Adding HourGlass Cursor in Progress 4GL - progress-4gl

I am trying to add HourGlass cursor in my code.I tried this code
But I did not get HourGlass Cursor.Please help me to get cursor.

You don't get the hourglass in Windows Vista or later; you get the round circle.


to turn the hour glass cursor on:
to turn it back off:


vscode terminal is acting weired, there is a spce between each character, cursor is not at the right position

I use vscode daily, today integrated terminal started acting weird. There is a space between every letter, and the cursor is not at the right position. See the following screenshot:
Please help me to solve this problem.
Finally I got the solution.
Just resize the terminal in vscode , it will solve the problem.

how to keep shown the suggestions popup in vscode while moving the caret one character?

how to keep shown the suggestions popup in visual-studio-code while moving the caret one character in the same word, so I don't have to hit ctrl-space shortcut again?
This should now be possible with VSCode 1.51 (Oct. 2020):
Move cursor to select suggestions
You can now move the cursor while suggestions are showing.
For instance, you can trigger suggestions at the end of a word, move left to see more suggestions, and then use replace to overwrite the word.
Theme: GitHub Light
Unfortunately, this is not possible at this time. If you would to like to report a feature request, it's recommended to do it on their GitHub I couldn't find any duplicates at this time; though it's hard to search for something like this because there are so many verbiage variants. They can better help you in that regard.
Alternatively, you can provide feedback inside the application itself using the 'Tweet Feedback' functionality.

What is the moving line at the top of vscode, and how can I get rid of it?

Recently VSCode is showing an animated line, that moves constantly from the left to the right. The movement is distracting when I am trying to code.
What is the line, and how can I disable it?
This is because it's "loading" something in the background.
Display the Ouptut console shiftcmd/ctrlu (or: View > Output) and on the right, in a selectable list, check the different tasks or logs to see what process is still pending.
Sometimes it's a plugin which is stuck, or a wrong configuration of your project.
It could also simply be a bug in VSCode.

Auto Left Click on Hold?

I want my mouse to rapidly autoclick when I hold the left mouse button, how can I do this?
I have searched for hours, I didn't find anything!
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: P.S.: I want the rapid click to stop as soon as I release the left button.
Can you be slightly more specific? Are you trying to write out the program of just finding an auto clicker application?
If you are looking for the application only, then there is alot available online. Just google. One such application could be:
If you are trying to write a program, its pretty simple too, but you need to let me know what language you are using, if its OOP, I should be able to help.
Nevermind, I made an AutoHotKey script:
Suspend, On
~XButton2::Suspend, Toggle
While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
Sleep 50 ; milliseconds

How to capture commandline output

I want to run
"runas /user:xxxx "aspnet_regiis /i"
in my windows 2008 server, it failed with a quick popup window disappears right away.
How can I capture the output? or let the popup window not disappear right away until I close it.
Thank you very much.
Issue resolved, all I need is to see the output which has some error message. I run as the cmd and get the right privilege and everything is fine.
Thanks for replying.