How to customise the iOS badge number background - iphone

How can I customise the badge number on UITabBarItem?
Something like this

Have a Look at MKNumberBadgeView. Its a little Class for your Custom BadgeView.
Using it like this I am able to add it to my custom UITabBarController:
MKNumberBadgeView *badge = [[MKNumberBadgeView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(110, self.view.frame.size.height-20, 30, 30)];
badge.value = 12;
UIWindow *window = [[UIApplication sharedApplication].windows objectAtIndex:0];
[[[window subviews] objectAtIndex:0] addSubview:badge];
Wich will look like this:
Of course you have to take care of rotating issues when adding the badgeView to the window.
But I guess you can customize MKNumberBadgeView to make it look the way you want it, give it a try.


How to set uitextfield to italics Xcode 4.5

I have an app where the users enters information in a few textfields which are then added to a uitextview by a nsstring does anybody know how i can set one of the textfields to italics and keep the others normal
Heres my code i want to only change once textfield (e.g textfbookpublisher):
NSString* combinedString = [NSString stringWithFormat:
DissertationGen*bookg = [[DissertationGen alloc] init];
bookg.message = combinedString;
bookg.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
[self presentModalViewController:bookg animated:YES]
A quick search would have given you an easy answer. For example, this post.
Simply set the font of the UITextfield you want to a [UIFont italicSystemFontOfSize:].
try this link see accepted answer and also check TTTAttributedLabel library
Bold one Word
now you want only textfbookpublisher in italic then pass it individually to next DissertationGen view
in DissertationGen controller's viewdidload method use following code
UILabel *lblpubl = [[UILabel alloc] init];
lblpubl.font = [UIFont italicSystemFontOfSize:18.0];
lblpubl.text = your variable which contains textfbookpublisher's text;
now use lblpubl as you wish

Set accessibility badge on a tabbarItem

I have a tabbar application. If there is a badge on a certain tab VoiceOver pronounces N items. I'd like to make it pronounce N messages.
How do I do that?
I had a similar problem,
it seems that UITabBarViewController.tabbar is handling accessibility differently than other views.
So my solution was placing another uiview above the badge as a subview of [tabbar superview] and adding accessibility to this view:
At viewDidLoad:
self.badgeAccessibilityView = [[UIView alloc] init];
//use tabBarView.frame to calculate
self.badgeAccessibilityView.frame = frameAccordingToBadgeLocation;
self.badgeAccessibilityView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
self.badgeAccessibilityView.isAccessibilityElement = YES;
[self.tabBarView.superview addSubview:self.badgeAccessibilityView];
On badge value change:
self.badgeAccessibilityView.accessibilityLabel =
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d Notifications", badgeValue];

Reload UIViewController and xib

I have an app that has a MyViewController with two subclasses, MyViewControllerMain and MyViewControllerSettings.
In MyViewControllerSettings, I allow the user to change the font, color, etc. How do I instruct MyViewControllerMain to refresh itself so the changes show up?
Here is what I am doing:
I initialize it in viewDidLoad of my superclass like this:
m_fFontSize = (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) ? 28 : 16;
m_MyFont = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Greg's Hand" size:m_fFontSize];
And then in derived settings class, I do this:
NSString * sFont = [fontList objectAtIndex:row];
m_MyFont = [UIFont fontWithName:sFont size:m_fFontSize];
And in my dervied MainView class in viewWillAppear, I do this:
tfName.font = m_MyFont;
It depends - if you have, say, a UILabel, UIButton or the like in your MyViewControllerMain and you change their font / color, they should update themselves (make sure you really set the font, color, etc!).
Otherwise, you can always try [[myViewController view] setNeedsDisplay].
For this you need to redraw the whole view using your settings.
For each & every time, method name:
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
//Over here just set the font size of all the controllers you are using.
This will definitely solve your problem since this method is called every time before the View Appears.

Hide UIToolbar UIBarButtonItems

I have a UIToolbar that I set up using IB with three buttons, left, middle and right. In some situations I would like to not display the middle button. Does anybody know of a way to hide a specific button on inside a UIToolBar? There is no hide property, all I can find is setEnable but this still leaves the button causing users to wonder what its purpose is. I would like to only display it in situations that it actually has a use.
Thanks in advance!
Reset the items:
-(void)setItems:(NSArray *)items animated:(BOOL)animated
You can get the current items using the items property, then just remove the one you don't want to show and pass in the new NSArray.
As you can see, you can also animate it to make it clear to the user.
Rather than guessing at the index, I added an IBOutlet for the UIBarButtonItem and then removed it by name:
NSMutableArray *toolBarButtons = [self._toolbar.items mutableCopy];
[toolBarButtons removeObject:self._selectButton]; // right button
[self._toolbar setItems:toolBarButtons];
And of course it helps to connect the outlets in the designer :)
This is how i did it.. too much headache but its the best i could come up with :
NSArray *toolBarArray = toolBar.items;
NSMutableArray *newToolBarArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:toolBarArray];
[newToolBarArray removeObjectAtIndex:2];
[newToolBarArray removeObjectAtIndex:1];
//remove whatever buttons you want to.
NSArray *finalTabBarArray =[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:newToolBarArray, nil];
[toolBar setItems:[finalTabBarArray objectAtIndex:0] animated:NO];
I know it is quite old thread for but those who look this page for solution, here you go :
With iOS7, you can use this approach to show/hide your toolbar button :
if(// your code Condition)
{ self.toolbarBtn1.enabled = YES;
self.toolbarBtn1.tintColor = nil; }
{ self.toolbarBtn1.enabled = NO;
self.toolbarBtn1.tintColor = [UIColor clearColor]; }
This does not work here because the array you are sending with setItem is not what the function expects.
I had to replace the line:
NSArray *finalTabBarArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:newToolBarArray, nil];
with this one:
NSArray *finalTabBarArray = [newToolBarArray copy];
Then it works perfectly.
Mohit's answer is one that I have used, but you dont need to specifically make it a NSArray that the toolbar sets. You can just set the array of items as a NSMutableArray. No real advantage that I am aware off but its a few lines less code. And that way you can take the array and move about UIButton objects as you would any other array with objects and then just reset the toolbar with that mutable array.
[newToolBarArray removeObjectAtIndex:2];
[newToolBarArray removeObjectAtIndex:1];
[toolBar setItems:newToolBarArray];

Just how to you use TTStyledTextLabel?

All I want is to display some simple text in my viewController and have the hyperlinks autoparsed. When the user clicks on the link I want the control to somehow do a callback where I can do something with the URL. How can I achieve this?
I've already looked through the TTCatalog for hours. I have also tried looking into the source code of three20 as well as looking at the stack trace. No help. I just can't figure out how my app can react to the click of the URL. Any hints please?
Hard to help without seeing what you've already tried, but you should be able to do something like the following:
TTStyledTextLabel* label = [[[TTStyledTextLabel alloc]
initWithFrame:someFrame] autorelease];
NSString* labelText = #"This should work";
label.text = [TTStyledText textFromXHTML:labelText lineBreaks:NO URLs:YES];
[someView addSubview:label];
You can then use TTNavigator and TTURLMap to map custom-uri://some/url to a particular controller in your application, or handle it yourself in your application delegate. The best place to find out how to do that is by looking at the TTNavigatorDemo sample application included in the Three20 source. Specifically, look at AppDelegate.m which is where all the URL mapping gets performed.
In addition to what Nathan says about URL mapping and links, you can also use CSS styles!
TTStyledTextLabel* label = [[[TTStyledTextLabel alloc] initWithFrame:someFrame] autorelease];
NSString* labelText = #"This should work and
<span class=\"redText\">this should be red</span>";
label.text = [TTStyledText textFromXHTML:labelText lineBreaks:NO URLs:YES];
[someView addSubview:label];
Then in your StyleSheet.m implement
- (TTStyle*) redText {
return [TTTextStyle styleWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12] color:RGBCOLOR(255,0,0) next:nil];