Template could not be loaded in TYPO3 extension - typo3

Am using a new extension build in TYPO3 V4.5.0 and after it installed it in TYPO3 V6.2.x it shows the following error
The template files "/var/www/dev/typo3/typo3conf/ext/my_ext/Resources/Private/Layouts/Suche.html", "/var/www/dev/typo3/typo3conf/ext/my_ext/Resources/Private/Layouts/Suche" could not be loaded.
The layout i s present in the location. and path given also correct in backend..
How can i fix this?

Check so template filename has first letter uppercase.
The rule is that for action named fooBarAction() template file must be named FooBar.html


TYPO3 9.5.15 with gridelements and t3sbootstrap not working

I have a new TYPO3 9.5.15 installation and added gridelements 9.5.0 and t3sbootstrap 4.4.5 to make content elements with 3 columns in a own 1 column backendlayout which is defined in PageTsConfig.
In older TYPO3 versions, this is working fine (i.e TYPO3 7) but in TYPO3 9 I get the following error in FE:
Tried resolving a template file for controller action "Standard->three_columns" in format ".html", but none of the paths contained the expected template file (Standard/Three_columns.html). The following paths were checked:
xxx/typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Templates/, xxx/typo3conf/ext/gridelements/Resources/Private/Templates/, xxx/typo3conf/ext/t3sbootstrap/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/, xxx/typo3conf/ext/t3sbootstrap/Resources/Private/Templates/, ,
I've double checked and can confirm, that both, gridelements and t3sbootstrap are included in the roottemplate of the website.
As far as I found out, the templates are available in xxx/typo3conf/ext/t3sbootstrap/Resources/Private/Templates/Gridelements/
but are called ThreeColumns.html
Has anyone an idee what causes the error and how to resolve it?
Thanks in advance
At a first look it seems that there are 2 problems with your combination here:
The message "Standard->three_columns" points to a wrong static template, so I guess you included the new DataProcessing static of Gridelements, while t3sbootstrap depends on the old Plugin and USER based static.
The root path xxx/typo3conf/ext/t3sbootstrap/Resources/Private/Templates/Gridelements/ is missing in your setup.
At a second look it might even be enough to change the Gridelements static, since t3sbootstrap takes care of the root path based on that setup.

TYPO3: No template was found. View could not be resolved for action

I'm experimenting a bit with TYPO3 backend modules and I'm trying to get a view when I click my module in the left menu in the backend. However when I click this I get the following message:
Sorry, the requested view was not found.
The technical reason is: No template was found. View could not be resolved for action "list" in class "MyVendor\MyModule\Controller\ConnectionController".
I have the view for the list action in the folder Resources/Private/Backend/Templates/Connection and the file is called List.html (uppercamelcase)
I'm using TYPO3 version 7.6.15 and I made this module with the extension builder.
Any help would be appreciated.
Some possible reasons for this (or similar) errors:
1. Forgetting to include the TypoScript static templates
see Documentation: Include TypoScript from extensions
Choose WEB > Template module (in Module menu)
Select your start (root) page (in page tree)
Select Info / Modify (in Docheader)
Choose Edit the whole template record
Choose tab Includes
Select your extension under Available Items
This will activate the TypoScript under Configuration/TypoScript
2. Wrong path
The Template paths set via TypoScript must match the available template paths in the filesystem.
Usually, the default path is:
Resources/Private/Templates (for frontend plugins)
Resources/Private/Backend/Templates (for backend modules)
This must have been set correctly via TypoScript. For example:
# Module configuration
module.tx_myexample_web_myexamplelist {
view {
templateRootPaths.0 = EXT:myexample/Resources/Private/Backend/Templates/
module. is for backend modules
if you are working with frontend plugins, use plugin. instead of module.
the correct file ending for TypoScript is .typoscript since TYPO3 8 and no longer .ts or .txt. For version 7, it is correct to use .ts.
3. Incorrect filenames
Make sure that the name of the Controller matches the name of the subdirectory in the Templates directory. The name of the template file is capitalized.
Controller/SomeController.php: listAction()
Where to define the TS:
either as described above e.g. in Configuration/TypoScript setup.typoscript (and load this via static include).
The file ext_typoscript_setup.typoscript in the extension root can be used to setup TypoScript independent of page-tree and template-records. This will be included in the setup section of all TypoScript templates. but also consider the warning in the documentation.
Load TypoScript or TypoScript files directly in the extension with functions from ExtensionManagementUtility
You can also change your template root path (the relative path from where the extension takes the tempaltes):
go to the
file (or setup.txt file; depends on personal preferences and local configuration) and add the following line
plugin.tx_myslider.view.templateRootPath = EXT:path/to/custom/directory/
for example it could look like this:
NOTE: slider is just a placeholder. You can simply replace it with your extension name
Add your extension to the website node. Until you add it, the setup.ts won't work.

Order of Constants TS in Template Analyzer

i'm struggeling with the order of typoscript in constants. I've a provider extension holding all the templates and files for the site. Typoscript ist used in external files, i don't want to store typoscript in the database. I use typo3_forum ext and want to modify the templates to customize it. But when i put the ts for the view like:
plugin.tx_typo3forum {
view {
templateRootPath = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Templates/Forum/Standard/
partialRootPath = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Partials/Forum/Standard/
layoutRootPath = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Layouts/Forum/Standard/
these values will be overwritten by the typo3_forum ext itself, cause the constants of typo3_forum ext stands in the templateAnalyser hirachy under my provider extension.
Sure storing the above ts in the constants field of my roottemplate solves the problem but is there no solution for external fiels to sort?
I've tried:
plugin.tx_typo3forum.view.templateRootPaths.100 = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Templates/Forum/Standard/
but this doens't work, the ext uses the default template in that case.
Thanks for your help!
Cheers Mark
Put your line
plugin.tx_typo3forum.view.templateRootPaths.100 = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Templates/Forum/Standard/
in the setup, not in constants.
You can move the path to constants like
plugin.tx_typo3forum.view.myTemplateRootPath = EXT:provider/Resources/Private/Templates/Forum/Standard/
plugin.tx_typo3forum.view.templateRootPaths.100 = {$plugin.tx_typo3forum.view.myTemplateRootPath}
If using TYPO3 version 8, take a look at https://forge.typo3.org/issues/75862. There is a bug regarding the fallback for template paths. The issue has been solved already and is targeted for version 8.4
The order of TS appearing in the template analyser simply reflects the order in which the files are loaded.
If you are already using a provider extension for your TypoScript and don't put any TS statements in the database (which is a good practice) you can go one step further and put no extension TS in the database at all (not even include static templates in the template record).
Just include the TypoScript files that you need in your provider extension with <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT and you have complete control of the order of things.
In the database you have to put just one line in constants and one in setup, each of the including from your provider extension. This will also make you less dependent of the database because if you include a new file it is just loaded and no actions are needed in the actual template record in the backend.

Manage hierarchy / enforce priority of TS-templates

Well, there is actually another guy with exact the same problem. But until today, they didn't come up with a solution, that's why I'm asking it once again.
My entire TS is included by an extension in TYPO3 7.6.8. This works fine except with indexed_search. The TS inside my resources EXT get overwritten by the indexed_search default TS.
This is the order of the TS inside the Template-Analyzer:
SYS: TYPO3_CONF_VARS:FE:defaultTypoScript
... a bunch of other third party extensions ...
So #7 is the extension which includes all my TS but it gets overwritten by #14. The only way to configure the indexed_search is inside the setup of the page template (which comes after all those above). But I want to avoid that to keep things clean.
Is there a way to prioritize a certain TS so that it doesn't get overwritten?
Open the TypoScript record, switch to the tab "Includes", at the bottom you will find the field Static Template Files from TYPO3 Extensions:. Select the value Include before all static templates if root flag is set.
Try putting the TS from your template extension inside the root page Setup field like this (adjust the path if necessary, your example says Resources/Private/TypoScript?):
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:templates_ext/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.ts">
This should make sure that it is included AFTER all the other includes (I assume you included those via the includes tab?)

poEdit not creating source files

I am using poedit with zend_translate.
I have done everything required in zend. I have created some sample code in zend view files
I have then created a new catalog in poedit.
I specified the initial settings (like base directory, translation function)
I edited php parser tab:
a) *.php to *.php;*.phtml
b) adding '-L php'
Then also its not getting any strings.
Anyone has any idea what i am doing wrong.
Under catalog settings, go to "Keywords" and add "translate" — that should fix it.