WWW and Github folder synchronization - github

Still new to Github and was wondering if its possible to synchronize a WWW specific folder to Github project folder.
Let's say, I am working on /www/my-project/ and I have github folder /github/my-project-repo/
The main question is, how can I easily move file from my-project to my-project-repo just similarly to committing. Copy-pasting seems like a dull method to do. Any tips helps!

Use the --git-dir and --work-tree option of the git command:
If you are modifying files in my_project, but want them taken into account in my-project-repo git repo, you can do:
git --work-tree=/www/my-project/ --git-dir= /github/my-project-repo/.git status
git --work-tree=/www/my-project/ --git-dir= /github/my-project-repo/.git add -A .
git --work-tree=/www/my-project/ --git-dir= /github/my-project-repo/.git commit -m "add files from my-project"
You might want to refresh your working tree in /github/my-project-repo after modifying its index with your git add.
cd /github/my-project-repo
git checkout .
Beware though of concurrent modifications you could have on common files: that last checkout would erase and overwrite them by what you added from /www/my-project.
If you want to be sure to preserve any work in progress in /github/my-project-repo:
git stash save --keep-index
git stash drop
The OP found a simpler solution, and:
moved the storage directory to /www/.
cd /my-project/,
git config, git init, etc.
I stop tracking the repo that was save on Docs/Github/ — my first storage directory.

Finally figure it out... Here are some video tutorial that helped me along the way:
Basic fundamentals of Git
The difference between Git and GitHub
Installation and setup tutorial for Git
Basic (but core) command lines of Git
Account signup tutorial for GitHub and general tips
Using GitHub with Git (configuration and demo)
Installation tutorial of GitHub Windows Client (GUI)
Introduction to Branching, Merging, Cloning, and Forking
Example of development cycle using Git and GitHub
More details on Branching, Merging, Cloning, and Forking
Introduction to Merging Conflicts
In-depth look in Merging Conflicts
Reverting Commits


Removing whole directories in Github

I apologize if this seems like a newbie question, but I'm having some issues navigating through github. I understand the essentials of committing, pushing, peeling etc, but for some reason I can't figure out a few other essentials. If you could take a look at this link it's the GH repo I'm speaking of: https://github.com/AustinTice/JobInterviewAlgorithms . I have pushed new code to the file in the FizzBuzz directory, however the Algorithms/FizzBuzz directory and its containing folders are still on the remote repo although not on my local repo. I just need to know how to delete those directories, and how to essentially get better at rearranging the hierarchies of my repos.
In case clarification is needed, what I'm trying to do in the repo is have [Name of Algorithm] > [Language used to solve] > [Solution] and I need to know how to delete the whole directories, because I'm having some issues.
After deleting the folder, all you need to do is stage the changed and commit.
rm -rf Algorithms
git add <changed files>
git commit -m <commit message>
Once done, you can push the commit to the remote repository and the changes will be reflected on Github.
git push origin master
Let me know if this helps.
you should be able to delete the remote branch with following command
git push origin --delete Algorithms/FizzBuzz

How to upload folders on GitHub

How can I upload folders to GitHub? I have all of my code in a folder, containing 98 files, on my desktop. I know how to upload files, but it there a way to upload the entire folder?
This is Web GUI of a GitHub repository:
Drag and drop your folder to the above area. When you upload too much folder/files, GitHub will notice you:
Yowza, that’s a lot of files. Try again with fewer than 100 files.
and add commit message
And press button Commit changes is the last step.
You can also use the command line, Change directory where your folder is located then type the following :
git init
git add <folder1> <folder2> <etc.>
git commit -m "Your message about the commit"
git remote add origin https://github.com/yourUsername/yourRepository.git
git push -u origin master
git push origin master
I Understand where you are coming from.
The solution provided by #James Graham may not work in certain cases. The Drag and Drop Functionality may cease to exist. See below link when that happens:
If somebody wants to avoid the shell and all the commands and wants to have a UI to do that,Github Desktop is one of the way to go forward.
Steps to follow to install and use Github Desktop:
I am assuming you know the difference between local repo and remote repo
Install Github Desktop
Create a repository locally on your hard drive by using github desktop. This will automatically create files like .git and .gitattributes. It also asks to create a README.md file, always best practice is to create it and edit it informing readers about your project overview, installation steps etc. README.md is rendered in Markdown and can also render HTML. See more about Markdown here: Markdown Cheatsheet guide
Copy and Paste all the folders and files that you want to upload(basically the right terminology is "Push" ) into this newly created local repository. Be aware of the directory structure as the exact same directory structure will be replicated on your remote repository.
Go to github desktop, as soon as you paste files in the local repo, you will see them as changes here. All you need to do is commit these changes with a comment. This will be your "First or Initial Commit" to the repo.
Next Github repo will ask whether you want to publish these to its remote repository. Click "Publish" Note Publish is just a one time operations. Going forward any further changes you make to local repo will be seen in github desktop and you need to again follow the loop of "Commit local->Fetch from remote->Push to Remote. As long as you are the only developer working on a project you need not go into other mechanics of git branches etc.
To verify if your repo is published remotely login to your github profile on the web and see your repository sitting there. This your remote repo which you effectively created from your local repo by using Github desktop.
I've just gone through that process again. Always end up cloning the repo locally, upload the folder I want to have in that repo to that cloned location, commit the changes and then push it.
Note that if you're dealing with large files, you'll need to consider using something like Git LFS.
For those still using master, this was changed to main
echo "# repo-name" >> README.md
git init
git add README.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin https://github.com/username/repo-name.git
git push -u origin main

Merging git hub repository with perforce depot

I have project A. The project A is in perforce as well as in github( Business decision). They are both out of sync. I see that I can use git-p4 tool http://git-scm.com/docs/git-p4 to submit git changes to perforce. Problem is first instruction of it says is:
git p4 clone //depot/path/project
This command will create a new repo in git hub. I do not want that. I want my existing perforce depot to connect to exiting github repo and then sync files from github to perforce. Is it possible?
No. git p4 is basically just a wrapper around Perforce. It reads changes to a Git repo and issues the proper Perforce commands to commit them (and vice-versa -- it reads changes to a Perforce checkout and issues the proper Git commands to update a Git repo accordingly). So you need to have a Perforce checkout and a local Git repo that can talk to that Perforce checkout.
Fundamentally you have two different histories for the same project, so you need to find some way to reconcile them.
git-p4 can sync from Perforce (create a new git repository), then you can add a new remote pointing to github, and sync the branches from there.
However that doesn't help with the problem of merging the histories.
You can either:
Go with Perforce, and rewrite github history
Go with Github history, and get your perforce admin/Perforce (company) to rewrite your Perforce history.
2 is probably (politically) impossible. May be impossible technically. Perforce is designed to prevent history from being altered.
1 will break anyone cloned from your github repository.
You may want to take a look at Git Fusion, which is a bridge between Git and Perforce:
This KB article gives an example of how you may wish to work with a project that is both in Perforce and a public Git repo:
Hope this helps!

Stopped Using Git - Now Want to Start Again. How to Get Synced Back Up?

We had a number of developers working on a large website project using Git. We have a GitHub repository and then we have the website on the server, plus all the developers have their local versions.
When we finally launched the project, I got lazy (hangs head in shame) and started making changes directly to the server, without pushing them back to the Github repo. However, other people made changes to the repo, for reasons I don't quite understand, that were never pushed down to the server and are now either outdated or wrong. We have been doing this for almost seven months.
Now the server and repo are hopelessly out of sync. I would now like to get the most updated version of the site (which is the server) back up to the Git repository so we can begin another round of development. I basically want to start with a fresh copy of what is on the server.
How would you recommend I proceed? That was the first time I had used Git. It didn't seem like such a big deal at the time but now seems like it is harder to start up again than I thought.
I have looked for instructions and don't really see anything that fits. Because I am not super confident in my Git skills, I am afraid to just start trying the few ideas I did find and losing what I have on the server.
(I know I could restore from a backup if I really messed it up but would prefer not to do that as it would take the site down.)
Can I uninstall git and start again with a fresh repo? Or is there a safe way to push the current version up to the repo?
Thanks for your help.
UPDATE: I found this answer elsewhere (Replace GitHub repo while preserving issues, wiki, etc) but I am not sure how to do this:
cd into "new" repository
git remote add origin git#github.com:myusername/myrepository (replacing myusername & myrepository accordingly)
git push --force origin master
Possibly delete other remote branches and push new ones.
Not sure what they mean by "new repository"
Make a new branch and push it to GH.
Make a new branch based on the previous
Switch to the new branch (created on #2).
Delete all the files and folders on this branch repository
except the .git folder and contains
(maintain the README.md,
.gitignore and other files if you want it).
Copy all the files from the server except
.git folder.
Switch to local Master (created on #1)
Merge this new branch with the previous one.
Solve conflicts
(I use SmartGITthat have a visual conflict solver and helps me a lot, but you can use gitdiffif you don't want a visual interface)
Push it to GH.
I hope this helps
I figured this out. What I did was:
Make a new branch on Github to effectively store a backup.
$ git add . to stage all changes
$ git commit -m "Commit message" to commit changes
$ git push --force origin master to force changes from server to remote branch master
Once I did this, there were still hundreds of files I had deleted on the server that were not reflected on the remote github.com repository. I used the following:
$ git rm $(git ls-files --deleted)
See Removing multiple files from a Git repo that have already been deleted from disk
Then repeated git commit and git push. Now my github repo matches my server exactly.
I have not yet deleted the "backup" branch I created on github but I will.
Hope that helps someone.

Git/Mercurial locally ontop of local cvs checkout

I have read :
"Best practices for using git with CVS"
"How to export revision history from mercurial or git to cvs?"
, and neither suit my needs.
At work we use a remote CVS repo. Access to this repo is handled via eclipse CVS tools, and in-house eclipse plugins that are built ontop of team tools for eclipse. This means we can't move to a better vcs.
However I would like to use Git on my local machine (to enable personal branching) such that I can accomplish the following:
Create branches in Git and then once finished and merged back into my local trunk, commit back to the cvs repo using the eclipse team tools etc.
My plan is something along the following lines:
Copy the checked out files to another folder [gitRepo].
Create a master git repo in gitRepo
Branch in gitRepo and make changes.
Commit to gitRepo
Copy gitRepo back to checked out files
Sync with remote cvs.
I was planning on using eGit for eclipse however I believe that the CVS and .git files will compete for ownership of the versioning.
Are there any tools or suggested work flows to help me manage this? Also how well does Git play with CVS files. And vice versa since I don’t want them to infect each other.
The reason the former links are of no use is they commit straight to the cvs repo from the git repo and this worries me as I do not wish to infect the cvs repo by accident.
It should also be said that changes in the GitRepo do not need to persist into the CVS repo, for example I don’t need to see every push to the git repo reflected in the remote CVS.
~Thanks for reading.
You perfectly can create a git repo directly within a CVS workspace (much like directly within any other VCS tool.
Make sure git will ignore any .cvs resources, and make sure CVS will ignore the .git.
Any Git commit won't be directly reflected in CVS.
The only trick is for Eclipse to display only Git or only CVS informations and label decoration.
For that I would configure two different Eclipse perspectives in which I will de-activate one or the other VCS tool.
I have done exactly this at work and I found the following practices helpful:
Keep any one (master in my case) branch always in sync with CVS. Do not use this branch for your development. Periodically update this branch to get the changes made by the rest of the team. If these changes are relevant to your current work do a merge master from your dev (or any other appropriate) branch.
When you are ready to check in to CVS switch to the master branch and merge the changes from the appropriate branch (dev, feature etc. as appropriate). Run your tests!
You employer most likely will keep a back up of the CVS repos. You will have to find a way to keep your git repo backed up. One way is to add a mirror repository in a Dropbox folder and use a post-commit hook to update it after each commit.
Before you leave work switch to the master branch. I once made the mistake of running CVS up -d on a dev branch in the morning and ended up quite confused. Adding a script to automatically switch to master before updating helps.