Permission for creating organization's site in Liferay - liferay-6

I have defined a custom role and assigned it to UserX. I want UserX to create an Organization , then create the Organization's site. I have checked all the permissions under "Users and Organizations" section while defining custom role. However I am unable to create Organization's site.
When I check Create Site Box in the Organization Site section of Organization Information, I get
Public Pages
This organization does not have any public pages.
Private Pages
This organization does not have any private pages.
Where I am expecting it to give a selection box to select either Community Site, Intranet Site or any other custom site template.
Which permission shall I include to my custom role , to get that selection box to select either Community Site, Intranet Site or any other custom site template ?

Goto Control Panel -> Sites. It shows the list of sites. Select if the site you want exists, if not create a site by clicking on the add site button. Then from the site list click on the Actions button and select Manage Pages option. Select Private Pages tab and choose Add Page button to add private page to this site.
Enjoy !!


Facebook API: find out whether private message links into business manager or not

When fetching page conversations, I receive a link field. This link field is an absolute path, without the server, e.g. /PAGE-12312/manager/messages/?mercurythreadid=....
Depending on whether a page is managed via the "Facebook Business Manager" or not, that link should be either opened via or
How can I find out whether the FB page is managed via the business manager, i.e. how can I know how to properly construct the link back to facebook?
Linking to a private messages on a page managed via the business manager does not word, i.e. opening leads to an error.
The business field on the /{page-id} node in graph api is the ID of the business that owns the page in Business Manager, if any. It's only available with a page admin token.
You have to ask explicitly for the field in the api-request:
The way we solved worked this around is by realizing that you can always link into the Business Manager, even when the page doesn't have it activated.

Problems while adding facebook tab to my page

Facebook page missing in drop-down of page list when adding page tab to my facebook page using add to page link.
Page I want a app to be added is disabled in the drop down list.
Just to update to people who are wondering about the same issue, here's a solution:
If your page has Page owner (Who has claimed business manager of Facebook page), then no one can add tabs to page not even Admin or Manager of page.
Only one person can be a page owner unlike manager role and he can add tabs to a page.
If your page do not have any page owner, then Facebook Page managers or admins can add tabs to Facebook page.

How I get the Rss XML of google groups I have created?

Hi I have also problem with feed actually the rss I have gotten is of private group when I get logged in it shows me message but it did not show messages when we are not logged in from our email.
This is my public group rss
And this is my private group rss There is Forbidden Error Error 403
Can any body help me that I can get the rss feed messages and show them into my web site.
You have to be logged with your google account to see the private rss feed.
Solution: First, you must set the Public on the Internet sharing option for the Google Groups for Business service. Learn more about setting sharing options
Next, the owner of the group must make the group's messages accessible to the public, as follows:
From the Google Groups Home screen, click My groups.
Click the name of the group you want to make accessible.
Click Manage then on the left click Permissions > Access permissions.
In View topics, select Anyone.
more info here
RSS options for groups not available more info here.

page authentication to specific pages

In my web site, I want to ask the users for permission to manage their pages.
I saw in the documentation that I need to use the following:
However, I retrieve back a list of pages which are manages by the user.
Is there a way that inside the auth dialog the user will see list of pages managed by him so he could confirm only those that he allows?
I also don't know what are the pages id, and prefer not to call a method where I need to specify the page id, but to get a token and page id from what he has already selected.
In the old authorization dialogs there was a drop-down so the user can specify which pages they want to allow. However, that is now deprecated and the new dialog grants every page as you have found out. Basically, your app can show the user which pages they currently have under their management (display list from data return for HTTP Get /me/accounts) and let them choose.

how to make users to manage their facebook pages in my website for adding some custom landing tabs?

how to make users to manage their facebook pages in my website for adding some custom landing tabs which i created in my webpage.when are user clicks on that custom tab, it should generate a dialog box or facebook API , with the list of pages which the current user has created and he should be able to select either of one page and that page should redirect him to that selected page in facebook with that custom tab.. Please developers help out me with some coding.
for example:follow this site hyly...
i was stucked up with this problem from last 1 month..hope you will make me to overcome this problem...
To retrieve the current pages a user administer you need the manage_pages permission and then to query: /me/accounts
Then you can install an app into a page by issuing a HTTP POST to PAGE_ID/tabs (example)
No one will build (code) an app for you. This community is about solving technical issues, i.e. you have done all the work and stuck in some points which you need help with.