Getting started with JDBC - eclipse

I was getting started with JDBC and I was using the video mentioned here:
Although he is good at the start, he becomes confusing towards the middle.
Referring to the video:
I have a 32bit Office 2010
32bit JDK and JRE
I downloaded the AccessDriverEngine.exe for 32bit
Then I went to Control Panel and searched for ODBC
Then I clicked on the SystemDSN tab and there are no drivers there
Am I or not supposed to be seeing drivers there?
AFAIK from doing some Visual Basic, you have to add it there after you create a .mdb file containing your various tables. (Questions under the image)
1. Have I done the steps correctly to get started with JDBC?
2. I have to create a database in Access first, right?
3. Whatelse do I do if I want to use Eclipse IDE to start coding? Like what paths, etc do I set?

You need to use 32-bit ODBC as well. Check out this link:
I think you'll be able to work through your other questions once you overcome this hurdle.


VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA in Visual Studio 2019/SSIS reading Timestamp-Column from PSDQL/ODBC

I'm an Business Intelligence Developer. I'm developing for/maintaining a Microsoft BI Solution at our Company (SSIS,SSAS etc.). Recently I updated my Visual Studio to 2019 Enterprise (before that I was on 2015 Enterprise). Integration Services Extension Version 3.4. (also tested 3.2). With VS2015 everything was fine..
Part of our Data Warehouse is data coming from an PostgreSQL DB. I'm connecting to this using the official Postgres ODBC-Driver (32Bit, Unicode). I tried version 10.01 (old one, worked with VS15 without issues) and 12.01 (current one).
The Issue is the following: I opened the package I have the issues with. It warns me that the PSQL-ODBC-Datasource needs new metadata (nothing changed there nonetheless..). I can run the (unchanged) Package without any issues! Then I double-click the Source. A dialog pops up if I want to correct the Metadata of the Source according to the db it points to. Then the warning disappears. But If I run the package now it fails instantly telling me that the Source I just updated needs new Metadata.
I tracked the issue down to a minimal example. If I get data from a timestamp-column on the PSQL-ODBC-Datasource I allways get, immediately after execution of the package, an VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA-Error in Visual Studio (SSIS) and the package won't run. There is no yellow Exclamation-Mark on the Source like it is usual. Everything seems fine on design time. I can even preview the output of the source in it's properties. If I select another column instead of the timestamp-column there is no issue. If I select the timestamp-column again it again gives the error on runtime. I also tried different Postgres servers with different versions as Source and different ODBC-Drivers.
If I set ValidateExternalMetadat to False on the source everything is running fine, but this can't be the solution as it worked flawlessly previous.
It seems like SSIS-Packages created with Visual Studio 2019 can't retrieve timestamp-columns from PSQL-ODBC-Sources if ValidateExternalMetadata is enabled.. This is driving me nuts!
Did anyone have this issue and find a solution?
Edit: Further Investigation: It seems like VS2019 translates a PostgreSQL Timestamp now to dbTimeStamp2 instead of dbTimeStamp (like 2015 did) on the Output-Columns. But the Metadata also stored in the Package-Xml seems like it's telling that the columns are dbTimeStamp. This mismatch seems to be the Core-Issue why the Package is telling the the Metadata needs to be updated!?
OK I ran into the same problem here and it drove me crazy. I have the same setup and I got the exact same error messages.
Unfortunately I have no solution for this problem but at least I can tell you that it doesn't seem to be a isolated issue as I'm affected as well.
I overcame the problem for the time being by disabeling ValidateExternalMetadata but thats not a setup for production environments.
Thanks for this post though. I helped me not to feel like an idiot again. :D
Be careful with the casing. I had a view (as data source) in development, with two columns in uppercase.
Before creating the view in production, I decided to change to lowercase both columns, just because all was in lowercase and that two columns were the only things in uppercase. Then I created the view.
My ETL ran fine in DEV, but it didn't in PROD. Finally, I realized that the difference in casing was the problem.
When I changed the view in PROD, so that it was the same as in DEV, it worked smoothly.

MySQL Workbench doesn't shown export option on macOS sierra

I have installed MySQL Workbench (v 6.3.9) on my mac macOS Sierra 10.12.4.
There are several problems with displays.
I do not have access to export options in "Forward Engineer SQL Script", there is no text in the catalog in the left panel (and more...).
What can I do to workaround these problems?
You're correct, MYSQL Workbench (v 6.3.9) is buggy, though it is still possible to do Forward Engineer through Database->Synchronize Model. An alternative to viewing the text in the catalog is clicking the layers option on the right to display your tables.
Every software has bugs, it's just sometimes less obvious (here however very). No doubt, both are serious problems. The first one is already known and we will fix it for the next release. The second problem however is surprising. I just tried the version available from the MySQL website and the catalog tree shows fine for me. Would be good if you could create a bug report for that, so we can fix that too.

Talend freeze - Can some config suggestions help avoid freeze?

My Talend ESB (6.1.1_20151214_1327) keeps freezing ... run freeze .. resize a tab freeze .. move to another tab and come back freeze ..
So I thought there must be some problem with my windows7, so I tried in my mac laptop, exactly the same thing keeps happening. Same for 610 ESB, Same for DI version too.
Is there an option that I need to change in config to avoid that? Waiting for 10min for defreeze, or at times rebooting makes me scared of creating more artifacts in Talend (I only have 3 now). I wish not to move to python.
If you output a lot of data to the console using a tLogRow component, you will find that your Talend Studio will freeze, especially when changing tabs etc.
Try removing any tLogRows that you have and see if the avoids the freeze.
You can workaround on Two points about talend freeze.
that is
pt 1:
Please check if there are spaces in the path of product installation and the workspace, if so, try to install it without spaces in the path.
Talend recommend user to use 7-zip to unzip the products.
pt 2:
Based on source
We can capture exact error.and then ,work on it accordingly.
It is possible that
To launch product,Sometimes we may launch wrong exe for our environment.
Follow this guide

Auto-upload on save

I'm delveloping a PHP web application on my local PC. Whenever I save a file it would be handy if Eclipse could upload the file to my web server via FTP. Is Eclipse able to do that?? I think Netbeans offers such an option. At the moment I do the upload manually which is very annoying...
Take a look at Eclipse Target Management (RSE). You can find a tutorial on getting started page.
A big downside is that the quality of RSE's error messages range from okay-if-ambiguous to downright horrible (IBM-style 3 chars + 4 digits with no text message) so it's best if you know whatever protocol you're using well enough to guess what the error is without really needing the message to explain it to you.
So, after a whole lot of tries, I finally found something that works!
What you need to install is Eclipse WebDAV and FTP Support. I have not found the eclipse update site, but this site has n archived version of it. This allows you to sychronize your code with an FTP site.
Then, to Automatically Upload On Save, you can use my Auto Hot Keys Script at:
Eclipse Synchronize Hotkeys

Matlab and MrVista

I'm new to MATLAB and mrVista.
I'm running Matlab Version (R2009a) 32-bit(win32) from February 12, 2009
OS is Windows 7 Professional
I downloaded the most recent and extracted it into my C:\Program_Files_(x86)\MATLAB directory.
I think I need to run mrvInstall, but when I do, I get the following:
EDU>> mrvInstall
Checking VISATSOFT installation.
Windows, 32-bit, installation
Checking and possibly installing .NET framework.
This can take several minutes
Checking for visualization library (.dll) files.
You are missing msvcp70.dll.
So, I'm completely lost at this point. Do I just need to download msvcp70.dll from the net? If so, is there a safe place to download it from? If there's some other way I'm supposed to get mrVista to work from MATLAB, instead of mrvInstall, please let me know that.
Thanks in advance for your help.
EDIT: I've downloaded and installed the dll and still isn't working. I'll go ask on Super User. Thanks for trying to help anyway.
EDIT2: before asking on superuser, I tried once more to solve it myself. Turns out, under the File -> Set Path you have to Add_With_Subfolders the specific vistasoft folder. (Even though I'd already added with subfolders the parent directory where vistasoft lives, that wasn't good enough.) So, once I added the path, and made sure I was in the directory where my data lives, I was able to run the initial command from the tutorial:
mrVista inplane
It opens up very nicely now. No compiles or installs or other commands were actually necessary. Methinks I'm going to go edit a wiki now so no one else has this problem.
There's a pretty comprehensive discussion of Visual C++ runtime DLLs here
Whoever built the file that uses msvcp70.dll (and msvcr70.dll) presumably had Visual Studio 2002 and the right to redistribute that file.
You're probably not going to get much help beyond that because I'm a MatLab user and I have no idea what mrVista is. You've provided no link, no explanation, nothing that someone could use to help you.
See this page on MrVista Wiki:
There is information on this dll and where to get it from.
I guess "serverfault" is VERY badly named if it's the go-to place for things that have zero to do with servers;-). Maybe the complaint shd actually point to
Me, I've researched the top google hits for this DLL, the very top one seems to be on "" which has no bad reports I can see and is rated green/safe by mcafee, so that's where I would risk downloading it from. Weird that I can't find it on a MSFT site, though.