How can i access iPhone files via Objective-c? - iphone

I noticed that there is software (such as iExplorer) that allows you to access files on an iPhone-device from your Mac.
Now my question is: How can I access iPhone files via Objective-c?
This is only for educational purposes.
I found this: but I'm not sure if I'm on the right track.

So it seems that you're looking for an API which makes it possible to access the filesystem of the iPhone from a computer. Well, this API exists, and it's called the MobileDevice framework.

Unfortunately, there's no easy or legal way to access files on your iPhone, especially through Objective-C.
The applications installed on iOS are sandboxed, which means they can only access files in their own directory tree; they have no access/knowledge of other files.
Like you said, you can access files using software like iExplorer, but not programmatically from the iPhone itself.

Here is an old project to browse the iphone. You may be able to get some pointers from it on building an application to do the same with the latest info.
Couple that with carbonic acid's post about the Mobile Device Framework and you should be able to do some good stuff.
if I find more unique info ill post it here.


Access files of one Application from other application in ios

Can we have shared storage in iPhone which is accessible to other ios apps?
I am working on one ios app which downloads updated files from server. And there will be some other application which uses those files. So for that I want to save downloaded files on particular location. So that I can access those files from other application.
So the flow will be like this,
Application1, which will download files from server.
Application2 or Application3..... will use those files.
Do we have such type of shared location in iOS. Is it possible in iOS?
Thank you in advance.
No. Its not possible as your application will be in sandbox mode.
All applications are sandboxed as the other answers have said.
However, if you own both apps, or you know the developer of the other app, you could always use some sort of cloud storage, but that may defeat the point of you asking this question
You can't "share" files between in iOS, because all apps are sandboxed and can't access other files besides its own files with the public APIs.
Maybe you could combine the functionality of all the separate apps into a single app. Have each one be a module accessible from a master menu.
Read Apple Doc File System Basics

How to localize App Store meta data for Phonegap app on iPhone

i'm currently wondering how to add more localizations to my PhoneGap App on the App Store. So it is already deployed, and in App Store it shows under Languages, right under the Icon "English, Spanish" but I never changed any configs or so to acheive this. I found in my xCode-project /App_NAME/Resources a en.lproj and es.lproj folder with Localisation.strings.
The standard way I found so far would be to do this.
But for some Reason those folder I create never appear in xCode. What am I doing wrong, and why can't I add more of these ominous XX.lproj-folders?
I'm totally stuck.
I can do javascript localisations for the app itsself but without this app-store languages I can't get my meta-data translated...
Any experience highly appreciated!
the best way is to do it from javascript since you're using PhoneGap.
retrieve the device/userAgent language (or locale, or simply ask the user for a preferred language) and then edit the content accordingly.
If you want to localize app store meta data, your app, or your marketing content there are tools out there now to speed the process such as TraductoPro, which also has built-in human translation ordering services. It even automates or 'macronizes' your code, making the xcode strings localizable. It's a Mac app, simple to use.

iPhone and Webapp sync through iCloud ??

just checking if its possible to sync iOS devices AND a web app through iCloud. Currently we've got an iOS app built, are looking at using iCloud for synching between all the devices and also want a web app component. iCloud would be great to use as the module to sync everything together.
Anyone know if it's possible ?
I have a similar requirement and have wondered about this too.
Unfortunately iCloud data doesn't seem to be accessible to a Web app. And if you found a hack around it, it would still be an unreliable solution as Apple could always make changes down the road that break your Web component, intentionally or not.
Edit: With CloudKit this is no longer true. It comes with a Javascript API for the explicit purpose of providing a web version of your app.
Sorry if I'm misunderstanding the question, but I was looking to add iCloud support to my web app recently and came across the official iCloud JS API. The promo text reads:
Keep your apps connected and up to date across iOS, OS X, and now on the web with CloudKit JS.
[emphasis added]
It is really hard to determine what you mean.... If you are asking if you can implement iCloud in a web app, then I believe that the answer is 'no', since there is only an API for Objective-C for iCloud.
However, you might be able to embed your JS code inside of a native wrapper and write some native code for working with iCloud. However, that may or may not be an option depending on your particular situation.
Edited for spelling.
You could possibly do this, but only if
You where running your own server
The server was running on the iOS platform
You where able to create software in Objective-C for that server
You could then potentially write a server application, that could be used to connect to the iCloud API, then return the calls back to the end user as Json messages that could be consumed, perhaps by some html interface.

Can I access the visual voicemail files on the iphone thru the SDK?

I would like to access the visual voicemail files that are stored on an iphone. Are there ways to access these files through the SDK? Does anybody have any experience in working with these files? I am assuming that they are files that are downloaded from the network and stored locally on the iphone.
No, each application on the iPhone is isolated, so you cannot access data for any other application, unless Apple specifically provides an API for doing so, like they did for the Contacts list.
No - the issue is that Apple provides very few methods to access data outside of your application's "sandbox". At this point, you can really only access contacts data and the camera via the supported methods. If you try to access data outside of your application without using an Apple provided public API designed for that purpose, your app will most likely not be allowed in the app store. Maybe this will change in the future, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

iPhone app that access the Core Location framework over web

I was wondering if I could access the iPhones Core Location framework over a website?
My goal is to build a webapp/website that the iPhone would browse to, then upload its current GPS location. This would be a simple site primary for friends/family so we could locate each other. I can have them manually enter lng/lat but its not the easiest thing to find. If the iPhone could display or upload this automatically it would be great.
I don't own a Mac yet (waiting for the new Mac Book Pro) but would like something a little more automatic right now. Once I have the mac I could download the SDK and build a better version later. For now a webapp version would be great if possible. Thanks.
Why not simply use W3C GeoLocation API available in mobile Safari? This will work on ipod touch as well (suburb precision).
It's literally 10 lines of code and the javascript will work without change on Firefox 3.5. Far easier than scrape some third party website.
iPhone App store
While this may not directly answer your question, there are quite a few iPhone apps that already do this kind of thing with GPS. Instamapper is the first one I pulled up from the app store, but I'm sure you could find something to fit your needs.
I'm pretty sure you can't do what you want directly.
The best idea I can come up with is to "reuse" an iPhone app that records location and makes it accessible on the web. Take Twitter for example. If I'm not mistaken, Tapulous' app Twinkle will grab your location and post it to your user profile. Here's an example of what that looks like:
From your webapp, you could then scrape the user page for each person whose location you're interested in. It's a pain in the butt, but like I said, this is the best I could come up with.
Again, if you don't want to mess with Twitter, there may be other apps out there that do this as well, but I don't personally know of any. Good luck.
We built a really thin iphone client app that simply calls a predefined .js file on our site. Works like a charm.
See for the project.