Hide Facebook Application development - facebook

I want to develop a facebook app. The only thing I want to know is will this (the fact that I am developing an app) be shared to my friends? If yes how can I disable that?

I don't really understand your question - what exactly do you think would be shared with your friends?
Unless you post something from your app there's no way for a third party to even know that it exists, let alone who runs it. Even the app's info page won't show the developer info unless they choose to enable that.
There's also test accounts you can create via the app edit interface or API ( https://developers.facebook.com/docs/test_users/ ) to test the app without using your own
{edit} Also, as Derek says, you can use sandbox mode while testing so the app and its content aren't visible to anyone except the admins, developers and test users{/edit}

You can enabled "Sandbox mode" which should disable all notifications and public access to your app.


Is it allowed to use Data retrieved from an Instagram Basic Display API App in Development Mode for production purposes?

My use case is fairly simple: I want do display the latest images of an Instagram profile I own on a public website I own.
For this purpose I've written an integration of the Instagram Basic Display API, registered an app with https://developers.facebook.com/apps/, implemented an automated access token renewal mechanism and everything works locally.
So, as I'm about to publish this feature to the website, I'm not able to find any official policy from Facebook that clearifies whether or not I'm required to put this app in "Live Mode".
Technically, "Live Mode" has no benefits to my use case and I'd find it way out of proportion to go through an App Review process, just to display a list of images that are my own anyway. So my question is:
Given this scenario, is it allowed to keep said App in "Development Mode", while still using its data for production purposes?
And: Are there any official statements on this, that any of you might be aware of and that I'm just not able to find?
I found this: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2019/09/23/live-mode-for-production-use/
But even though the headline is fairly unambiguous, the article itself doesn't help making the issue any clearer...
It is OK to use Development mode in such case: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/app-review/introduction
If your app will only be used by app users who have a role on the app or claimant Business, App Review is not required and your app does not need to be switched to Live mode.

Facebook аpp approval for social plugin

I want to get approval for my app id only for the like and share buttons of facebook but it seems that it got more complicated then before.
When I go to my app then javascript sdk to create the code of javascript for my site it shows
This app is in Development Mode and not available publicly.
Modo público can be enabled in the App Dashboard.
So then I go to the app dashboard and it is asking a lot of information I don't have because it's only to have the like button in my site I don't want to read more likes of users.
So anyone can help me to find the right way to do this.
The only thing you should have to fill in to make the app public is the Contact Email on the main Settings page:
(source: infused.org)
Found this thread whilst having the same problem. In addition to infused's post, you have to go to "status and review" and turn "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?" to Yes.
Furthermore, I noticed that removing the app id (as per the code you get if you are not logged in and go to the plugin generator page), then the code does not work at all.
Also, if the app is not set as live, then it will still sometimes work - just to make things harder to debug.

Determining kind of facebook app

Can anyone tell me what kind of facebook app it is? canvas or something else?
I would want to create an app in php but have no clue where to start from. Can i create a test app and start the process? please help.
I have tried creating an app but that needs to be approved before even starting the development and showing us as a page on facebook app
Any app with an address of apps.facebook.com/* is the Canvas link to the App, which means this app has a canvas page at the minimum. It may also have a website and mobile app associated with it, but that's harder to determine.
You should so some research before trying to create an app. You do not need to get any sort of approval to develop an application, even if you use excessive permissions. However, you will need to get your app approved for any extra permissions prior to launching to end-users.
You should visit the Facebook Developer website and pick a SDK you're comfortable with. I would recommend using the JavaScript one to get started, but the choice is yours. Then you should follow the starter guide to creating your first app. Everything you need to create an app is discoverable through Google, and I have a few handy tutorials on my site for using the PHP and JavaScript SDKs.

how to bugtest facebook apps in private?

I'm just trying to develope a facebook app, so sorry if this question is quite simple. I've set up my App, then entered the canvas URL and thought I could test the app and fiddle around with it in private without anyone knowing. But there was immediately a "is using 'hisnewpp'" message going around or something. Of course I didn't want that since the app is not finished. I couldn't find a setting anywhere, where I could set the app to be public or private.
So in short: where can I call up and test my App on Facebook, without it beeing accessable to anyone else?
Thanks a lot
you want to enable sandbox mode in your application's advanced settings. Only you will see the updates then.
Use test users - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/test_users/
You can create temporary or long term test accounts specifically for testing your app - either via the API or in the app settings. You can also place the app in sandbox mode and only developers or testers of the app can interact with the app and/or see the content it produces

How do you limit a Facebook app to a small number of people during testing?

I know about test accounts, but during beta I'd like to allow access only to my friends, and then later friends-of-friends, and then only eventually Kevin Bacon and his friends.
That would probably suck, wouldn't it? The app would be listed (is there a way to prevent listing?) and someone I don't know might try it and get a "sorry, this is in development message." I imagine they'd be irritated and not come back.
From what I've read, only a few apps take off, but when they take off, they REALLY take off. Do developers just release these things fully baked?
Anyone start out with OpenSocial or other smaller-than-Facebook networks?
Any ideas for a soft, gradual, restricted roll-out?
Once you've set up your application, there is a setting in the Developer application control panel for your app: Your app -> Advanced -> Sandbox Mode.
Sandbox mode lets you restrict access to only those people listed as developers (under the Basic section).
In terms of expanding the app, Facebook doesn't provide much more flexibility that the Sandbox mode. Unfortunately, adding everyone as Developers of the app doesn't work very well for a beta, as people can access the application control panel once they are a developer. I ended up putting a whitelist of Facebook Ids into the front controller of my application for a previous beta, and it worked fairly well.
The apps are only listed in the App Directory if you submit them and they are accepted. There's no issue about preventing listing, it's something you have to apply for.
As for restricting users, you can accomplish it with a script in the application that checks whether the currently logged-in user is within your restricted user set. For example, if you only want friends of yourself, check whether the current user is friends with your user id. If not, simply display an error/message page or redirect them to the Facebook home page (or wherever). Add this check to the rest of the start-up logic run each page (such as connecting to your DB and authenticating with Facebook).
What I have done in some cases is keep a database table with the user id's of users who are allowed access, essentially a "whitelist". If the user isn't in the table, redirect them.