NV-GLX missing extension in OS X Lion - osx-lion

I connect to a remote linux machine using "ssh -X machine", and then I run a graphical application, so its window is displayed on my local OS X Lion machine using X Window. I get the error
"Xlib: extension "NV-GLX" missing on display "localhost:11.0"."
The application moves very slow. Is it any way to use NV-GLX on OS X or to cimcurvent this problem?

I've encountered similar problem trying to connect from a laptop with AMD graphical card to a linux server with NVIDIA card and drivers installed.
If you have root access to your remote linux machine you could try to restart X server with default libglx.so, not the one from NVIDIA driver package. Appears that NVIDIA installer doesn't support partial installation (only driver, no GLX lib), so one needs to remove NVIDIA libglx.so from xorg modules path, but leave nvidia_drv.so. On Debian you could do
# update-alternatives --config glx # select mesa-diverted
# ln -s /usr/lib/nvidia/current/nvidia_drv.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
Be shure your remote /etc/Xorg.0.log has following parts
[ 1111.390] (II) LoadModule: "glx"
[ 1111.390] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so
[ 1111.390] (II) Module glx: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
[ 1111.391] (II) LoadModule: "nvidia"
[ 1111.391] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.so
[ 1111.392] (II) Module nvidia: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
After that Xlib: extension "NV-GLX" missing on display "localhost:11.0" message should go away


Stop SE Linux from Enforcing on Android AOSP

I need to stop SE Linux from enforcing, from the earliest possible time in the Android boot sequence.
I had read that a kernel parameter of "selinux=0" would stop this. It doesn't:
smarc_mx8mq:/ # cat /proc/cmdline
selinux=0 console=ttymxc2,115200 earlycon=imxuart,0x30880000,115200 init=/init video=HDMI-A-1:1080x1920-32#60 androidboot.console=ttymxc0 androidboot.hardware=freescale androidboot.fbTileSupport=enable cma=1280M androidboot.primary_display=imx-drm firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware transparent_hugepage=never loop.max_part=7 buildvariant=eng ...
smarc_mx8mq:/ # getenforce
What can I do to absolutely stop SE Linux from enforcing from the start of the boot sequence? (I can have root shell access and I can change the kernel config or any other part of the AOSP build.)
What can I do to absolutely stop SE Linux from enforcing from the start of the boot sequence? (I can have root shell access and I can change the kernel config or any other part of the AOSP build.)
I turn off selinux in BoardConfig.mk by setting:
BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += androidboot.selinux=permissive
Then after building and target flashingcat /proc/cmdline shows androidboot.selinux=permissive:
hikey960:/ # cat /proc/cmdline
androidboot.hardware=hikey960 firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware loglevel=15 efi=noruntime
overlay_mgr.overlay_dt_entry=hardware_cfg_enable_android_fstab androidboot.selinux=permissive
The solution is to use androidboot.selinux=permissive instead of selinux=0.
I've read that androidboot.selinux=disabled will work too.

Launch MongoDB built from source on ARM

I followed this tutorial to compile a MongoDB on a raspberry pi. I ended up with the content of the tarball which is on the same repo.
The unpacked archive has the following structure:
include lib share
libbson-1.0 libmongoc-1.0 mongo_embedded mongoc_embedded
bson bson.h
bcon.h bson-context.h bson-json.h bson-oid.h bson-value.h
bson-atomic.h bson-decimal128.h bson-keys.h bson-reader.h bson-version-functions.h
bson-clock.h bson-endian.h bson-macros.h bson-string.h bson-version.h
bson-compat.h bson-error.h bson-md5.h bson-types.h bson-writer.h
bson-config.h bson-iter.h bson-memory.h bson-utf8.h bson.h
mongoc mongoc.h
mongoc-apm.h mongoc-error.h mongoc-init.h mongoc-socket.h mongoc-topology-description.h
mongoc-bulk-operation.h mongoc-find-and-modify.h mongoc-iovec.h mongoc-ssl.h mongoc-uri.h
mongoc-change-stream.h mongoc-flags.h mongoc-log.h mongoc-stream-buffered.h mongoc-version-functions.h
mongoc-client-pool.h mongoc-gridfs-file-list.h mongoc-macros.h mongoc-stream-file.h mongoc-version.h
mongoc-client-session.h mongoc-gridfs-file-page.h mongoc-matcher.h mongoc-stream-gridfs.h mongoc-write-concern.h
mongoc-client.h mongoc-gridfs-file.h mongoc-opcode.h mongoc-stream-socket.h mongoc.h
mongoc-collection.h mongoc-gridfs.h mongoc-rand.h mongoc-stream-tls-libressl.h
mongoc-config.h mongoc-handshake.h mongoc-read-concern.h mongoc-stream-tls-openssl.h
mongoc-cursor.h mongoc-host-list.h mongoc-read-prefs.h mongoc-stream-tls.h
mongoc-database.h mongoc-index.h mongoc-server-description.h mongoc-stream.h
cmake libbson-1.0.so.0 libmongo_embedded.so libmongoc-1.0.so.0 libmongoc_embedded.so
libbson-1.0.so libbson-1.0.so.0.0.0 libmongoc-1.0.so libmongoc-1.0.so.0.0.0 pkgconfig
libbson-1.0 libmongoc-1.0
libbson-1.0-config-version.cmake libbson-1.0-config.cmake
libmongoc-1.0-config-version.cmake libmongoc-1.0-config.cmake
libbson-1.0.pc libmongoc-1.0.pc
doc mongo-c-driver
mongo_embedded mongoc_embedded
LICENSE-Community.txt LICENSE-Embedded.txt
When I installed it from a package I just had to run
mongod --dbpath "$dbPath" &
How can I launch the MongoDB to listen on a port?
The tutorial you have followed is for building MongoDB as a library to embed in your application (aka MongoDB Mobile). This embedded build does not provide a standalone server daemon (mongod); you have to link this library directly into your application. The output of the embedded SDK build is the required development header files (include/*.h) and compiled library files (lib/*.so).
For more context, see the original blog post related to the repo you found: Embedded MongoDB 4.0 on Raspberry Pi.
How can I launch the MongoDB to listen on a port?
This requires a build of the normal MongoDB community server. You could try to follow the server build instructions on Build MongoDB from source or look for a precompiled binary for your O/S distro.
Note that Raspberry Pi isn't a generally supported target for the server so you will likely encounter some challenges (particularly on 32-bit O/S). The standard MongoDB server is designed to run on 64-bit hardware with more resources than are typical on a Pi.

Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-bloc(8,2) on Fedora 25

The error occur when I follow a guide to install nVidia proprietary drivers on Fedora 25.
This is link website:enter link description here
I do step by step until I finish step 2.7 and reboot
Now I can not startup fedora 25
enter image description here
My guess is that on step 2.6.2 Edit /etc/sysconfig/grub you copied the example line verbatim instead of adapting it to your system:
## Example row ##
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rd.lvm.lv=fedora/swap rd.lvm.lv=fedora/root rhgb quiet rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau"
You should only append rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau to end of the existing GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”…” line.

Failed to start Neo4j service

I am using neo4j enterprise 3.0.3 version for windows. Following the operations manual 3.0, I have installed the neo4j service with bin\neo4j install-service. But I can't start it with bin\neo4j start. It said
Invoke-Neo4j : Failed to start service 'Neo4j Graph Database - neo4j (neo4j)'.
And I can't start the neo4j service in windows serice either. Maybe anyone have encountered this case before?
I had the same problem: I am using neo4j community 3.1.2 for windows and installed the service with the neo4j.bat file without any problems.Then i wanted to start the service with neo4j.bat and got the same error as you
I found a solution that worked for me. My neo4j files were in a folder, where the path to the folder contained spaces (C:\Program Files\Neo4j) Then i moved the folder one level up (C:\Neo4j).
After that i could start the service without problems.
Maybe this solution helps.
I am running neo4j on windows and in my case the crux of the issue was that there was an incompatibility between the installed versions of Java (32-bit) v/s OS version. The biggest clue that led me to this is the following set of lines in neo4j-service.2018-08-03 log file
[2018-08-03 14:55:42] [info] [ 1432] Starting service...
[2018-08-03 14:55:42] [error] [ 1432] %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
[2018-08-03 14:55:42] [error] [ 1432] Failed creating java C:\JavaNew\bin\server\jvm.dll
[2018-08-03 14:55:42] [error] [ 1432] %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
[2018-08-03 14:55:42] [error] [ 1432] ServiceStart returned 1
There are a fair number of potential issues, and I have made an attempt to compile all the issues with this,
Windows services cannot deal with service names in folders that have spaces; especially if there is another folder with the same name as the one with spaces.
For example - C:\Program Files... will have issues if C:\Program\Something...
To work around this, I put Neo4j in root folder c:\Neo4j
Get-Java.ps1 (under ..\bin\Neo4j-Management folder)looks in the path variable for 'JAVA_HOME' (usually found in *nix environments). If it does not find it here, it keeps looking in registry, and finally throws up its hand!
To deal with this, I simply put in a path variable. For a good measure, I uninstalled Java and re-installed Java in the root folder under C:\JavaNew
In retrospect, this step is probably not on part of the problem, and hence can be ignored. But I am leaving it here for completeness sake.
Invoke-Neo4j.ps1 (also under ..\bin\Neo4j-Management folder) has code that determines if the OS is 32-bit (or 64-bit). Based on this it determines if it should run prunsrv-i386.exe (32-bit) or prunsrv-amd64.exe (64-bit).
This has to match the Java version installed.
Upon running java -XshowSettings:all, and inspecting the sun.arch.data.model value (32, in my case), I realized that my OS is 64 bit and the Java version is 32-bit.
To deal with this, I put in code (very klugey!). I am sure there are much better ways to get to the same outcome, but this is what I used.
switch ( (Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Processor | Select-Object -First 1).Addresswidth ) {
32 { $PrunSrvName = 'prunsrv-i386.exe' } # 4 Bytes = 32bit
#64 { $PrunSrvName = 'prunsrv-amd64.exe' } # 8 Bytes = 64bit COMMENTED as a workaround!!!
64 { $PrunSrvName = 'prunsrv-i386.exe' } # 8 Bytes = 64bit
Now, uninstall the neo4j service, install it, and start the service.
Hope this works for you.
neo4j console
Posting for latest versions > 4.x
I had the same issue using neo4j start, Neo4j console is the right command I was looking for. It is a web-based graph that acts as an interactive tutorial.
i had the same problem , after the neo4j worked for few weeks it stoop working (without any change that i made)
i have set java_home uninstall and install and now it works
I was also having weired issue as there was no error but neo4J service did not start.
[xx#ss1 bin]$ ./neo4j console
[xx#ss1 bin]$ .
The problem was with the permission on Java directory and I tried
chmod -R 777 jdk_directory
and problem got solved.
#neo4j #neo4jnotstarting

the error about adding slave to master

building a master localy.
I am trying to use /kubernetes/docs/getting-started-guides/docker-multinode/master.sh
master is done!
some detail imformation:
K8S_VERSION is set to: 1.2.4
ETCD_VERSION is set to: 2.2.1
FLANNEL_VERSION is set to: 0.5.5
FLANNEL_IFACE is set to: wlan0
FLANNEL_IPMASQ is set to: true
MASTER_IP is set to:
ARCH is set to: amd64
Detecting your OS distro ...
Starting bootstrap docker ...
Starting k8s ...
{ "Network": "", "Backend": {"Type": "vxlan"}}
vDOCKER_OPTS="$DOCKER_OPTS --mtu=1450 --bip="
next add a vagrant virtualbox slave to master.
trying to use /kubernetes/docs/getting-started-guides/docker-multinode/worker.sh it bring some issue:
K8S_VERSION is set to: 1.2.4
FLANNEL_VERSION is set to: 0.5.5
FLANNEL_IFACE is set to: wlan0
FLANNEL_IPMASQ is set to: true
MASTER_IP is set to:
ARCH is set to: amd64
Detecting your OS distro ...
Starting bootstrap docker ...
Starting k8s ...
Error response from daemon: lstat /var/lib/docker-bootstrap/aufs/mnt/8881a46cdd1fe51b7f0f86e8659bc8f9c905089b0d86a273e85d134
c637041c1/tmp/flannel/subnet.env: no such file or directory
I have two vm,
one is on public_network:
other is on private_network:
all is the same error output.
ps: can I use the worker.sh in aws ec2?
question is a bit miscellaneous,
hoping a cattle help me to consolidation.
I am lucky enough to pass the work node, but I don't know the exactly reason.
now I package the vagrant box in my google cloud disk, url is below----[https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9WzutmgDDrodkpLRGM2c0J1RXc/view?usp=sharing][1].
before you take a public or private network with it, you should download a pre-compiled kubernetes version, and copy it to the vagrant folder.
use vagrant init kube-slave to start.