MySQL Workbench doesn't shown export option on macOS sierra - mysql-workbench

I have installed MySQL Workbench (v 6.3.9) on my mac macOS Sierra 10.12.4.
There are several problems with displays.
I do not have access to export options in "Forward Engineer SQL Script", there is no text in the catalog in the left panel (and more...).
What can I do to workaround these problems?

You're correct, MYSQL Workbench (v 6.3.9) is buggy, though it is still possible to do Forward Engineer through Database->Synchronize Model. An alternative to viewing the text in the catalog is clicking the layers option on the right to display your tables.

Every software has bugs, it's just sometimes less obvious (here however very). No doubt, both are serious problems. The first one is already known and we will fix it for the next release. The second problem however is surprising. I just tried the version available from the MySQL website and the catalog tree shows fine for me. Would be good if you could create a bug report for that, so we can fix that too.


VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA in Visual Studio 2019/SSIS reading Timestamp-Column from PSDQL/ODBC

I'm an Business Intelligence Developer. I'm developing for/maintaining a Microsoft BI Solution at our Company (SSIS,SSAS etc.). Recently I updated my Visual Studio to 2019 Enterprise (before that I was on 2015 Enterprise). Integration Services Extension Version 3.4. (also tested 3.2). With VS2015 everything was fine..
Part of our Data Warehouse is data coming from an PostgreSQL DB. I'm connecting to this using the official Postgres ODBC-Driver (32Bit, Unicode). I tried version 10.01 (old one, worked with VS15 without issues) and 12.01 (current one).
The Issue is the following: I opened the package I have the issues with. It warns me that the PSQL-ODBC-Datasource needs new metadata (nothing changed there nonetheless..). I can run the (unchanged) Package without any issues! Then I double-click the Source. A dialog pops up if I want to correct the Metadata of the Source according to the db it points to. Then the warning disappears. But If I run the package now it fails instantly telling me that the Source I just updated needs new Metadata.
I tracked the issue down to a minimal example. If I get data from a timestamp-column on the PSQL-ODBC-Datasource I allways get, immediately after execution of the package, an VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA-Error in Visual Studio (SSIS) and the package won't run. There is no yellow Exclamation-Mark on the Source like it is usual. Everything seems fine on design time. I can even preview the output of the source in it's properties. If I select another column instead of the timestamp-column there is no issue. If I select the timestamp-column again it again gives the error on runtime. I also tried different Postgres servers with different versions as Source and different ODBC-Drivers.
If I set ValidateExternalMetadat to False on the source everything is running fine, but this can't be the solution as it worked flawlessly previous.
It seems like SSIS-Packages created with Visual Studio 2019 can't retrieve timestamp-columns from PSQL-ODBC-Sources if ValidateExternalMetadata is enabled.. This is driving me nuts!
Did anyone have this issue and find a solution?
Edit: Further Investigation: It seems like VS2019 translates a PostgreSQL Timestamp now to dbTimeStamp2 instead of dbTimeStamp (like 2015 did) on the Output-Columns. But the Metadata also stored in the Package-Xml seems like it's telling that the columns are dbTimeStamp. This mismatch seems to be the Core-Issue why the Package is telling the the Metadata needs to be updated!?
OK I ran into the same problem here and it drove me crazy. I have the same setup and I got the exact same error messages.
Unfortunately I have no solution for this problem but at least I can tell you that it doesn't seem to be a isolated issue as I'm affected as well.
I overcame the problem for the time being by disabeling ValidateExternalMetadata but thats not a setup for production environments.
Thanks for this post though. I helped me not to feel like an idiot again. :D
Be careful with the casing. I had a view (as data source) in development, with two columns in uppercase.
Before creating the view in production, I decided to change to lowercase both columns, just because all was in lowercase and that two columns were the only things in uppercase. Then I created the view.
My ETL ran fine in DEV, but it didn't in PROD. Finally, I realized that the difference in casing was the problem.
When I changed the view in PROD, so that it was the same as in DEV, it worked smoothly.

MySQL Workbench: Beautify/Reformat option doesn't work when I write stored procedures

I recently installed MySQL Workbench 6.3. When I write queries the Beautify/Reformat option works fine. But that's not the case when I write stored procedures. If I click the corresponding button nothing happens and also the menu in Edit -> Format is inactive. Since it is a useful feature I would be very grateful if someone could give information about this issue. Is it probably related to the specific version of MySQL Workbench or are there any settings that should be altered, etc.?
Thank you in advance.
After filing a bug report at it was confirmed that the problem was associated with the specific build of the MySQL Workbench 6.3 which was not the last one. This problem does not exist in later versions, for example the current newest version which is 8.0.13.

MATLAB r2013a on Mac OS 10.8.3 crashes when viewing documentation

(Running MATLAB (R2013a), Mac OS 10.8.3)
When I use the doc command, for example, doc fwrite;, or when I click the "more help" item in the popup help bubble for a command, the documentation window opens, but MATLAB subsequently hangs (the spinning beachball appears). This lasts indefinitely, and I inevitably have to force quit MATLAB. This also happens when using the Publish option from the editor.
Anyone have any ideas for diagnosing this? I tried taking a process sample but I didn't see any info I could interpret, I think since it's in Java the relevant information is obfuscated behind the JVM.
See this post on MatlabCentral: ... and more specifically this bug report which includes a "workaround." They don't suggest what could be the cause, but you might make sure that OS X is updated and that you have the latest version of Java. If you do other work with Java or with WebKit these might cause issues.
I hope you have already solved the problem. Otherwise a solution has been found, the bug resides in the Access for Assistive devices (only for version 2012b and later). If you can turn them all off from System Preferences, do that. If you can't, type this in the command window:
I had the same problem with Matlab R2014a on OS 10.10.4. For me the solution involved disabling Cinch (a window management tool I had installed). This can be done by clicking on the Cinch icon in the menu bar then Disable Cinch, or from System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Accessibility (as MarcoB detailed in his answer).
More suitable as comments (but I don't have enough rep yet):
I just updated to Java 1.8.0_73 and to Safari 9.1 and the patch horchler posted no longer works.
MarcoB's command still works for fixing the crashes. But with this, no longer retina resolution in the Doc browser (so it looks ugly).

PgAdmin sometimes crash when clicking SQL query button

I know this question may be seen as a duplicate with this one. I even have almost the same configuration (PostgreSQL 9.1.3, pgAdmin III 1.14.3, 32 bit Windows). What is the difference and the reason I ask a new question is that my PgAdmin doesn't crash always (just mostly) and that the cause of the problem is different - in linked question the problem was with missing adminpack, but I have adminpack installed and it works well, so the answer for linked question doesn't work for me.
Do you have any ideas where the problem could be?
EDIT: PgAdmin doesn't crash at other occasions (well, unless I do someting that obviously deserves a crash), just while trying to open SQL query window. It's worse and worse as time goes on, now it's almost "always". The problem is not "connection specific" - frequence of crashing is the same for different server connections.
EDIT2: I reinstalled PgAdmin and nothing have changed. I'm starting to suspect PostgreSQL 9.1.3 or even PostGIS 2.0.1 of the problem.
Goto run and type %appdata% and go inside postgresql folder.
rename or delete pgadmin_histoqueries.xml file.
try opening the SQL query editor again.
Good luck!
PgAdmin crashes on me all of the time, but you eventually learn to be gentle with it.
Particularly, if it is waiting for a response from the PostgreSQL server, the window may freeze up until a reply is returned and parsed. When this happens, do not close the window, just wait.
Also, if you attempt to edit two different objects on the same parent, save one and click save on the other, this crashes the program.
My advice would be to only do one thing at a time, be patient, and don't be in a hurry to kill the process when it freezes up.
There can be a great many different possible reasons for crashes. Some of them have been fixed in the latest version 1.16.1, release just last week.
You could try the new version and see if that fixes your problem.
Pgadmin3 was really unstable after installation on my ubuntu 12.04 LTS. It either freezes or crashes even while doing very basic things like looking data in a table or list tables in a schema etc., I almost gave up and started using the command line psql and luckily stumbled on this blog which recommended to remove the pgadmin3 history file to solve the freezes and crashes. It worked for me.

XMLSpy in Eclipse

I need to test XMLSpy functionality in Eclipse. After I switch Eclipse to XMLSpy Perspective and QTP is runnig (record or run mode), it does not work. Could you help me?
Some more information would be helpful. "It does not work" is extremely vague. What does not work? Do you mean that QTP does not record anything at all? Do you mean that QTP records something, but it is incorrect? Does it record some of your test, but misses one particular control, such as a grid? Do you have the right QTP add-ins/plugins enabled to support automation with Eclipse?
Altova support does not seem to have any reference including "Quik Test Pro" issues.
However, check for other plugins (other than XmlSpy):
similar tools has been known to fail in interaction with TPTP for instance.
Check also your Error log view, and complete your question with error messages displayed at the time of the recording.