Scheme, N-queens optimization strategies SICP chapter 2 - lisp

SICP contains an partially complete example of the n-queens solutions, by walking a tree of every possible queen placement in the last row, generating more possible positions in the next row to combine the results so far, filtering the possibilities to keep only ones where the newest queen is safe, and repeating recursively.
This strategy blows up after about n=11 with a maximum recursion error.
I've implemented an alternate strategy that does a smarter tree-walk from the first column, generating possible positions from a list of unused rows, consing each position-list onto an updated list of yet-unused rows. Filtering those pairs considered safe, and recursively mapping over these pairs for the next column. This doesn't blow up (so far) but n=12 takes a minute and n=13 takes about 10 minutes to solve.
(define (queens board-size)
(let loop ((k 1) (pp-pair (cons '() (enumerate-interval 1 board-size))))
(let ((position (car pp-pair))
(potential-rows (cdr pp-pair)))
(if (> k board-size)
(list position)
(flatmap (lambda (pp-pair) (loop (++ k) pp-pair))
(filter (lambda (pp-pair) (safe? k (car pp-pair))) ;keep only safe
(map (lambda (new-row)
(cons (adjoin-position new-row k position)
(remove-row new-row potential-rows))) ;make pp-pair
;auxiliary functions not listed
Not really looking for code, but a simple explanation of a strategy or two that's less naive and that clicks well with a functional approach.

I can offer you a simplification of your code, so it may run a little bit faster. We start by renaming some variables for improved readability (YMMV),
(define (queens board-size)
(let loop ((k 1)
(pd (cons '() (enumerate-interval 1 board-size))))
(let ((position (car pd))
(domain (cdr pd)))
(if (> k board-size)
(list position)
(flatmap (lambda (pd) (loop (1+ k) pd))
(filter (lambda (pd) (safe? k (car pd))) ;keep only safe NewPositions
(map (lambda (row)
(cons (adjoin-position row k position) ;NewPosition
(remove-row row domain))) ;make new PD for each Row in D
domain))))))) ; D
Now, filter f (map g d) == flatmap (\x->let {y=g x} in [y | f y]) d (using a bit of Haskell syntax there), i.e. we can fuse the map and the filter into one flatmap:
(flatmap (lambda (pd) (loop (1+ k) pd))
(flatmap (lambda (row) ;keep only safe NewPositions
(let ( (p (adjoin-position row k position))
(d (remove-row row domain)))
(if (safe? k p)
(list (cons p d))
then, flatmap h (flatmap g d) == flatmap (h <=< g) d (where <=< is right-to-left Kleisli composition operator, but who cares), so we can fuse the two flatmaps into just one, with
(lambda (row) ;keep only safe NewPositions
(let ((p (adjoin-position row k position)))
(if (safe? k p)
(loop (1+ k) (cons p (remove-row row domain)))
so the simplified code is
(define (queens board-size)
(let loop ((k 1)
(position '())
(domain (enumerate-interval 1 board-size)))
(if (> k board-size)
(list position)
(lambda (row) ;use only the safe picks
(if (safe_row? row k position) ;better to test before consing
(loop (1+ k) (adjoin-position row k position)
(remove-row row domain))

Here's what I came up with a second time around. Not sure it's terribly much faster though. Quite a bit prettier though.
(define (n-queens n)
(let loop ((k 1) (r 1) (dangers (starting-dangers n)) (res '()) (solutions '()))
(cond ((> k n) (cons res solutions))
((> r n) solutions)
((safe? r k dangers)
(let ((this (loop (+ k 1) 1 (update-dangers r k dangers)
(cons (cons r k) res) solutions)))
(loop k (+ r 1) dangers res this)))
(else (loop k (+ r 1) dangers res solutions)))))
Big thing is using a let statement to serialize recursion, limiting depth to n. Solutions come out backwards (could probably fix by going n->1 instead of 1->n on r and k) but a backwards set is the same set as the frowards set.
(define (starting-dangers n)
(list (list)
(list (- n))
(list (+ (* 2 n) 1))))
;;instead of terminating in null list, terminate in term that cant threaten
small improvement, a danger can come from a row, a down diagonal, or and up diagonal, keep track of each as the board evolves.
(define (safe? r k dangers)
(and (let loop ((rdangers (rdang dangers)))
(cond ((null? rdangers) #t)
((= r (car rdangers))
(else (loop (cdr rdangers)))))
(let ((ddiag (- k r)))
(let loop ((ddangers (ddang dangers)))
(if (<= (car ddangers) ddiag)
(if (= (car ddangers) ddiag)
(loop (cdr ddangers)))))
(let ((udiag (+ k r)))
(let loop ((udangers (udang dangers)))
(if (>= (car udangers) udiag)
(if (= (car udangers) udiag)
(loop (cdr udangers)))))))
medium improvement in the change of format, only needing to do one comparison to check vs prior two. Don't think keeiping diagonals sorted cost me anything, but I don't think it saves time either.
(define (update-dangers r k dangers)
(cons r (rdang dangers))
(insert (- k r) (ddang dangers) >)
(insert (+ k r) (udang dangers) <)))
(define (insert x sL pred)
(let loop ((L sL))
(cond ((null? L) (list x))
((pred x (car L))
(cons x L))
(else (cons (car L)
(loop (cdr L)))))))
(define (rdang dangers)
(car dangers))
(define (ddang dangers)
(cadr dangers))
(define (udang dangers)
(caddr dangers))


How do I find the index of an element in a list in Racket?

This is trivial implement of course, but I feel there is certainly something built in to Racket that does this. Am I correct in that intuition, and if so, what is the function?
Strangely, there isn't a built-in procedure in Racket for finding the 0-based index of an element in a list (the opposite procedure does exist, it's called list-ref). However, it's not hard to implement efficiently:
(define (index-of lst ele)
(let loop ((lst lst)
(idx 0))
(cond ((empty? lst) #f)
((equal? (first lst) ele) idx)
(else (loop (rest lst) (add1 idx))))))
But there is a similar procedure in srfi/1, it's called list-index and you can get the desired effect by passing the right parameters:
(require srfi/1)
(list-index (curry equal? 3) '(1 2 3 4 5))
=> 2
(list-index (curry equal? 6) '(1 2 3 4 5))
=> #f
As of Racket 6.7, index-of is now part of the standard library. Enjoy!
Here's a very simple implementation:
(define (index-of l x)
(for/or ([y l] [i (in-naturals)] #:when (equal? x y)) i))
And yes, something like this should be added to the standard library, but it's just a little tricky to do so nobody got there yet.
Note, however, that it's a feature that is very rarely useful -- since lists are usually taken as a sequence that is deconstructed using only the first/rest idiom rather than directly accessing elements. More than that, if you have a use for it and you're a newbie, then my first guess will be that you're misusing lists. Given that, the addition of such a function is likely to trip such newbies by making it more accessible. (But it will still be added, eventually.)
One can also use a built-in function 'member' which gives a sublist starting with the required item or #f if item does not exist in the list. Following compares the lengths of original list and the sublist returned by member:
(define (indexof n l)
(define sl (member n l))
(if sl
(- (length l)
(length sl))
For many situations, one may want indexes of all occurrences of item in the list. One can get a list of all indexes as follows:
(define (indexes_of1 x l)
(let loop ((l l)
(ol '())
(idx 0))
[(empty? l) (reverse ol)]
[(equal? (first l) x)
(loop (rest l)
(cons idx ol)
(add1 idx))]
(loop (rest l)
(add1 idx))])))
For/list can also be used for this:
(define (indexes_of2 x l)
(for/list ((i l)
(n (in-naturals))
#:when (equal? i x))
(indexes_of1 'a '(a b c a d e a f g))
(indexes_of2 'a '(a b c a d e a f g))
'(0 3 6)
'(0 3 6)

Count of atoms on the each level, Scheme

Please, help me with one simple exercise on the Scheme.
Write function, that return count of atoms on the each level in the
list. For example:
(a (b (c (d e (f) k 1 5) e))) –> ((1 1) (2 1) (3 2) (4 5) (5 1))
My Solution:
(define (atom? x)
(and (not (pair? x)) (not (null? x))))
(define (count L)
(cond ((null? L) 0)
((pair? (car L))
(count (cdr L)))
(+ 1 (count (cdr L))))))
(define (fun L level)
(list level (count L))
(ololo L level)))
(define (ololo L level)
(if (null? L)
(if (atom? (car L))
(ololo (cdr L) level)
(fun (car L) (+ level 1)))))
(fun '(a (b (c (d e (f) k 1 5) e))) 1)
It's work fine, but give not correctly answer for this list:
(a (b (c (d e (f) (k) 1 5) e)))
((1 1) (2 1) (3 2) (4 4) (5 1))
But we assume that 'f' and 'k' on the one level, and answer must be:
((1 1) (2 1) (3 2) (4 4) (5 2))
How should I edit the code to make it work right?
UPD (29.10.12):
My final solution:
(define A '(a (b (c (d e (f) k 1 5) e))))
(define (atom? x)
(and (not (pair? x)) (not (null? x))))
(define (unite L res)
(if (null? L) (reverse res)
(unite (cdr L) (cons (car L) res))))
(define (count-atoms L answ)
(cond ((null? L) answ)
((pair? (car L))
(count-atoms (cdr L) answ))
(count-atoms (cdr L) (+ answ 1)))))
(define (del-atoms L answ)
(cond ((null? L) answ)
((list? (car L))
(del-atoms (cdr L) (unite (car L) answ))))
(del-atoms (cdr L) answ))))
(define (count L)
(define (countme L level answ)
(if (null? L) (reverse answ)
(countme (del-atoms L '()) (+ level 1) (cons (cons level (cons (count-atoms L 0) '())) answ))))
(countme L 1 '()))
(count A)
What can you say about this?
Do you know what you get if you run this?
(fun '(a (b (c (d e (f) k 1 5) e)) (a (b (c)))) 1)
You get this:
((1 1) (2 1) (3 2) (4 5) (5 1))
The whole extra nested structure that I added on the right has been ignored. Here is why...
Each recursion of your function does two things:
Count all the atoms at the current "level"
Move down the level till you find an s-expression that is a pair (well, not an atom)
Once it finds a nested pair, it calls itself on that. And so on
What happens in oLoLo when fun returns from the first nested pair? Why, it returns! It does not keep going down the list to find another.
Your function will never find more than the first list at any level. And if it did, what would you to do add the count from the first list at that level to the second? You need to think carefully about how you recur completely through a list containing multiple nested lists and about how you could preserve information at each level. There's more than one way to do it, but you haven't hit on any of them yet.
Note that depending on your implementation, the library used here may need to be imported in some other way. It might be painstakingly difficult to find the way it has to be imported and what are the exact names of the functions you want to use. Some would have it as filter and reduce-left instead. require-extension may or may not be Guile-specific, I don't really know.
(require-extension (srfi 1))
(define (count-atoms source-list)
(define (%atom? x) (not (or (pair? x) (null? x))))
(define (%count-atoms source-list level)
(if (not (null? source-list))
(cons (list level (count %atom? source-list))
(%count-atoms (reduce append '()
(lambda (x) (if (%atom? x) '() x))
source-list)) (1+ level))) '()))
(%count-atoms source-list 1))
And, of course, as I mentioned before, it would be best to do this with hash-tables. Doing it with lists may have some didactic effect. But I have a very strong opposition to didactic effects that make you write essentially bad code.

Common Lisp: How to return a list without the nth element of a given list?

I've a question, how to return a list without the nth element of a given list? E.g., given list: (1 2 3 2 4 6), and given n = 4, in this case the return list should be (1 2 3 4 6).
A simple recursive solution:
(defun remove-nth (n list)
(type (integer 0) n)
(type list list))
(if (or (zerop n) (null list))
(cdr list)
(cons (car list) (remove-nth (1- n) (cdr list)))))
This will share the common tail, except in the case where the list has n or more elements, in which case it returns a new list with the same elements as the provided one.
Using remove-if:
(defun foo (n list)
(remove-if (constantly t) list :start (1- n) :count 1))
butlast/nthcdr solution (corrected):
(defun foo (n list)
(append (butlast list (1+ (- (length list) n))) (nthcdr n list)))
Or, maybe more readable:
(defun foo (n list)
(append (subseq list 0 (1- n)) (nthcdr n list)))
Using loop:
(defun foo (n list)
(loop for elt in list
for i from 1
unless (= i n) collect elt))
Here's an interesting approach. It replaces the nth element of a list with a new symbol and then removes that symbol from the list. I haven't considered how (in)efficient it is though!
(defun remove-nth (n list)
(remove (setf (nth n list) (gensym)) list))
(loop :for i :in '(1 2 3 2 4 6) ; the list
:for idx :from 0
:unless (= 3 idx) :collect i) ; except idx=3
;; => (1 2 3 4 6)
loop macro can be very useful and effective in terms of generated code by lisp compiler and macro expander.
Test run and apply macroexpand above code snippet.
A slightly more general function:
(defun remove-by-position (pred lst)
(labels ((walk-list (pred lst idx)
(if (null lst)
(if (funcall pred idx)
(walk-list pred (cdr lst) (1+ idx))
(cons (car lst) (walk-list pred (cdr lst) (1+ idx)))))))
(walk-list pred lst 1)))
Which we use to implement desired remove-nth:
(defun remove-nth (n list)
(remove-by-position (lambda (i) (= i n)) list))
And the invocation:
(remove-nth 4 '(1 2 3 2 4 6))
Edit: Applied remarks from Samuel's comment.
A destructive version, the original list will be modified (except when n < 1),
(defun remove-nth (n lst)
(if (< n 1) (cdr lst)
(let* ((p (nthcdr (1- n) lst))
(right (cddr p)))
(when (consp p)
(setcdr p nil))
(nconc lst right))))
That's elisp but I think those are standard lispy functions.
For all you haskellers out there, there is no need to twist your brains :)
(defun take (n l)
(subseq l 0 (min n (length l))))
(defun drop (n l)
(subseq l n))
(defun remove-nth (n l)
(append (take (- n 1) l)
(drop n l)))
My horrible elisp solution:
(defun without-nth (list n)
(defun accum-if (list accum n)
(if (not list)
(accum-if (cdr list) (if (eq n 0) accum (cons (car list) accum))
(- n 1))))
(reverse (accum-if list '() n)))
(without-nth '(1 2 3) 1)
Should be easily portable to Common Lisp.
A much simpler solution will be as follows.
(defun remove-nth (n lst)
(append (subseq lst 0 (- n 1)) (subseq lst n (length lst)))

Changing the nth element of a list

I want to change the nth element of a list and return a new list.
I've thought of three rather inelegant solutions:
(defun set-nth1 (list n value)
(let ((list2 (copy-seq list)))
(setf (elt list2 n) value)
(defun set-nth2 (list n value)
(concatenate 'list (subseq list 0 n) (list value) (subseq list (1+ n))))
(defun set-nth3 (list n value)
(substitute value nil list
:test #'(lambda (a b) (declare (ignore a b)) t)
:start n
:count 1))
What is the best way of doing this?
How about
(defun set-nth4 (list n val)
(loop for i from 0 for j in list collect (if (= i n) val j)))
Perhaps we should note the similarity to substitute and follow its convention:
(defun substitute-nth (val n list)
(loop for i from 0 for j in list collect (if (= i n) val j)))
BTW, regarding set-nth3, there is a function, constantly, exactly for situation like this:
(defun set-nth3 (list n value)
(substitute value nil list :test (constantly t) :start n :count 1))
Another possibility:
(defun set-nth5 (list n value)
(fill (copy-seq list) value :start n :end (1+ n)))
It depends on what you mean for "elegance", but what about...
(defun set-nth (list n val)
(if (> n 0)
(cons (car list)
(set-nth (cdr list) (1- n) val))
(cons val (cdr list))))
If you have problems with easily understanding recursive definitions then a slight variation of nth-2 (as suggested by Terje Norderhaug) should be more "self-evident" for you:
(defun set-nth-2bis (list n val)
(nconc (subseq list 0 n)
(cons val (nthcdr (1+ n) list))))
The only efficiency drawback I can see of this version is that traversal up to nth element is done three times instead of one in the recursive version (that's however not tail-recursive).
How about this:
(defun set-nth (list n value)
for cell on list
for i from 0
when (< i n) collect (car cell)
else collect value
and nconc (rest cell)
and do (loop-finish)
On the minus side, it looks more like Algol than Lisp. But on the plus side:
it traverses the leading portion of the input list only once
it does not traverse the trailing portion of the input list at all
the output list is constructed without having to traverse it again
the result shares the same trailing cons cells as the original list (if this is not desired, change the nconc to append)

Scheme - how do I modify an individual element in a list?

If I have a list of 0's, how would I modify, for example, the 16th 0 in the list?
You have to write it yourself. It is not built in to Scheme because it's not idiomatic and it can be built easily from set-car!.
(define (list-set! l k obj)
((or (< k 0) (null? l)) #f)
((= k 0) (set-car! l obj))
(else (list-set! (cdr l) (- k 1) obj))))
If you are doing this a lot, you should probably look at using vectors and vector-set! instead.