) solutions)
((safe? r k dangers)
(let ((this (loop (+ k 1) 1 (update-dangers r k dangers)
(cons (cons r k) res) solutions)))
(loop k (+ r 1) dangers res this)))
(else (loop k (+ r 1) dangers res solutions)))))
Big thing is using a let statement to serialize recursion, limiting depth to n. Solutions come out backwards (could probably fix by going n->1 instead of 1->n on r and k) but a backwards set is the same set as the frowards set.
(define (starting-dangers n)
(list (list)
(list (- n))
(list (+ (* 2 n) 1))))
;;instead of terminating in null list, terminate in term that cant threaten
small improvement, a danger can come from a row, a down diagonal, or and up diagonal, keep track of each as the board evolves.
(define (safe? r k dangers)
(and (let loop ((rdangers (rdang dangers)))
(cond ((null? rdangers) #t)
((= r (car rdangers))
(else (loop (cdr rdangers)))))
(let ((ddiag (- k r)))
(let loop ((ddangers (ddang dangers)))
(if (<= (car ddangers) ddiag)
(if (= (car ddangers) ddiag)
(loop (cdr ddangers)))))
(let ((udiag (+ k r)))
(let loop ((udangers (udang dangers)))
(if (>= (car udangers) udiag)
(if (= (car udangers) udiag)
(loop (cdr udangers)))))))
medium improvement in the change of format, only needing to do one comparison to check vs prior two. Don't think keeiping diagonals sorted cost me anything, but I don't think it saves time either.
(define (update-dangers r k dangers)
(cons r (rdang dangers))
(insert (- k r) (ddang dangers) >)
(insert (+ k r) (udang dangers) <)))
(define (insert x sL pred)
(let loop ((L sL))
(cond ((null? L) (list x))
((pred x (car L))
(cons x L))
(else (cons (car L)
(loop (cdr L)))))))
(define (rdang dangers)
(car dangers))
(define (ddang dangers)
(cadr dangers))
(define (udang dangers)
(caddr dangers))
I have some trouble fully understanding CL's Loop macro.
This is my code for Project Euler Nr. 32:
(defun number-to-list (nr)
(map 'list #'digit-char-p (prin1-to-string nr)))
(defun nine-digits-p (multiplicand multiplier )
(= (length (equationlist multiplicand multiplier
(* multiplicand multiplier))) 9))
(defun equationlist (multiplicand multiplier product)
(append (number-to-list multiplicand) (number-to-list multiplier)
(number-to-list product)))
(defun pandigital (multiplicand multiplier)
(equal (sort (equationlist multiplicand multiplier
(* multiplicand multiplier)) #'<)
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
(defun pandigital-list ()
for i from 1 to 2000 collect
(loop for j from 2 to 2000
when (and (nine-digits-p i j) (pandigital i j)) collect (* i j))))
(defun euler-32 ()
(reduce #'+ (reduce #'union (pandigital-list))))
Although this gives me the correct solution, my problem is with function "pandigital-list". Instead of collecting only the pandigital numbers, it returns a list filled with "NIL" and the few correct numbers.
How do I change this function to only return the numbers I am interested in ?
The problem is that the inner loop returns nil whenever it does not collect anything else. (Remember: in Common Lisp everything has a value.)
One solution is to redefine pandigital-list like this:
(defun pandigital-list ()
(loop for i from 1 to 2000
for sublist = (loop for j from 2 to 2000
when (and (nine-digits-p i j)
(pandigital i j))
collect (* i j))
when sublist collect sublist))
I am just trying to learn some Lisp, so I am going through project euler problems. I found problem no. 14 interesting (so if you are planning to solve this problems stop reading now, because I pasted my solution at the bottom). With my algorithm it was so slow, but after using memoization (I copied the function from Paul Graham's "on Lisp" book) it was much more faster (around 4 to 8 seconds).
My question is about this bunch of warnings that I got:
Am I doing something wrong? Can I improve my style?
> ;; Loading file
> /euler-lisp/euler-14.lisp
> COLLATZ-SERIE-M is neither declared
> nor bound, it will be treated as if it
> were declared SPECIAL. WARNING in
> neither declared nor bound, it will be
> treated as if it were declared
> : COLLATZ-SERIE-M is neither declared
> nor bound, it will be treated as if it
> were declared SPECIAL. (525 837799)
> Real time: 18.821894 sec. Run time:
> 18.029127 sec. Space: 219883968 Bytes GC: 35, GC time: 4.080254 sec. Las
> siguientes variables especiales no han
> sido definidas: COLLATZ-SERIE-M 0
> errores, 0 advertencias ;; Loaded file
This is the code:
(defun collatz (n)
(if (evenp n) (/ n 2) (+ (* 3 n) 1)))
(defun memoize (fn)
(let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
#'(lambda (&rest args)
(multiple-value-bind (val win) (gethash args cache)
(if win
(setf (gethash args cache)
(apply fn args)))))))
(defun collatz-serie (n)
(cond ((= n 1) (list 1))
((evenp n) (cons n (funcall collatz-serie-m (/ n 2))))
(t (cons n (funcall collatz-serie-m (+ (* 3 n) 1))))))
(defun collatz-serie-len (n)
(length (collatz-serie n)))
(setq collatz-serie-m (memoize #'collatz-serie))
(defun gen-series-pairs (n)
(loop for i from 1 to n collect
(list (collatz-serie-len i) i)))
(defun euler-14 (&key (n 1000000))
(car (sort (gen-series-pairs n) #'(lambda (x y) (> (car x) (car y))))))
(time (print (euler-14)))
Thanks a lot, and forgive the probable errors, I am just beginning with Lisp.
i want to share the final code that i wrote. using custom external hash table for memoization and improving the final loop.
(defvar *cache* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
(defun collatz (n)
(if (evenp n) (/ n 2) (+ (* 3 n) 1)))
(defun collatz-serie (n)
(cond ((= n 1) (list 1))
((evenp n) (cons n (collatz-serie (/ n 2))))
(t (cons n (collatz-serie (+ (* 3 n) 1))))))
(defun collatz-serie-new (n)
(labels ((helper (n len)
(multiple-value-bind (val stored?) (gethash n *cache*)
(if stored?
(setf (gethash n *cache*) (cond ((= n 1) len)
((evenp n) (+ len (helper (/ n 2) len)))
(t (+ len (helper (+ (* 3 n) 1) len)))))))))
(helper n 1)))
;; learning how to loop
(defun euler-14 (&key (n 1000000))
(loop with max = 0 and pos = 0
for i from n downto 1
when (> (collatz-serie-new i) max)
do (setf max (collatz-serie-new i)) and do (setf pos i)
finally (return (list max pos))))
It is bad style to setq an unknown name. It is assumed that you mean to create a new global special variable, then set it, but this should be made explicit by introducing these bindings first. You do this at the top level by using defvar (or defparameter or defconstant) instead, and in lexical blocks by using let, do, multiple-value-bind or similar constructs.
I need to write a non-recursive version of the function sum-squares and Use a do-loop that is based on the length of the argument list.
Here's how it's done generally:
(defun sum-squares (list) (loop for x in list
for y = (* x x)
summing y into total
finally (return total)))
A do loop solution is even simpler, but not half as elegant:
(defun sum-squares (list)
(let ((sum 0)) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
((>= i (length list)))
(setq sum (+ sum (* (nth i list) (nth i list)))))