Email Audit API / Mialbox Dump Request : Are the mailbox download included in the quota? - google-email-audit-api

We programatically limited our use of the Email Audit API to 800 requests / day (using US/Pacific timezone), but we still meet DeadlineExceeded errors.
Do the mailbox download (HTTP GET to the urls provided by the API) count in the quota ? Or can we download as many mailboxes as we want ?
Is there a way to request more quota ?

Email Audit API limits 100 mailbox export request per day. I don't think downloading the mailbox or checking the status of the mailbox export counts toward the quota. The quota is only for the number of requests you can submit per day.


Sendgrid free plan limited to 100 emails per day or month?

I'm using Sendgrid's free plan and it clearly states on their website that the limit is 100 daily; not monthly, yet I get capped at 100 for the entire month.
I read elsewhere that I needed to go to Settings > Account Details > Your Products > Start Trial to Send More, but I can't seem to find the "Start trial" option under the "Your Products" tab, or anywhere else for that matter.
Am I blind?
The Free Email API plan is 100/day. If you believe you are being incorrectly capped at 100/month, I'd reach out to their support team so they can check your account for limit accuracy and check sending volumes to confirm or troubleshoot the issue.

SendGrid Email Activity API rate limit

In testing code that uses the SendGrid Email Activity API, I have received "too many messages" errors. I have examined the "rate limit" response headers and it appears that I am being limited to 10 requests per 5 minute block in the day. That is, the first 5 minutes of every hour can have 10 requests, the next 5 minutes can have 10 requests, etc.
I asked SendGrid support about this. The first response was pretty generic, but seems to indicate that the threshold is correct and says I really should be using webhooks to get the status. I haven't found anything in the documentation saying this and I haven't seen anything the specifies what the rate limits are.
For those of you using the Email Activity API, are you limited to 10 requests per 5 minutes? If yes, what do you do with the API?
Here's an snippet of what I ended up using with requests, tenacity and ratelimit:
from ratelimit import limits, sleep_and_retry
import requests
import tenacity
#limits(calls=2, period=60)
def _call_api(headers, params):
response = requests.get(
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:"Request failed {response.headers}, retrying in 1 minute")
return response
I received a response from SendGrid support that says:
Your findings are correct in that we do limit this endpoint to 10 requests per 5 minutes. This is a hard limit that we do not have the means of raising. The Email Activity Feed as well as the Email Activity API endpoint are meant for troubleshooting specific issues and attaining detailed message metadata.
I previously found the rate limit to be 10/5min but it appears that SendGrid have changed the rate limit to 2 requests every 60 seconds sometime in the past week. Can anyone confirm this?
I'm using the webhook to report non-delivery back to my application but I also need to use the activity API to resolve async bounce notifications. Async bounces are when a destination mail server accepts a message during the smtp session but subsequently sends a bounce notification email. When this occurs, SendGrid do not provide the detail of the bounced message in the webhook and the message is incorrectly reported as delivered in the SendGrid app. When asked, they respond that there's nothing they can do about it, even though I have explained to them how I use their activity api to resolve this.
I pay extra to use the activity API to fix a problem that they should address themselves, so I'm very frustrated that they apply such restrictive rate limits, then change them without notice.

How are Google Apps Script mail quotas calculated?

The Current Quotas table on the Quotas for Google Services page shows a feature called "Email read/write (excluding send)," which is limited to 50,000 / day for G Suite Business customers.
I have several Google Apps Scripts that use MailApp to send emails, and today users of my scripts started getting the error: "Service invoked too many times for one day: email"
When I ran MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota() it showed -1, confirming that the quota had been exceeded.
When I checked Google Vault to see how many messages my account had sent between yesterday and today, it showed about 3,294.
When I reached out to G Suite Support to ask about this, they directed me to the G Suite Admin Email sending limits page, which shows that G Suite accounts are limited to sending 2,000 messages per rolling 24-hour period.
3,294 is greater than 2,000, but both are well below 50,000, so I'm wondering what actually counts against the 50,000 quota.
What mail-related operation does "read/write" pertain to?
We also use gsuite and Google script to send lots of mails. And also have lots of questions about quotas. The results of my observation is that limits applied with some lag. I can send over limit mails (some amount), before limitation will apply. Amount is vary and bit unpredictable, but almost always if I do sime pause before sending over limit mails - I got quota errors :(
I can't comment, thats why updating answer. Just try to add few mails into bcc :) and check metrics

download audit log for email activities

Is there a way to download g suite email audit log (not manually from google admin console) for a big company?
If i'm not wrong the API ( is limited by 1000 monitors per day?
May be is possible to have a mirror of logs in BigQuery or in any other place readable with no limits?
Thanks, Paolo.

How to get Maximum App requests per day

Most of Zynga games use the Maximum App requests per day to show to the user how many requests he can send that day. I couldn't figure out how to get that daily number (dynamically) . Any hints on that? Since, I'm doing this in a flash app. I can't let the user send requests more than he is allowed. Ideas?
You can find out your Requests limit via the Developer Settings page:
Note that limits only apply to the older method of sending requests. If you use the newer Requests functionality, there is no limit to the amount of requests you can send:
Naturally, if you're being spammy, you'll still get reported a lot and automated systems could block you, so remember to keep to a reasonable volume of requests.