Eclipse Indigo Service Release 2 running on Microsoft WindowsServer 2008 R2. Now I want set "New File Line Delimiter" as Unix (or set as default for all work spaces) for all users.
How can we do this?
Workspace: Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> New text file line delimiter.
Project: Properties -> Resource -> New text file line delimiter.
The file dilimeter I was looking for separated lines of code from obvious sharp differences in the data (e.g. 1. "," , 2. ":", 3. ";" , etc.). I did find my answer using the following line of code:
String arr[ ] = line.split(",");
String arr[ ] = line.split(":");
The IPYTHON documentation implies there is a way to modify the config file to include an additional path for templates.
Please advise. I have a template file which I want to use, with extension *.tpl which I do not want to have to move around to the local directory of where I do my work.
Any tips? I've searched everywhere and can't find this. It seems to only search the local directory where I am running the ipython nbconvert test.ipynb --to slides --template output_toggle_html.
In the file located , you can enter the line c.TemplateExporter.template_path = ['.'] which will do the same as the default behavior, however you can add to this list. For example, the code below adds $IPYTHONDIR/nbextensions/templates and will search for *.tpl files in those locations, in the order in which they are provided in the list.
from os import environ
template_rel_path = '/nbextensions/templates'
template_path = IPYTHONDIR + template_rel_path
c.TemplateExporter.template_path = [
I'm trying to get vim set up as an IDE for Perl. I'm using generic, text-based vim, not gvim.
I installed the "vim-perl" addon at using the vim addon manager per the suggestion of someone else. At least I think it's installed but I don't notice any difference in how the file is processed.
First I installed the vim-addon-manager with Debian's package manager. Then I put the following code in my .vimrc file and reloaded it:
" put this line first in ~/.vimrc
set nocompatible | filetype indent plugin on | syn on
fun! SetupVAM()
let c = get(g:, 'vim_addon_manager', {})
let g:vim_addon_manager = c
let c.plugin_root_dir = expand('$HOME', 1) . '/.vim/vim-addons'
" Force your ~/.vim/after directory to be last in &rtp always:
" let g:vim_addon_manager.rtp_list_hook = 'vam#ForceUsersAfterDirectoriesToBeLast'
" most used options you may want to use:
" let c.log_to_buf = 1
" let c.auto_install = 0
let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?'':',').c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager'
if !isdirectory(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager/autoload')
execute '!git clone --depth=1 git:// '
\ shellescape(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager', 1)
" This provides the VAMActivate command, you could be passing plugin names, too
call vam#ActivateAddons([], {})
all SetupVAM()
" OPTION 1, use VAMActivate
VAMActivate github:vim-perl/vim-perl
" OPTION 2: use call vam#ActivateAddons
"call vam#ActivateAddons([vim-perl], {})
use <c-x><c-p> to complete plugin names
" OPTION 3: Create a file ~/.vim-srcipts putting a PLUGIN_NAME into each line
" See lazy loading plugins section in for details
" call vam#Scripts('~/.vim-scripts', {'tag_regex': '.*'})
So what exactly is the vim-perl addon supposed to do for me? I can't find any good documenation anywhere.
At least parts of vim-perl are incorporated in the factory-default configuration of Vim; cp. $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/perl.vim and $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/perl.vim. By installing (and regularly upgrading) the plugin, you'll get:
a newer version of the scripts, with potential enhancements and bug fixes
some additional functionality (f.e. there's a syntax/mason.vim that's not yet in Vim itself)
If you regularly edit non-trivial Perl scripts, or use latest language features, installing vim-perl is worth contemplating. If you're just a casual programmer, I would wait until a real need arises.
I'm working on a LaTeX project in Eclipse with German text. On one of our project computers, the words with Umlauts are shown with the wrong encoding, e.g.:
Ãbersicht über
rather than:
Übersicht über
Under Window --> Preferences --> General --> Workspace the text file encoding is set to "Default (UTF-8)". Also, I have the following line at the top of the TeX file:
Here's the output of locale:
me#localhost:~> locale
Here are the TeXlipse settings:
#TeXlipse project settings
#Tue Apr 29 11:10:19 CEST 2014
On the other computers it works fine. If I open the file in another editor (e.g. Kile, vi, etc.) the umlauts are also shown correctly. What's the problem here?
I had the same problem and could resolve by accessing "Project properties > Resource" and, in the groupbox "Text file enconding", selecting "Other (UTF-8)", instead of "Inherited from container" (whose value was "Cp1252").
I followed and configured something like this
The translation works but has one little problem: the backslashes are not translated.
I am getting the following message:
pydev debugger: warning: trying to add breakpoint to file that does not exist:
/path/to/app\subpath\foo\ (will have no effect)
How can I configure so the backslashes get translated?
I found a solution.
I set
eclipse_sep = '\\'
python_sep = '/'
I need to create a server-side app that saving information to a mongoDB ,
I'm working with java-eclipse-IDE and i have some problems with that .
First ,
I download the mongo-2.7.2.jar and add it to the path ( project ->properties-> java build path -> add jar -> (adding the mongo-2.7.2.jar file ) .
When I press "Run" without writing any other line except the empty - class & main function
The console writing me that :
CLI (1) [java application] path date
Usage : [--bucket bucketname] action
where action is one of:
list : lists all files in the store
put filename : puts the file filename into the store
get filename1 filename2 : gets filename1 from store and sends to filename2
md5 filename : does an md5 hash on a file in the db (for testing)
I tried to put a system.out.print("indications") in the main function but the console showing me the same output ...
onother interesting fact is when i'm wrting a code using a mongo DB the compiler accepted the code and not throwing errors ( seems he accepted the mongo-2.7.2.jar ).
second ,
I thoght maby i need to install a mongoDB plugin to eclipse , should i?
third ,
I saw that maven is integrated a mongoDB service , is it right that i should download maven to eclipse for handle mongoDB?
I need help soon as possible ....
Sounds like its trying to do something with GridFS but is missing a bucket name... are you using GridFS?