Coffee script with erb extension gives missing template error - coffeescript

I am using rails 3.2.11 and coffee rails 3.2.2.
Here I am trying to render a coffee script in a file /app/views/my_files/
Here is what my controller code looks like
class MyFilesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :js
def create
On hitting create action I get missing template error. But when I rename file to it works fine.
I am not understanding what is the problem with .erb extension over .coffee, and in this case why it gives missing template error, when template is already there?

Rename your file to
How to render in app/views?
Just had the same problem...

Is there a particular reason you are trying to render coffeescript as a view rather than using it as an asset?
.erb is a ruby script file that produces an html file when compiled. results in a .js file when compiled. You should be using .erb with a create.html.erb template that in turn uses your
<%= javascript_include_tag "create" %>
This should be in your create.html.erb which will be called by the create method in your MyFilesController


How do I load an ejs template file into my HTML?

I am using EJS in the browser (not on the server).
I have some ejs that I would like to use in multiple pages, so I want to put that in its own file, say table.ejs.
Is there a way I can include it in my HTML such that it is immediately accessible to my javascript after onload?
I was thinking something like:
<script id="table-ejs" type="text/ejs" src="ejs/table.ejs"></script>
then in my javascript:
ejs.render(document.querySelector('#table-ejs').???, data)
Is this possible?
I could use the Fetch API to retrieve the ejs file but then I would need to rewrite a lot of code to make it async. I was wondering if I could avoid that.
place all your ejs-files within a file "views" - within your views you can create another file "partials" - in this file you place your header and footer.ejs.
Within, lets say, your home.ejs you have to include the following code:
<%- include('partials/header'); -%>
// the rest of your code
<%- include('partials/footer'); -%>
You can find more here:

EJS include functions defined in a separate ejs file

I am trying to include an ejs file that contains functions for setting up my views. These functions were defined to be used a helpers. I have tried using:
<% include helpers.ejs %>
But when I try to use the function from this file:
<% module_start('$body', [{name:'display',value:'block'}], 'body'); %>
I get the error:
Reference Error: module_start is not defined
When I copy over the code from 'helpers.ejs' to my original view file, 'test.ejs', it works as expected. I have gone through several answers and,
am still confused what am I doing wrongly in this case.
Thanks for your help in advance.
After some grueling hours of trying every conceived solutions out there, I have landed upon a solution that is working. The solution was borrowed from:
EJS Functions
Looking at the solution presented in this code, I updated my 'helpers.ejs' to 'helpers.js'. Following this, I added the exported functions from 'helpers.js' to the ejs render context object:
const ejs_helpers = require('path/to/helpers.js');
ejs.renderFile('filename', { helpers:ejs_helpers, ...}, (err,data)=>{});
In the ejs view file:
<%- helpers.function_name(params); %>
This considerably changes how I initially approached the problem. With plain ejs helper file, the functions include HTML in between the control flow statements. In the case presented here, the functions returns plain string. Notice the '-' with the 'Scriptlet' tag.
Hope this helps someone.

Template could not be loaded in TYPO3 extension

Am using a new extension build in TYPO3 V4.5.0 and after it installed it in TYPO3 V6.2.x it shows the following error
The template files "/var/www/dev/typo3/typo3conf/ext/my_ext/Resources/Private/Layouts/Suche.html", "/var/www/dev/typo3/typo3conf/ext/my_ext/Resources/Private/Layouts/Suche" could not be loaded.
The layout i s present in the location. and path given also correct in backend..
How can i fix this?
Check so template filename has first letter uppercase.
The rule is that for action named fooBarAction() template file must be named FooBar.html

jade "include" doesn't work as expected

Referencing another Jade file from within one:
include ../widget
Renders HTML like this:
Using Scalatra, specifically. What am I doing wrong?
Scalate Jade is different than JavaScript Jade, so the tag isn't the same. You have to reference the filename in full, like so:
- include("../widget.jade")

poEdit not creating source files

I am using poedit with zend_translate.
I have done everything required in zend. I have created some sample code in zend view files
I have then created a new catalog in poedit.
I specified the initial settings (like base directory, translation function)
I edited php parser tab:
a) *.php to *.php;*.phtml
b) adding '-L php'
Then also its not getting any strings.
Anyone has any idea what i am doing wrong.
Under catalog settings, go to "Keywords" and add "translate" — that should fix it.