How to keep iPhone 4- formatting on iPhone 5 - iphone

So I am developing apps for the iphone 4s-, but I want iPhone 5 users to be able to access the app as well.
I want to make it so that if the user has an iPhone 5, it just has the little black bars at the top and bottom that you see in some other apps (I basically want to keep the formatting for the 3.5 inch screen.
Is there a way to test iPhone 5 on the simulator?

You should try deleting the default launch screen of the 4" display from the app summary. I think that shall do it

Is there a way to test iPhone 5 on the simulator? Because I can only run 4
iPhone (Retina 4-inch) equals the iPhone 5


iPhone App truncating at bottom while running in iPad

I am developing an iPhone app which should support iPad (not compatible but with support for 1X and 2X option at bottom). My app supports iPhone 5,6 and 6 plus as expected, but when I run the app in an iPad some part of the screen is getting truncated at bottom. How do I fix this? It should show the full iPhone screen in iPad.
Make you app support iPhone 4s screen size. It seems that iPad runs iPhone app as in a 3.5 inch screen.

Laying Out Buttons on iOS 5 for iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 or lower

I'm having issues getting my screens to all look right in my app. In the iPhone 3.5" screen it shows as:
This is great, however on a 4" screen it looks like:
The issue is that I CANNOT use autoLayout as I am building this to run on iOS 5.1 as the deployment target. So, what are some ways that I can make the app buttons not cover up the logo on the iPhone 5 screen?

Iphone 5 and Iphone 4 screen issue

I'm creating an app using xcode 4.5 that is meant to support only the 3.5 inch retina display. Thus, in the attributes inspector for the view controller I have set the size to be 3.5 inches. However, I'm testing my app on a iphone 5 and the app auto-resizes to fit the whole screen. Do you know why this is happening? How can i make the app remain in 3.5 inches of size even when viewed off of a iphone 5?
If you remove the default 568h#2x icon from your project the app will run the way you want. On the iPhone 5, you will get black bars on top and bottom to show what it would look like on the 4. Hope this helps.
The answer is - you can't do that :) But you can download ios5 simulator and set it's device property to 3.5 screen device

Is it possible to test your app on iPhone 5 using the 3.5 inch form factor in Xcode?

When I am building an application for both the iPhone 3.5 inch & iPhone 4 inch, is it possible to test both form factors using the iPhone 5, instead of having to keep switching between phones?
I know that the iPhone 5 automatically puts black bars beneath and above any app that is not iPhone 5 compatible, but it would be great to be able to test apps in that way.
I doubt it's currently possible, as I haven't found any options for that in Xcode myself, but it would be awesome if Apple would add that feature. Thanks in advance for any responses.
If you remove the Default-568h#2x.png from the project (just remove it's target membership) and clean the project you app is presented in 3.5 inch mode.
There is not way the set the run parameter too force it in 3.5 inch mode. You could also just connect both iPhones to you development machine and when you want to debug the app select the device you want to test on.
I think it should be enough to not supply a Default-586h#2x.png launch image. Just have Default.png and Default#2x.png, then the app should be letterboxed on the 4" simulator.

How to make an iPhone app and exclude iPhone 5?

I'm looking at the iPhone 5 specs, and see that the screen resolution is 640x1132 or so, which would break some of my manual+storyboard interface layouts. I'm wandering how to make an app so it would either show on iPhone 5 in 640x960 screen (with black bars), or exclude my app from sale to iPhone 5 at all, as I do not want to worry about the interface breaking. Is this possible for existing apps?
Thank you for your input!
Unless you include a Default-568h#2x.png image in your application, it will not run at full iPhone 5 resolution.
In the Apple keynote on the 12th Sept 2012, they said all current applications in the app store would run on the iPhone 5 with without a problem using the black letterbox at the top and bottom.
The way to remove the letterbox is by providing a Default-568h#2x.png image, like duskwuff mentioned. If its not there, the device will run the application will run at 640x960.