Hiding A Facebook App's Presence Completely - facebook

I need to hide an app's presence in user's profile completely so no one else besides the app's user will be aware of the app. (No notifications will be posted on timeline.) It will be a private app (it's weird to see something like this on a social network eh?) that will only be visible to users of it. Think of it like a personal assistant.
As I've found, the solution is to disable Settings > Advanced > Social Discovery from App settings panel. Will it be enough to address my issue? I'm asking this because there is no good documentation besides the little question mark near the field that makes me paranoid.


Facebook аpp approval for social plugin

I want to get approval for my app id only for the like and share buttons of facebook but it seems that it got more complicated then before.
When I go to my app then javascript sdk to create the code of javascript for my site it shows
This app is in Development Mode and not available publicly.
Modo público can be enabled in the App Dashboard.
So then I go to the app dashboard and it is asking a lot of information I don't have because it's only to have the like button in my site I don't want to read more likes of users.
So anyone can help me to find the right way to do this.
The only thing you should have to fill in to make the app public is the Contact Email on the main Settings page:
(source: infused.org)
Found this thread whilst having the same problem. In addition to infused's post, you have to go to "status and review" and turn "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?" to Yes.
Furthermore, I noticed that removing the app id (as per the code you get if you are not logged in and go to the plugin generator page), then the code does not work at all.
Also, if the app is not set as live, then it will still sometimes work - just to make things harder to debug.

Facebook Suspicious Login work around from iPad

I am not sure if anyone has ran into the problem but it is really bugging me and affecting our uploading from our iPad to facebook.
I have a local server running XAMMP with a gallery of images displayed via a local web page. These images are from our Photobooths and automatically get added into the gallery when a photo is taken in the booth.
These can then be accessed on the local network via the iPad. Users can then login to facebook and share this images.
Because this is a shared iPad being used by multiple users, is there any way of getting users to login without having to answer security questions?? It used to be fine but now Facebook says the login is suspicious as it does to recognise the device.
I have created an App to post the photos to facebook through the Facebook Development site and it works perfectly from my account and many users, but some seem to get the suspicious login attempt and have to identify friends and date of birth etc.
Is there a correct way to do this?
Thank you Richard.
Is there a correct way to do this?
What you are experiencing is the “correct” way.
Facebook offers this as a security feature – a user can add his devices to his list of “known” devices, from which he will be able to login straight away, and have to answer additional security questions when logging in from a different, “unknown” device.
If users have this feature enabled, they should not be surprised by this happening in your scneario. It’s what they explicitly want, and they’re getting it.
So you should in no way try to mess with that, just because you might think this to be “uncool” or a “nuisance” – it’s not, it’s a feature offering extended security that the user wants and has explicitly chosen.

Test multiple apps on facebook

I freelance now and I am wanting to set up a Facebook account so I can create multiple apps for different clients under this account, then become admin and roll out the app totheir page.
Does anyone else do this and if so how best is it to set up from the outset as I will need to test without the public seeing etc.
Yes - I do this frequently...
Placing your application in sandbox_mode will ensure that only the people who are allowed to see the application have access to it.
You can also add your applications to your own un-published Facebook page, that way no one will be able to search for your page or application either.
A mixture of sandbox_mode and an un-published page should be the safe way to go. Check out the Application Security page in Facebook's documentation for exact explanations of sandbox_mode and the roles you can give users in your application.

Hide Facebook Application development

I want to develop a facebook app. The only thing I want to know is will this (the fact that I am developing an app) be shared to my friends? If yes how can I disable that?
I don't really understand your question - what exactly do you think would be shared with your friends?
Unless you post something from your app there's no way for a third party to even know that it exists, let alone who runs it. Even the app's info page won't show the developer info unless they choose to enable that.
There's also test accounts you can create via the app edit interface or API ( https://developers.facebook.com/docs/test_users/ ) to test the app without using your own
{edit} Also, as Derek says, you can use sandbox mode while testing so the app and its content aren't visible to anyone except the admins, developers and test users{/edit}
You can enabled "Sandbox mode" which should disable all notifications and public access to your app.

How do you limit a Facebook app to a small number of people during testing?

I know about test accounts, but during beta I'd like to allow access only to my friends, and then later friends-of-friends, and then only eventually Kevin Bacon and his friends.
That would probably suck, wouldn't it? The app would be listed (is there a way to prevent listing?) and someone I don't know might try it and get a "sorry, this is in development message." I imagine they'd be irritated and not come back.
From what I've read, only a few apps take off, but when they take off, they REALLY take off. Do developers just release these things fully baked?
Anyone start out with OpenSocial or other smaller-than-Facebook networks?
Any ideas for a soft, gradual, restricted roll-out?
Once you've set up your application, there is a setting in the Developer application control panel for your app: Your app -> Advanced -> Sandbox Mode.
Sandbox mode lets you restrict access to only those people listed as developers (under the Basic section).
In terms of expanding the app, Facebook doesn't provide much more flexibility that the Sandbox mode. Unfortunately, adding everyone as Developers of the app doesn't work very well for a beta, as people can access the application control panel once they are a developer. I ended up putting a whitelist of Facebook Ids into the front controller of my application for a previous beta, and it worked fairly well.
The apps are only listed in the App Directory if you submit them and they are accepted. There's no issue about preventing listing, it's something you have to apply for.
As for restricting users, you can accomplish it with a script in the application that checks whether the currently logged-in user is within your restricted user set. For example, if you only want friends of yourself, check whether the current user is friends with your user id. If not, simply display an error/message page or redirect them to the Facebook home page (or wherever). Add this check to the rest of the start-up logic run each page (such as connecting to your DB and authenticating with Facebook).
What I have done in some cases is keep a database table with the user id's of users who are allowed access, essentially a "whitelist". If the user isn't in the table, redirect them.