How I get the Rss XML of google groups I have created? - google-groups

Hi I have also problem with feed actually the rss I have gotten is of private group when I get logged in it shows me message but it did not show messages when we are not logged in from our email.
This is my public group rss
And this is my private group rss There is Forbidden Error Error 403
Can any body help me that I can get the rss feed messages and show them into my web site.

You have to be logged with your google account to see the private rss feed.

Solution: First, you must set the Public on the Internet sharing option for the Google Groups for Business service. Learn more about setting sharing options
Next, the owner of the group must make the group's messages accessible to the public, as follows:
From the Google Groups Home screen, click My groups.
Click the name of the group you want to make accessible.
Click Manage then on the left click Permissions > Access permissions.
In View topics, select Anyone.
more info here
RSS options for groups not available more info here.


How to retrieve my own comments from a public group on Facebook

I am attempting to retrieve my own comments from a public group on Facebook, using the Facebook Graph API. This is a public group of which I am not an administrator.
I have attempted a number of strategies, but to no avail so far. I keep hitting brick walls, e.g.:
The xxx'yyy' is only accessible on the User object after the user grants the 'user_managed_groups' permission.
If I go on my own profile activity log, I can see those comments, so I would have expected there should have been a way to retrieve those programmatically through the Graph API.
Am I mistaken?
On the chance that I am indeed mistaken, I have sent the following feedback to Facebook:
I would like to b able to retrieve my own comments from a public group on Facebook, using the Facebook Graph API. This is a
public group of which I am not an administrator.
At the moment, the Graph API documentation (v2.12) states that to read the feed I need to provide a user access token for an Admin of
the Group with the user_managed_groups permissions.
Please note that if I go on my own profile activity log, I can see those comments, so I would have expected there should have been a way
to retrieve those programmatically through the Graph API.
Group feeds are only accessible with an access token of a group admin now.
Please note that if I go on my own profile activity log, I can see those comments, so I would have expected there should have been a way to retrieve those programmatically through the Graph API.
The main difference is, that you are one single person looking at your own data. But if I create an app and have a hundred thousand people log in to it and it was possible to read that data, then I could accumulate it for whatever shady purpose ...
(Now with the feed of a public group that might seem a little over the top, I know - but I think the general idea is to make automated data collection harder.)

Facebook API - Retrieve Posts and Comments in Private Group

I have created many apps that collect group posts and comments in the past. I have created the new app and I am able to login and get credentials. When I try to collect the information for the private group I receive a blank return.
I am using the administrators account but it does not make a difference which account I use.
I have been digging through the documentation but cant seem to find any details on working with private groups.
Has anyone worked with private groups or know the workaround?

Access private facebook group's posts using Graph API

I've been trying (with little success) for a while now to get all the posts from a private group that I am in and display them on our website so that the people with
out Facebook can still see them. I know this is possible with a public group (which our group cannot be), but is it possible with a private group?
I've tried access tokens on the Graph API Explorer, but that just returns:
"data": [
I also read that to access private groups the user needs to log in as a user in that group. However, this would be pointless as the whole point in trying to do this is to allow people without facebook to see the group's posts.
Thank you all
The whole point of a "private" group is that only logged in group members can see the feed.
That being said, you can only use the permission user_managed_groups to get the group feed with the /group-id/feed endpoint. You need to use a User Access Token for this, with the correct permission, and this only works as group admin. You can't read the feed of a group just because the user is a member of the group - at least not anymore.

Facebook API: find out whether private message links into business manager or not

When fetching page conversations, I receive a link field. This link field is an absolute path, without the server, e.g. /PAGE-12312/manager/messages/?mercurythreadid=....
Depending on whether a page is managed via the "Facebook Business Manager" or not, that link should be either opened via or
How can I find out whether the FB page is managed via the business manager, i.e. how can I know how to properly construct the link back to facebook?
Linking to a private messages on a page managed via the business manager does not word, i.e. opening leads to an error.
The business field on the /{page-id} node in graph api is the ID of the business that owns the page in Business Manager, if any. It's only available with a page admin token.
You have to ask explicitly for the field in the api-request:
The way we solved worked this around is by realizing that you can always link into the Business Manager, even when the page doesn't have it activated.

How can I integrate profile information of Facebook group members on an external website?

the question is in the title.
I have been assigned to find out if the following is possible:
I create a group on Facebook. Selected people become members.
On a external website, I want to display all group members with their basic info - picture, name, link to public profile.
I have skimmed the Facebook Dev pages, and so far it seems to me that this is not possible simply with Social Plugins. Do I have to write some sort of App for Facebook? It came to my mind, that there should probably some permission from the group members to display them, is that right? But this probably does only work with an App, not a group. So do I have to create an App and use the Graph API to include the data on the website?
Yes, you will have to create an app. The facepile plugin will show faces, but I do not believe you can target a group with it.
It should be a reasonably straightforward app to create: you will need the user_group permission and I believe that would be it.
If the group is public, just access it by going to and to get the members, access
If the group is private or closed, you will need to create an app so that you can get an access token. Look at their authorization documentation on that (you will probably need to create a temporary dummy website to do the redirects to Facebook and record the token then grant you). You will probably need offline_access to run the call over and over.
With that access token, access the groups api using the url format posted above and with the access_token appended as a query string parameter.