Basic fundamental of New Tabs - facebook

How woobox and ShortStacks are managing multiple tabs on our single page ?
I mean, by using one facebook app we can have only one page tab. while ShortStack is able to install multiple tabs on same page. So, can anyone explain me, how they are doing ??

by using one facebook app we can have only one page tab
Correct. And with multiple facebook apps , you can have multiple tabs - under the SAME page.
See, dont get confused, you can give the same page url same for all of your apps.


How to add Facebook App (webpage) as Tab on Facebook page

I have looked at existing questions but found nothing that answers my questions.
I have an app on facebook (its actually a webpage added as an app). I have added Page Tab as a platform. I also have a page for the app.
Now, I am trying to add this app to another page, as a tab.
I am not finding any way to do this right now. When trying to manage tabs, I can add apps. But I only see "notes" as an option. Any idea how to do that ?
The docs tell you how to add an App to a Page:
For example, open this in your browser with the appropriate parameters: will see a list of all Pages you manage and you can add the App to those.

Add custom tab to facebook page using different urls

hi to all and tx for your support.
until now to add a custom tab to facebook page i use this url
in this way i add correctly the Secure Page Tab URL to my facebook page.
my problem is that i need to add different tabs related to different urls inside the same application. i need to add for example a tab called "CONTACT" related to APP-URL/contact, another tab called "PRODUCTS" related to APP-URL/products and so on. i don't want create more than one facebook application to do this, is it possibile?
That is impossible, you can´t install an App more than one time per Page. You can only show different content depending on the Page by reading the Page ID in the signed_request parameter.
In other words: One App can be installed on several Pages, but one App can only be installed one time per Page.
Information about how to use the signed_request parameter can be found in many Stackoverflow threads, for example: how to read facebook signed_request to get user_id
It´s a simple POST parameter and you need to parse it. Just debug the result and you will see the Page ID.

Facebook Pages: Add multiple Tabs or Links to the left menu

you all may know, there are some FB apps for creating tabs or links on the left menu of a FB fanpage. tabpress is such an app.
you can add multiple tabs with different content, for example iframe, youtube video, contact forms, ...
how this apps are done? do I need an own app for each type of tab?
which FB api functions add the tabs to left side?
does anybody have some input? I want to create an app like tabpress.
Please read: for how to develop page tabs. For a tab to have a different name, it will also need to be a different app. So in your case, you will have multiple apps.
William, use this FB URL where you replace ENTER-YOUR-APP-ID-HERE with actually APP ID. Then just submit that by selecting one of your pages and you're done.

page not showing for developing an app

I am admin. of 4 pages, when I go to develop an app, it will only show 2 of those pages as options ? The one I need doesn't show. They are all the same type of page. How do I get the needed page to show?
The pages are not supposed to appear on the developer menu so I'm wondering where exactly don't these 2 pages show up?
Do you mean they don't show up when you want to add an app to them, as a tab?
They don't show up on your Insights menu, to see their stats?
Please, elaborate your question

Facebook Like Buttons and Apps

I'm able to make Facebook apps. But I have some problems. The documentation highlights this example:
My apps are getting included as iFrames, even when I specify FBML - Coke's is more embedded. The "like button" generator creates a different style of like button to Coke's. Coke's uses a built in Facebook CSS stylesheet. Coke also has FB style links down the left side of their page.
Does anyone know how I could go about making an App like that? The documentation really does not cover it. Even useful web-links would be great. Thanks!
Actually, the link to Coke is not an application, but a FB page. The like button showed is the standard like button that you get when you create a page, which is different than the one that you obtain when you use FB social plugins.
They are very different things. A page represents something: a business, product, service, etc., while an application is, well.. an application. Note that pages can hold applications in their tabs, or just normal (and brand new) iframe tabs.