Run maven gwt application in hosted mode - gwt

I have created gwt maven project and I want run it so from command line I am providing:
mvn compile gwt:run -DrunTarget=com.engile.Engile/Engile.html
But In logs it shows:
ava.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Implementing class
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.findClassInternal(
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.findClass(
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.getFilter(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.setFilterDef(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.<init>(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.filterStart(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
and pom.xml includes:
<!-- Convenience property to set the GWT version -->
<!-- GWT needs at least java 1.5 -->
<!-- <versionRange>[2.5.0,)</versionRange> -->
<hostedWebapp>${}/${} </hostedWebapp>
<!-- <runTarget>com.engile.Engile/Engile.html</runTarget> -->
<execute />
<execute />
In build path in source section I am providing outputfolder of src/main/java is target/classes and default output folder is:
is anything is wrong, I don't understand the webapp/classes folder and target/classes folder where java classes are compiled to ?

You have not configured gwt-maven-plugin in your build tag. You are only configuring maven-compiler-plugin and lifecycle-mapping plugin. The gwt-maven-plugin under lifecycle-plugin is only to inform eclipse to avoid invoking gwt compilation in refresh cycles,
You have the same issue in the other stackoverflow question too -
The parameters 'runTarget' for goal org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin:2.5.0:run are missing or invalid
Add another plugin tag in your pom.xml under buil tag after maven-compiler-plugin
<!-- <versionRange>[2.5.0,)</versionRange> -->
<hostedWebapp>${}/${} </hostedWebapp>
<!-- <runTarget>com.engile.Engile/Engile.html</runTarget> -->


Eclipse automatically run maven goals

In my Eclipse/Maven project, how can I call the buildHelper goals add-test-source, add-test-resource and add-resource?
This is my approach:
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml (from Eclipse config):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
To test, I put an empty file into a test resources directory, change a source file, save and check if the empty file is in the corresponding target/ directory afterwards. It isn't.
When I manually run compile test-compile, the test file is getting copied.

Maven (m2e) is not executing ant task

I have a POM file (to be executed by Eclipse) where I want to execute a ANT task during the generate-sources phase. Based on m2e documentation, in How to solve "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for Spring Data Maven Builds, Maven: execute antrun task during package and Where should be placed maven-compiler-plugin declaration: in <plugins> or <pluginManagement>?, I wrote my POM file in this way:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Plugin 1 -->
<!-- Plugin to be executed during generate-sources phase. -->
<!-- Should be in the generate-sources phase after the plugin above. -->
<echo message="ANT TEST" />
What I understood from my reading, is that I am asking telling to Maven the following: First ask to Eclipse plugin for Maven (m2e) to allow the maven-antrun-plugin (version 1.8 or above) to be executed during generate-sources. Next, in the generate-sources phase and after the execution of the first plugin, call the ant plugin to run the task which echo my message.
However, the messagem is not being showed. Neither when I execute just the generate-sources goal nor when I execute the install goal.
I if follow this sugestion here, and add the <phase> element inside <execution>, like here:
<echo message="ANT TEST" />
I have a Eclipse error message: Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.8:run (execution: ant-test, phase: generate-sources). Here shows a example where there is no a specific <pluginManagement> for ant plugin. But also I had no success.
So What is missing here?
Rafael Afonso
Actually, I discovered that the error message Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.8:run (execution: ant-test, phase: generate-sources) has no effect in the Maven execution. The message is shown with no problems. To speak the truth, I had to change the task to target, but the message continues to be displayed. May be it is just a kind m2e's bug which the only effect is annoys us.
Actually, I did the structure below, and it worked:

Eclipse m2e overwrites buildNumber from buildnumber-maven-plugin

I'm using Eclipse m2e, buildnumber-maven-plugin, and templating-maven-plugin to create a filtered java file with ${buildNumber}.
Here is a sample from the src/main/java-templates/ file:
public static final String BUILDNUMBER = "${buildNumber}";
If I run "mvn generate-sources" on the command line, my filtered java file contains the generated buildNumber value. If I run "generate-sources" from within Eclipse using m2e, the filtered java file briefly contains the actual buildNumber but is quickly replaced with the original string "${buildNumber}"
The structure of the project is
+-- Model/pom.xml
+-- other modules
The buildnumber-maven-plugin is run in the parent pom.xml because I use buildNumber to set a general <finalName> value for all sub-modules.
I have tried it with and without lifecycle-mapping for org.eclipse.m2e.
I did not notice any change.
I have several "echo" tasks in both pom.xml files for debug purposes. These show the correct/actual buildNumber when run.
Here is an abbreviated CmbProduct/pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Do not change version EVER. This is used by MagniCompCommon and all other sub modules. -->
<name>CMB Product</name>
<!-- SCM used by buildnumber-maven-plugin and others -->
The canonical Product Version is defined below. This value is
automatically propagated to Java via plugin in the Modelproject.
The ${buildNumber} is automatically generated on-the-fly by
Product version defined primary version of product.
This is used instead of project.version because the later must
remain the same.
<!-- Version in 4 dot (digits + dot) format suitable for Windows file Version -->
<!-- Java version -->
<!-- MagniComp common -->
<hibernate.version>4.3.11.Final</hibernate.version> <!-- was 4.3.10.Final -->
<!-- Vaadin -->
<!-- Product specific -->
<!-- We do not need a default assembly.xml
<version>1.4</version> <!-- Keep in sync with pluginsManagement -->
<inherited>false</inherited> <!-- Run only for this level project -->
<goal>create</goal> <!-- Create buildNumber -->
<goal>create-metadata</goal> <!-- Create -->
Auto update incremental integer as build number.
Without this it uses git revision.
<!-- Store buildNumber in given file. Use product.version so it resets each time version changes -->
<!-- WORKAROUND: Make ${buildNumber} available to child modules -->
<plugin> <!-- Help identify buildNumber -->
<inherited>false</inherited> <!-- Run only for this level project -->
<echo>Build Number (buildNumber) is ${buildNumber}</echo>
<!-- This plugin allows us to add "src-gen" as another source dir -->
... snip ....
Here is Model/pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<resources> <!-- XXX ARE WE GOING TO USE THIS? -->
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->
<!-- Override eclipse error about "create-metadata" goal from above plugin -->
<plugin> <!-- Aid with making sure buildNumber is available -->
<echo>Build number during validate is ${buildNumber}</echo>
<echo>Build number during generate-sources is ${buildNumber}</echo>
<plugin> <!-- Must be after buildnumber-maven-plugin due to ${buildNumber} -->
<!-- Take files in sourceDirectory and filter them to outputDirectory -->
<!-- Copy the created by buildnumber-maven-plugin -->
<goals> <goal>copy-resources</goal> </goals>
... snip ...
Its been a while, but I got this work with the create-timestamp goal with the timestampFormat and timestampPropertyName configuration properties, and the by adding the runOnConfiguration true on the Eclipse m2e lifecycle mapping.
Build number plugin:
<!-- formats the timestamp all together like 20160404141705123 and puts
it in the ${myBuildNumberVariable} buildProperty -->

Error deploying gwt project with Eclipse/Maven

I started to use Maven in Eclipse (m2eclipse) recently. Unfortunately lately I've been unable to run the application from Eclipse. I get the error:
Loading modules
Loading inherited module ''
[ERROR] Unable to find 'src/main/java/com/ohapp/webconfuturo/WebConfuturo.gwt.xml' on your
classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath
entry for source? [ERROR] shell failed in doStartup method
I already checked and the file is there. Isn't visible in Eclipse but is in the file system.
Strangely if I run the program through Maven (mvn gwt:run) it works just fine.
My pom.xml (without the dependencies) is the following:
<!-- Dependecies --!>
<!-- Generate compiled stuff in the folder used for development mode -->
<!-- Need to run the RF Validation tool. This works on both the command-line
and in Eclipse, provided that m2e-apt is installed. -->
<!-- in order to interpolate version from pom into appengine-web.xml -->
<!--suppress MavenModelInspection -->
<!-- Plugin configuration. There are many available options, see gwt-maven-plugin
documentation at -->
<!-- URL that should be automatically opened in the GWT shell (gwt:run). -->
<!-- Ask GWT to create the Story of Your Compile (SOYC) (gwt:compile) -->
<!-- JS is only needed in the package phase, this speeds up testing -->
<!-- Copy static web files before executing gwt:run -->
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
<execute />
What am I doing wrong?
I figured this one out. The arguments in my Run settings where wrong. I had the the gwt.xml file referenced with full path and not relative to source folder:
I changed it to:
And problem solved.
I don't know how this happened since it wasn't me who made the changes.

The output directory for the project should be set to /gwtproject/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes

I have created a GWT Maven project in Eclipse using New->Project->Maven project->GWT Eclipse plugin. It was created, but it gives some errors like
The output directory for the project should be set to /gwtproject/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes
Is anything missing while configuring my project?
My pom.xml includes:
<!-- Generate compiled stuff in the folder used for developing mode -->
<execute />
<execute />
An eclipsy solution to this problem is:
Select the project in the Package Explorer.
Open the properties of the project.
Select Java Build Path
Change the default output folder
Question the life decisions you made that landed you in Eclipse.
You should do a pre-check with GWT Article WorkingWithMaven -
Also refer GWT Sample project Validation, DynaTableRf and MobileWebApp.
You need to configure the missing part in <webappDirectory> tag in the pom. I think this should solve your problem: Click Here