Crossrider: change title of a link - crossrider

Using crossrider, is it possible to get link object in a dom and change the link's title.
I am creating a plugin that detect malicious site and add [Malicious] in front of the link.
I probably could do this by parsing strings, but if it is supported by DOM, it would make my life so much easier.

Crossrider extensions support the jQuery ($) object and hence you can use it to obtain your link from within the extension.js file, as follows:
appAPI.ready(function ($) {
// Where <linkSel> is the selector for retrieving the link or links you require
$(<linkSel>).text(); // retrieves the text for the specified <linkSel> object
// OR the following to prefix the link's text with '[Malicious] '
$(<linkSel>).text('[Malicious] ' + $(<linkSel>).text());


How can we get value from DOM Properties in JMeter?

I'm trying to record a scenario of SAP CRM.
But I have a problem due to that everytime I login SAP CRM generates a new hashed token and will be used in URL like below:
See Image 1 Here
I tried to check where is the information stored, and in firebug and I found it in DOM tab:
See Image 2 Here
Is there any way to get the value from this DOM Properties using Jmeter?
Usually the choices are in:
CSS/JQuery Extractor
XPath Extractor
Regular Expression Extractor
Choose the one, you're most familiar with. Usually it is Regular Expression Extractor, however parsing HTML with regular expressions is not a good idea, moreover you will be very sensitive to DOM changes (part of the element goes to next line, attributes change positions, etc.).
So I would recommend choosing between CSS and XPath, but choose them wisely. I.e. if the number of styles on the page is not too big - go for CSS, if there are a lot of styles but the DOM itself is not very complicated - choose XPath.

XSS- Cross-Site Scripting: DOM issue

Fortify scan caught this below error as critical. can some please help ?
switchcontent.loadpage=function(page_request, header){
var innercontent=document.getElementById("-title", "")) //Reference content container for this header
innercontent.innerHTML=switchcontent_ajax_msg //Display "fetching page message"
if (page_request.readyState == 4 && (page_request.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1)){
what change would be needed to fix this code for avoiding XSS ? Any help is greatly appreciated. thank you.
In the responseText are HTML tags inserted or is it just text you want to insert/change? s a rule of thumb always sanitize/encode all user input and output that is generated from user input. If it's only text that you're inserting use document.createTextNode (example) and append the text to the element's needed (always encoded also), I would recomend using jQuery .text() as with pure javascript it's kind of cumbersome. If it's HTML that is needed to be inserted be sure it's not user input as this is a vulnerability. If the text needs to be from a user use a whitelist to check that the user is only writing tags that you are expecting for example <p></p>.
Fortify treats this as a vulnerability because if a user sends in the responseText <script>alert('XSS')</script> the page will render this as HTML and the script will be executed if you encode this it would just appear as text and not be executed, not only scripts can be executed but HTML will be rendered also and deform your page. You can read more in: OWASP DOM Prevention Sheet
2: If it's just text create text nodes and append them to the element to make this easier use jQuery if possible function .text() not .html() as the .htlm() function will render the HTML.
3: If it's user generated HTML sanitize malicious tags agains a WHITELIST you can do blacklist but blacklists are not that safe as there are always tags you could forget to check against.
4: If the HTML is server generated and has not user input you should be fine.
5: Know that Fortify is just a scanning tool and it has false positives, so if you have the right countermeasures you should be XSS free.
Whitelisting: Checking agains a list of available tags. Only letting tags that you know the user can use like <p></p><br/>.
Blacklisting: Checking against a list of "not welcome" tags. This means having a list with tags you don't want to let the user use.

Office 2013 JavaScript API for Word - Content Control questions

is it possible to insert a content control into a Word document, then, get some sort of handle or context to the content control, and then insert HTML into it?
Essentially, the scenario that I am trying to create with the Office JavaScript API is to, upon the user's request, insert a rich text content control, and then populate it with HTML.
I am able to insert the content control from the JavaScript API using the approach suggested at It requires a coercionType of ooxml. However, the content that I wish to populate with the ooxml is HTML based. So when I try to insert a content control with the following ooxml:
...Boiler ooxml to create content control...
<w:r><w:t><h1>Test header</h1><h2>Test subheader</h2><p>Test paragraph text</p></w:t></w:r>
The insert attempt fails. I'm assuming that's because you can't mix ooxml and html when inserting this into the document with a coercionType of ooxml.
Since this ooxml approach is the only way you can insert a content control, how can I then set the content control with HTML text? I have looked over the Document object help content at, but I'm unsure how I can do this still, or if it's feasible.
though I have not tried this with JS - it should be possible nontheless.
Try adding a altChunk Element, it can contain other open xml or html. I have used it a few times with success.
a few links on the issue:
U should however try to use "strict"-xml - otherwise the above might not be possible.
I just found this example (sry it's german, but there should be an english version somewhere as well). In which coercionType is used like this:
{ coercionType: Office.CoercionType.Html },
function (result) {
// Access the results, if necessary.
This might do the trick as well.

CKEditor automatically strips classes from div

I am using CKEditor as a back end editor on my website. It is driving me round the bend though as it seems to want to change the code to how it sees fit whenever I press the source button. For example if I hit source and create a <div>...
<div class="myclass">some content</div>
It then for no apparent reason strips the class from the <div>, so when I hit source again it has been changed to...
<div>some content</div>
I presume this irritating behaviour can be turned off in the config.js, but I have been digging and cant find anything in documentation to turn it off.
Disabling content filtering
The easiest solution is going to the config.js and setting:
config.allowedContent = true;
(Remember to clear browser's cache). Then CKEditor stops filtering the inputted content at all. However, this will totally disable content filtering which is one of the most important CKEditor features.
Configuring content filtering
You can also configure CKEditor's content filter more precisely to allow only these element, classes, styles and attributes which you need. This solution is much better, because CKEditor will still remove a lot of crappy HTML which browsers produce when copying and pasting content, but it will not strip the content you want.
For example, you can extend the default CKEditor's configuration to accept all div classes:
config.extraAllowedContent = 'div(*)';
Or some Bootstrap stuff:
config.extraAllowedContent = 'div(col-md-*,container-fluid,row)';
Or you can allow description lists with optional dir attributes for dt and dd elements:
config.extraAllowedContent = 'dl; dt dd[dir]';
These were just very basic examples. You can write all kind of rules - requiring attributes, classes or styles, matching only special elements, matching all elements. You can also disallow stuff and totally redefine CKEditor's rules.
Read more about:
Content filtering in CKEditor – why do you need content filter.
Advanced Content Filter – in deep description of the filtering mechanism.
Allowed content rules – how to write allowed content rules.
I found a solution.
This turns off the filtering, it's working, but not a good idea...
config.allowedContent = true;
To play with a content string works fine for id, etc, but not for the class and style attributes, because you have () and {} for class and style filtering.
So my bet is for allowing any class in the editor is:
config.extraAllowedContent = '*(*)';
This allows any class and any inline style.
config.extraAllowedContent = '*(*);*{*}';
To allow only class="asdf1" and class="asdf2" for any tag:
config.extraAllowedContent = '*(asdf1,asdf2)';
(so you have to specify the classnames)
To allow only class="asdf" only for p tag:
config.extraAllowedContent = 'p(asdf)';
To allow id attribute for any tag:
config.extraAllowedContent = '*[id]';
etc etc
To allow style tag (<style type="text/css">...</style>):
config.extraAllowedContent = 'style';
To be a bit more complex:
config.extraAllowedContent = 'span;ul;li;table;td;style;*[id];*(*);*{*}';
Hope it's a better solution...
Edit: this answer is for those who use ckeditor module in drupal.
I found a solution which doesn't require modifying ckeditor js file.
this answer is copied from here. all credits should goes to original author.
Go to "Admin >> Configuration >> CKEditor"; under Profiles, choose your profile (e.g. Full).
Edit that profile, and on "Advanced Options >> Custom JavaScript configuration" add config.allowedContent = true;.
Don't forget to flush the cache under "Performance tab."
Since CKEditor v4.1, you can do this in config.js of CKEditor:
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
config.extraAllowedContent = '*[id](*)'; // remove '[id]', if you don't want IDs for HTML tags
You can refer to the official documentation for the detailed syntax of Allowed Content Rules
if you're using ckeditor 4.x you can try
config.allowedContent = true;
if you're using ckeditor 3.x you may be having this issue.
try putting the following line in config.js
config.ignoreEmptyParagraph = false;
This is called ACF(Automatic Content Filter) in ckeditor.It remove all unnessary tag's What we are using in text content.Using this command in your config.js file should be turn off this ACK.
config.allowedContent = true;
Please refer to the official Advanced Content Filter guide and plugin integration tutorial.
You'll find much more than this about this powerful feature. Also see config.extraAllowedContent that seems suitable for your needs.
Following is the complete example for CKEDITOR 4.x :
<textarea name="post_content" id="post_content" class="form-control"></textarea>
CKEDITOR.replace('post_content', {
The above code will allow all tags in the editor.
For more Detail : CK EDITOR Allowed Content Rules
If you use Drupal AND the module called "WYSIWYG" with the CKEditor library, then the following workaround could be a solution. For me it works like a charm. I use CKEditor 4.4.5 and WYSIWYG 2.2 in Drupal 7.33. I found this workaround here:
Here it is:
I create a custom module and put the following code in the ".module" file:
* Implements hook_wysiwyg_editor_settings_alter().
function MYMODULE_wysiwyg_editor_settings_alter(&$settings, $context) {
if ($context['profile']->editor == 'ckeditor') {
$settings['allowedContent'] = TRUE;
I hope this help other Drupal users.
I found that switching to use full html instead of filtered html (below the editor in the Text Format dropdown box) is what fixed this problem for me. Otherwise the style would disappear.
I would like to add this config.allowedContent = true; needs to be added to the ckeditor.config.js file not the config.js, config.js did nothing for me but adding it to the top area of ckeditor.config.js kept my div classes
Another option if using drupal is simply to add the css style that you want to use. that way it does not strip out the style or class name.
so in my case under the css tab in drupal 7 simply add something like
also check that font-styles button is enabled
I face same problem on chrome with ckeditor 4.7.1. Just disable pasteFilter on ckeditor instanceReady.This property disable all filter options of Advance Content Filter(ACF).
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function (ev) {
ev.editor.pasteFilter.disabled = true;

GWT - Create a link to external website

I need to create a link that point to another website, not to the portal itself trought ajax call. I write this at the moment :
InlineLabel fv1=new InlineLabel("Validator W3C : ");
InlineHyperlink linkfv1 = new InlineHyperlink("HTML" , "");
InlineLabel fv2=new InlineLabel(" | ");
InlineHyperlink linkfv2 = new InlineHyperlink("CSS" , "");
but it call the portal. In fact, if i click on HTML it adds # in the navigation bar. How can I fix this? Bye
The docs for InlineLabel say that it's meant to be used for "internal" links -- i.e., only to change the part after the #, like you're seeing.
You want to use Anchor -- this will result in an <a> tag being added to your page.
I prefer this solution:
Define an object of HTML class with the necessary parameters then add that object to a container in your GWT interface, FlowPanel for instance.
HTML link = new HTML("Take me to stackoverflow");