Sendgrid free plan limited to 100 emails per day or month? - sendgrid

I'm using Sendgrid's free plan and it clearly states on their website that the limit is 100 daily; not monthly, yet I get capped at 100 for the entire month.
I read elsewhere that I needed to go to Settings > Account Details > Your Products > Start Trial to Send More, but I can't seem to find the "Start trial" option under the "Your Products" tab, or anywhere else for that matter.
Am I blind?

The Free Email API plan is 100/day. If you believe you are being incorrectly capped at 100/month, I'd reach out to their support team so they can check your account for limit accuracy and check sending volumes to confirm or troubleshoot the issue.


How are Google Apps Script mail quotas calculated?

The Current Quotas table on the Quotas for Google Services page shows a feature called "Email read/write (excluding send)," which is limited to 50,000 / day for G Suite Business customers.
I have several Google Apps Scripts that use MailApp to send emails, and today users of my scripts started getting the error: "Service invoked too many times for one day: email"
When I ran MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota() it showed -1, confirming that the quota had been exceeded.
When I checked Google Vault to see how many messages my account had sent between yesterday and today, it showed about 3,294.
When I reached out to G Suite Support to ask about this, they directed me to the G Suite Admin Email sending limits page, which shows that G Suite accounts are limited to sending 2,000 messages per rolling 24-hour period.
3,294 is greater than 2,000, but both are well below 50,000, so I'm wondering what actually counts against the 50,000 quota.
What mail-related operation does "read/write" pertain to?
We also use gsuite and Google script to send lots of mails. And also have lots of questions about quotas. The results of my observation is that limits applied with some lag. I can send over limit mails (some amount), before limitation will apply. Amount is vary and bit unpredictable, but almost always if I do sime pause before sending over limit mails - I got quota errors :(
I can't comment, thats why updating answer. Just try to add few mails into bcc :) and check metrics

When will my Google Apps Script email recipients per day limit increase?

I am a G Suite user using Google Apps Scripts to trigger emails. This link says that I can email 1500 recipients per day but that...
"newly created G Suite domains are subject to the consumer limit for the first billing cycle if they have six or more users, or several billing cycles if they have fewer users".
This means I can only send 100 emails per day, which I am nearing.
I want to know how many billing cycles I have to wait for until my send limit will increase. I am the only user of the G Suite domain and the vagueness in the above quote isn't helping me. If anyone knows the answer and/or can suggest a solution to increasing the send limit now or a clever solution to cope whilst the limit is at it's current level, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

More than 10 000 000 sesssions in Universal Analytics

We have a resource of our client with more than 10 000 000 sessions (not hits) per month. Is it possible that they will contact our client soon and ask him to use a paid account in Universal Analytics (or to reduce the data volume)?
I've had this conversation a while ago and yes, if your clients exceeds the hit quota on an ongoing basis Google reserves the right to contact him an make him either buy the commercial version of Google Analytics, reduce the processing volume by implementing a sample rate limit (which would mean you client does not track all their visitors) or, after a period of non-compliance, terminate the account. FWIW, they assured us that they would never shut down an account without prior notice as long as messages to the e-mail-adresses in the account in question elicit a response.

Does Facebook have a maximum number of API connections?

If the answer is yes, then what is it?
By maximum number of connectioned allowed per application I mean how many instances of the same api/key can be used to get the friends list at any one time, will Facebook block too many requests?
EDIT I have been looking at but have not been able to find the answer to my question there.
From their Policy
If you exceed, or plan to exceed, any of the following thresholds please contact us as you may be subject to additional terms: (>5M MAU) or (>100M API calls per day) or (>50M impressions per day).
The only information I was able to find is something in a forum.
After some testing and discussion with the Facebook platform team,
there is no official limit I'm aware of or can find in the
documentation. However, I've found 600 calls per 600 seconds, per
token & per IP to be about where they stop you. I've also seen some
application based rate limiting but don't have any numbers.
As a general rule, one call per second should not get rate limited. On
the surface this seems very restrictive but remember you can batch
certain calls and use the subscription API to get changes.
You can see how many API requests your users can have a day if you go to your Insights page and click on "Diagnostics". You can also see some other request statistics if you click on "Performance".

Get User Count for a Google Apps Domain

How do you get the total number of users in a Google Apps Domain? I'm aware of the "Retrieve All Users in Domain" call using the Google Provisioning API, but I'd rather not execute such an intensive call just to count up all the users. Is there a simpler way to do this?
I found a solution that isn't as resource-heavy as retrieving all users: The Google Reporting API can be used to get the total number of accounts in a Google Apps domain.
The Google Apps Admin Settings API allows you to retrieve both the current and maximum number of users in the domain:
this would be preferable to the reports API as it's both lower in traffic and it's closer to real time (reports are only updated every 24 hours so it won't take into account users recently added).
You could try "Retrieve All Nicknames in Domain" which could save some bandwidth as it hopefully really only retrieves the nicknames, although I think this won't get you the exact count because "Retrieve All Nicknames for a User" seems to imply that a user can have multiple nicknames.
If you've got some test domain, also assure that retrieving all users really is too much overhead and keep in mind that depending on what you want to do, you can perhaps build some kind of cache around it that only does a full request after the cache is older than X.