Get selected FCK file url from pop-up window - plugins

So I've used FCKeditor for TinyMCE. This integrated easily and gave my customers a nice way to upload files while selecting them. To integrate this I used the following code:
function fileBrowserCallBack(field_name, url, type, win) {
var connector = ROOT + "path/to/tiny_mce/filemanager/browser.html?Connector=connectors/php/connector.php";
connector += "&Type=" + type;
browserField = field_name;
browserWin = win;, "browserWindow", "modal,width=600,height=400");
And file_browser_callback: "fileBrowserCallBack" in the TinyMCE call.
Now I want to use this same function to fill a simple input-tag so my users can select an image for a custom background.
Now I created an onClick event on this input field that opens the file-browser. But when I select a file I get the following javascript error:
TypeError: is undefined
So how can I use this same plug-in as a regular file-browser making it return the selected file?
Edit: The actual name of the plug-in I used is TinyFCK

Unfortuanatly, this is not possible. The tinymce image uploader needs the tinymce document structure which is not present when you use another kind of editor.


How to update content of an existing jodit editor in a function

i use jodit in my website and wonder, how the content of an existing jodit editor can be updated within a function.
first i do....
$( document ).ready(function() {
var editor_adressblock = new Jodit('#adressblock', {
fullsize: false
and the editor is correctly created.
I have a function, which can be executed by the user and then should load content (via json-request) and then put the content into the existing jodit textarea.
Here is my try (for this example i have simplified the function) :
function takeover_adressblock(kunde_id, kunden_adresse_id) {
// get data by ajax.... not shown in this example
var data_by_ajax="test";
editor_adressblock.value=data_by_ajax; // this fails....
Means, i don't know how i can send data to the existing jodit texteditor...
I am a jquery beginner, so please don't be too hard ;-)
Best regards
Per the documentation you seem to have the right format, so it would help to see the code for the ajax request you're making in case the issue is there.
Otherwise, I would suggest initializing the editor without jQuery in case it's a reference or scoping issue:
const editor = Jodit.make('#editor');
editor.value = '<p>start</p>';

How to resolve Leaflet TypeError: L.control.selectLayers is not a function

I wish to make a dropdown list to replace the default tool for layer selection.
Using this example included in from the GIT repository, and adjust for jsfiddle, I get the following error:
"<a class='gotoLine' href='#77:31'>77:31</a> TypeError: L.control.selectLayers is not a function"
using L.control.layers works fine, however, not selectLayers.
//var control = L.control.layers(baseMaps, overlayMaps)
var control = L.control.selectLayers(baseMaps, overlayMaps)
The appropriate javascript files all seem to be in place, so.. what is missing here?
Fiddle link:
You added the wrong link of the libraries.
You have to use the raw link instead of the Github link

AEM Forms (PDF Type) File Attachments

I am trying to implement file attachment to my AEM Form. The idea is to embed the attachment to the PDF; Upon submission of the PDF, the backend system will be able to extract the attached file from the PDF.
I can't seem to find any example on how I can go about doing it, which make me wonder is it a limitation. However, on adobe site below, it is actually stated "Support for file attachments" for all AEM form types.
Please advice! Thanks!
You can upload, preview, and submit attachments with HTML5 forms. By default, the attachment support is disabled. To enable the attachment support:
1- Create a custom profile with mutiselect string property mfAttachmentOptions.
2- In the custom profile, specify properties fileSizeLimit, multiSelect, and buttonText to configure options of the file attachment widget. As required, you can also specify more custom properties.
3- In the custom profile, use the following configurations:
multiSelect -> true or false (true by default)
fileSizeLimit -> value_in_mb (say 5) (2 MBs by default)
buttonText -> Button text for pop-up window ("Attach" by default)
accept -> file types to accept ("audio/, video/, image/, text/, .pdf" by default)
4- Use the metadata editor to select the custom profile that you have created above for HTML 5 forms.
5- Render your form template with custom profile and the attachments icon would appear on the forms toolbar.
6- Click the attachment icon, an attachment selection dialog box appears. Browse and select the attachment and click Attach.
When attachments are enabled, HTML5 form submits multipart data. The mutli-part submission data has two parts dataXml and attachments.
Below is the code for "Add Attachment" button.
var oDoc =;
var doccount = parseInt(colhead.attcount.rawValue);
colhead.attcount.rawValue = doccount + 1;
Trusted_ImportDataObject(oDoc, doccount);
var oAttachment = oDoc.getDataObject("attachment_" + doccount);
var DOsize = oAttachment.size;
var DOmimeType = oAttachment.MIMEType;
if (DOmimeType == null) DOmimeType = "reject";
if ((DOsize > 1100000) || (DOmimeType.indexOf("image/") != 0)) {"Attachemtns must be an image and smaller than 1 Megabyte");
oDoc.removeDataObject("attachment_" + doccount);
} else {
var attachPath = oAttachment.path;
AttachFileName.rawValue = attachPath;
AttachMIMEType.rawValue = oAttachment.MIMEType;
AttachHref.rawValue =;
Do note that Reader Extension is needed to enable file attachment. Else you will be getting this error:
NotAllowedError: Security settings prevent access to this property or method.

Crossrider: change title of a link

Using crossrider, is it possible to get link object in a dom and change the link's title.
I am creating a plugin that detect malicious site and add [Malicious] in front of the link.
I probably could do this by parsing strings, but if it is supported by DOM, it would make my life so much easier.
Crossrider extensions support the jQuery ($) object and hence you can use it to obtain your link from within the extension.js file, as follows:
appAPI.ready(function ($) {
// Where <linkSel> is the selector for retrieving the link or links you require
$(<linkSel>).text(); // retrieves the text for the specified <linkSel> object
// OR the following to prefix the link's text with '[Malicious] '
$(<linkSel>).text('[Malicious] ' + $(<linkSel>).text());

Watin - How to set value of textarea (HTML editor)?

I'm trying to set the value of a textfield using the following code:
if (ie.TextField(Find.ById("testField")).Exists)
ie.TextField(Find.ById("testField")).Value = "Test";
The code passes without raising an error, however the textfield is not filled with the value.
I get an exception when I execute the following line:
The textarea is a tiny_mce editor and one of the html attributes is: style="display: none;"...
Any ideas how I can modify the value of such a field using Watin?
First tinymce is not a textarea. tinymce hides your textarea on initialization and creates a contenteditable iframe which is then used to allow text editing, styling aso...
Second if you want to write the editors content back to the hidden textarea you may do this using
Another way to set the value of your textarea is:
tinymce.get('testField').getDocumentById('testField').value = 'new value';
In case you want to write content directly to your tinymce editor you may choose on of the following
tinymce.get('testField').setContent('my_new_content'); // replaces the editors content
tinymce.get('testField').execCommand('mceInsertContent',false, 'my_content_to_be_added'); // adds the content at the carat postion
Here is a simple way to handle this using the Watin Eval function:
var js = "tinyMCE.get('body').setContent('" + bodyCont + "')";
var s = ie.Eval(js);
'body' needs to replaced with the id of the textarea that is hidden by tinymce - do a "view source" in your browser window to find this id.