LimeJS vs CreateJS for game development [closed] - easeljs

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to start developing HTML5/JS games. And I see these 2 frameworks LimeJS and CreateJS & EaselJS. Which one is better? Does anyone have experience with these 2 frameworks? And what about the documentation?

Yes, I experienced both unfortunately.
Limejs :
1 . You should have python installed to compile and run the code.
2 . You should manually use other javascripts inorder to preload
all the assets before the game gets start or else there will be
chance to slower the game animations.
3 . The compiled code is non human readable so that your code
cannot be understandable to third party users. The compilation
is done using python
4 . Issue with audio on different browsers in different
5 . No other resources other than Developers
1 . You can directly use javascript for html and run.
2 . CreateJS itself haves PreLoadJS,TweenJs,EaselJS,SoundJS so you
can render loaders and audio easily
3 . No compilation less security in case of javascript file
4 . You will be using soundjs for loading audio.
5 . Has their own API for each Tween,Easel,Sound and
Last and Finally compare to LimeJs, Many developers use Createjs for developing games including me.

The Breakouts project might help. It's sort of like TodoMVC in that they take a simple game of Breakout and implement it in different frameworks.
It covers Easel/CreateJS, LimeJS and 10 other popular frameworks.

I'm using EaselJS and personally I'm very happy with it, it's activly developed and also supported by Adobe and Microsoft.
As a possible alternative you could take a look at
If you are interested in getting started with EaselJS you can take a look at my tutorial-series:
(They are slightly out of date, as they where written for the previous verison of EaselJS, but still do work with the current version)

I've just started developing games with EaselJS, seems easy if you know JS at some level.
The lack of real world examples is a minus, but there are plenty of tutorials on basic usages of framework. And yeah, there is lots of good documentation on Easel on their website.
Their SoundJS and TweenJS are also very impressive libraries, take a look at them ;)

CreateJS is right tool to get started quickly. We are using HTML5 to create games with Javascript and HTML and that's why no reason to get involved with Python in LimeJS.

The documentation for CreateJS got a huge update in February/2013, and there are a bunch of tutorials for EaselJS that can help get you started.


Render openCTM files on android (especially flutter)

I'm currently developing an App in Flutter which i need to display 3D models. I know. Flutter is, at least at the moment, not the best choice (or shouldn't be even a choice) to build 3d apps but unfortunately i didn't know this when i started developing. I managed to render a simple '.obj' file with a simple engine I found on the internet:
Now my problem:
My app needs to contain multiple hundred 3D models so I need to reduce the app's size. I experimented with openCTM to compress my '.obj' models and got a good result.
Now i want to display these '.ctm' files in my app. And thats the point where I got stuck.
I've researched for days if there's a sample or a tutorial to solve my problem but I haven't found one.
I've read the official openCTM documents and found openCtm reader ported to javascript ( and dart ( And now I dont know where to begin.
I guess I need to, if my problem is solvable in flutter, modify the engine im currently using and add the openCTM reading part to it.
I hope that anyone of you can help me with my problem. Maybe even solved it already. Furthermore I hope I explained my problem clear enough.
If you can provide a native solution it would helpful, too.
Thank you in advance!

CMS for plain HTML website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Hello I got a website with around 5-6 pages (plain html). There are areas in these pages where I need to update occassionally. Is there any free / opensource CMS to maintain these editable areas of HTML page.
Perch is excellent for small sites.
At its very simplest, Perch allows you to replace static content in an HTML file with placeholders. A simple GUI then allows you to edit those placeholder values for individual pages. So, for example, if you have a file containing this chunk of markup:
<h1>My site</h1>
you can change that to:
<h1><?php perch_content('Main heading'); ?></h1>
and you'll then be able to edit 'Main heading' through the GUI. Most CMS apps work in a similar way, but Perch is the first I've come across that does very little else, which is a huge plus for small projects.
I haven't used Perch for a while, and I'm sure they've added some features since I last did, but I'd still recommend you give it a try. It's cheap, too.
I think couchcms is a pretty good open source alternative to the likes of cushycms and perch
I recommend cushy is very popular. Many people also use Wordpress - Also try googling "simple cms".
The answer will obviously be dependent on the requirements of the software and the capabilities of your server.
You should also check out You can try out various cms's there until you find one you like.
For a five-page website, Drupal is probably overkill; I'd say Wordpress is good enough (just define a page for each page of the website, copy and paste your content, choose a theme, and you're done). (You would want to either use the blogging features of WP to take full advantage of it, though.)
If for some reason you really want to try out Drupal but don't want to invest a lot of time into figuring it out (it does take some ... well, a lot ... of time to figure out right out of the box), and you're not in a big hurry, you can wait a bit until it's possible to try out the new Drupal Gardens hosted CMS system (currently in beta). (You need a beta key to try it. Sign up for the beta on the site and then wait for your key.)
Since your most likely a programmer I would recommend github's very own Jekyll:
Here are some sites powered by it:
As a bonus you can use Github to provide you free hosting (your site will be a public repository that only you can edit).
Have you tried using mut8? They have pretty alright features.

Is there any ready-made calendar control for iPhone apps? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am building an applicaiton for the iPhone that will display upcoming and past events. I settled for a list view, but then I realized that a calendar (just like the one displayed in the "month" view in the built-in Calendar application) would be a best match.
However, the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines just mentions the Date Picker, not the calendar, so I believe there is nothing like that out of the box. Is that true? If so, does anyone know of a third-party control that could be used? (I could write one myself, but I'd rather pick up something ready, since this is a departure on the original project plans).
These are the option I am aware of:
EDIT: as of May 6, 2010
1) GCCalendar
3) (needs to be customized - easily - to change text from chinese to english)
4) Commercial: but the look & feel of the previous ones is much, much better and they are free, if you can comply with their licenses.
Hope this helps.
The best site is indeed, because you find screenshots of the separate calendars. Nevertheless, I made a list:
VURIG Calendar
TimesSquare Calendar
Buy components
Resco Mobileformstoolkit
Infragistics iOS Controls
I have this in a Excel-Sheet, where you can find much more information.
I would add this very good library.
Check out Kal:
Your goto place for any question like this these days is Searching for "calendar"✓&q=calendar
gives us 15 responses at post date; this one seems particularly appealing at first glance.
DSLCalendarView for iOS
is the best.
I've wrote my own (suitable for iPad / landscape view, scrollable, stylable, builds on Three20) –
On GitHub –
The library for the custom controller for calendar.
1) OCCalendar
2) PMCalendar
3) MAWeekView
4) ios-calendar
5) Kal
6) CKCalendar
Hope it will help you fine.Available on git also.
A slightly newer contender that works better in the iOS7 world is TimesSquare.
I used Tapku for a long time but haven't found it all that flexible, and the code is really hard to modify.
There are also other new version custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (2.0) CVCalendar. It provides easily customisable calendar control for iOS.
DDCalendarView which looks similar to iCal. It has both ObjectiveC and Swift version of code. Currently it shows only daily events. we need to develop the UI to support weekly and monthly events. Event classes used in this calendar are not inherited from EKEventKit classes.

iPhone web applications, templates, frameworks? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
Does anyone have any good starting points for me when looking at making web pages/sites/applications specifically for viewing on the iPhone?
I've looked at templates like the one Joe Hewitt has made, and also seen some templates I can purchase, which I haven't done yet.
I figured someone else had already started on this track and decided that I could probably leech on their newfound knowledge :)
So, does anyone have any pointers? I'm well aware of the problem that the more such a template/framework makes a web app look like a native iPhone app, the more likely I'm going to get into trouble because it just isn't, but for now I want a framework I can start building on, and then in the process figure out how to make it distinctive enough to be perceived as a web app as well as looking like a native iPhone application.
Specifically I'm looking for features like:
stylesheets set up, or pointers to how to do them for iPhone
page flipping animation, ie. pick an item in a list, list scrolls out of view to the left and information for item scrolls in from the right
the animation part would have to work with dynamic pages, ie. not just one big page that has divs set up for each sub-item, which at least one such framework had as a sort of quick fix, I would need to have list item picking load the page for that item, and then when loaded, scroll to it
Edit: To avoid people reading only the question and answering, before reading my other reply, I'll add my clarification for GPL licensing and similar issues here.
The framework I need to use can not be distributed under a license which would require me to license my own project out under a similar license. The GPL family of licenses allows for exceptions regarding library usage, but this won't apply to this since by necessity, the kind of framework I would need to use would be all source code.
The project can easily accomodate commercial libraries.
Also, I don't need a library or a framework as such, example files that look good and aren't overly obfuscated would be welcome as well.
I found iphone-universal on Google Code the other day. Haven't had a chance to try it out but it looks promising.
jQtouch looks outstanding.
The iUI library, originally from Joe Hewitt, would be a good place to start. The library is BSD licensed and has no commercial restrictions.
You're right in assuming iphone-universal is not an option for you -- its actually licensed under Affero GPL which triggers the distribution clause simply by accessing the software over a network which is quite different to standard GPL.
I'm currently looking into Check out the demo here. Compared to the other frameworks mentioned, it has the following advantages:
Under active development
Active user community
Has an open license, free to distribute as long as you include the copyright/disclaimer
The last point was really the winner for me. I'm looking at building something that will be included in a commercial product, so the other frameworks like iphone-universal and iwebkit (both GPL) weren't options.
QuickConnectiPhone is LGPL so you can use it the way you want. It has a custom Dashcode project that includes the needed files. It is highly modular. It will even let you compile your JavaScript, HTML, and CSS into an installable application if you want.
For more information you could look at
Try iwebkit
Here is a demo:
This looks good, but unfortunately it's being licensed under GPLv3, so I'm actually a bit afraid to start looking at that code. The framework I either need to find, or develop if needs be, must be able to be used as part of a commercial program, without having to license the entire program different. Commercial libraries are fine, I just haven't found any I can demo yet, presumably because I could just then steal all the code if I wanted to.
Guess I'll look further, thanks for the link though.
Edit: Clarification. I'd be fine with the requirement to share the source to the web framework part for the iPhone, if someone wanted it, but since this framework is all source, I'm afraid that incorporating bits of it into an existing web application (to make a skin for iPhone), I'd be making the whole web application liable for GPL license, which is totally out of the question. Even sharing all the files related to the iPhone pages is out of the question, since they will contain proprietary code.
I've been mucking around with iUI, and find it quite good, but to be honest I haven't looked at the licencing model, so I've no idea what it is. It is very simple and straight forward though, and works well with ASP.NET MVC.
Check out iWebkit 6. It works only on iOS 5, though :(.
You can also use saurik's. It doesn't have all of the features you said you wanted, but I'll try to see how to implement them. Also, you said you wanted to build on it. For a demo (saurik took down the actual good part of you can use mine on my other site.
To avoid transferring all those images, just add this in the header:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
also, add this to your CSS:
body > panel > fieldset > div > a: hover {
background-image: url('menutouched.png')
menutouched.png is here:
This function in js slides the page. It is from Joe Hewitt’s iUI project:
function swipePage(fromPage, toPage, backwards)
{ = “100%”;
toPage.setAttribute(“selected”, “true”);
scrollTo(0, 1);
var percent = 100;
var timer = setInterval(function()
percent += animateX;
if (percent <= 0)
percent = 0;
} = (backwards ? (100-percent) : (percent-100)) + "%"; = (backwards ? -percent : percent) + "%";
}, animateInterval);
For loading the next page, you could try something like executing a window.location with a delay. The timing is up to you though.
You also need to add this to your CSS:
body {
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
-webkit-user-select: none;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
-webkit-touch-callout: none;

Any good tools for creating timelines? [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to create a historical timeline starting from 1600's to the present day. I also need to have some way of showing events on the timeline so that they do not appear cluttered when many events are close together.
I have tried using Visio 2007 as well as Excel 2007 Radar Charts, but I could not get the results I wanted. the timeline templates in Visio are not great and using Radar charts in Excel leads to cluttered data.
Are there any other tools or techniques I could use to create these?
The first link looks great. Thanks! The second link did not work in Firefox and was rendered as ASCII. It opened up fine in IE.
And yes, this is for the end users. So I want it to look as presentable as possible, if you know what I mean.
Thanks again!
SIMILIE Timeline would probably suit your needs.
Timeline .NET:
Oh, i guess i should ask... for personal use or for display to end users? that might change what i would suggest, but this could work for internal purposes too i suppose.
Lifehacker has a good overview and tutorial of SIMILIE Timeline. They seem to like it quite a bit.
If you need a timeline from RSS Feeeds give xTimeline a try. I just used it
#Pascal this page? If it's looking like ascii maybe look for a js error, but that renders on my system fine. If all else fails, it's a decent js library by the MIT team as it is, so you could wire up your own implementation
I also recommend Simile Timeline... I just implemented a webpage that uses it and JQuery and produces fantastic results. The downside is that you need to implement it through some html page, hook it up with the js and create some xml files, so it probably won't do for a presentational tool. is a good data visualization blog, maybe you find something there. Also check
For webbased timelines, there is also:
dipity (looks killer):
You can used this great timeline tool built with JavaScript.
You can download it for free here: