How to implement something like a wizard screen? - lwuit

I want to place a "Next" button which , when clicked , will display another group of components ; and I want also to place a "Previous" button which , when clicked , then display the previous group of components. How to achieve that ?

I recently implemented forms for data entry. Typically i have a wizard class that holds all the forms in the wizard, so i can easily navigate back and forth between them. And when i call a new form, i pass along the object of the wizard.
Below is my wizard, with implementation omitted.
public final class ReportWizard {
public static ReportWizard instance = null;
Form parent = null;
Form titleForm = null;
Form budgetForm = null;
Form iconForm = null;
final Report reports[] = new Report[20];
public ReportWizard(Form parent) {
this.parent = parent;
this.instance = this;
void getTitle() {
AddReportForm reportForm = new AddReportForm(parent, this);
titleForm = reportForm;
ImageListPicker getIcon = new ImageListPicker(titleForm, reports, this);
iconForm = getIcon.imageListForm;
void getIcon() {;
public void cancelWizard() {
titleForm = null;
iconForm = null;
budgetForm = null;
instance = null;;
parent = null;


VisualForce Button not returning Selected Ids

I am converting a custom List JS button to support lighting. So, I've made changes to existing class and created a VF page and added that to the list view button. But when I run the functionality nothing seems to happen and debug logs returned Id as 000000.. Pls suggest.
global class AddUserToTeam{
public Opportunity objOpp;
global AddUserToTeam(ApexPages.StandardSetController stdcontroller) {
objOpp = (Opportunity)stdController.getRecord();
system.debug(objOpp );
public pagereference addTeam(){
List<Id> opportunityIds = new List<Id>();
system.debug('oppid'+ opportunityIds);
//return new pagereference(url.getsalesforcebaseurl().toexternalform()+'/'+objOpp.Id);
return new PageReference('/006/o');
webservice static boolean addTeamMember(List<Id> opptyIds)
// some logic to add a user to teams
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" recordSetVar="Opportunities" extensions="AddUserToTeam" action="{!addTeam}">
[enter image description here][1]
I fixed the issue, check the below code
global class AddUserToTeam{
public Opportunity objOpp;
public String accIds{get;set;}
global AddUserToTeam(ApexPages.StandardSetController stdcontroller) {
System.debug('Get Selected');
objOpp = stdcontroller.getSelected();
accIds = '';
for(Opportunity acc : objOpp){
accIds += acc.Id + ',';
System.debug('Opp ID : '+accIds);
accIds = accIds.removeEnd(',');
public pagereference addTeam(){
List<Id> opportunityIds = new List<Id>();
opportunityIds.add(accIds );
system.debug('oppid'+ opportunityIds);
return new pagereference(url.getsalesforcebaseurl().toexternalform()+'/'+accIds );
//return new PageReference('/006/o');
webservice static boolean addTeamMember(List<Id> opptyIds)
// some logic to add a user to teams

Wicket 7 - AutoCompleted Text field - to have onSelect method

We would like to implement AutoCompleteTextField field, once user has selected the field from AutoComplete result, then system would auto populate on other text field, i have used the component AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior (blur), however this will take effect on every text input from AutoCompleteTextField field, but if i change to AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior (change), it doesnt work.
Below is the sample code:
AutoCompleteTextField<String> field_postcode = new AutoCompleteTextField<String>("field_postcode",
new PropertyModel<String>(getModelObject(), "wAdditionalInfo.postal"), autoCompleteRenderer) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected Iterator<String> getChoices(String input) {
if (Strings.isEmpty(input)) {
List<String> emptyList = Collections.emptyList();
return emptyList.iterator();
List<String> choices = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Postcode> postcodeList = getProfileManager().findAllPostcodeByPostcode(input);
for (Postcode p : postcodeList) {
String postcode = p.getPostcode();
if (postcode.startsWith(input)) {
if (choices.size() == 10) {
return choices.iterator();
field_postcode.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("blur"){
private static final long serialVersionUID=-1107858522700306810L;
#Override protected void onUpdate( AjaxRequestTarget target){
Postcode postcode = getProfileManager().findPostcodeByPostcode(field_postcode.getInput());
if (postcode != null) {
City city = postcode.getCity();
State state = city.getState();
if (isDisplayTip) {
//isDisplayTip true mean is from widrawal webform
isReadonly = true;
} else {
} else {
if (isDisplayTip) {
isReadonly = false;
} else {
target.add(field_city, ddl_state);
Is there any api from wicket to achieve this? We need to have something when user select the option from Auto complete, then it only onUpdate method of AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior
According to it should trigger change event on the HTMLInputElement and thus notify you on the server side.
Use the browser debugger to see whether is executed and whether it leads to an Ajax call with the value in the parameters.

Viewmodel not updating model after add or insert to list

I'm fairly new to MVVM and Entity framework and I've hit a problem trying to add new records to my SQL database through MVVM. Below is the first and last part of my viewmodel which loads from my entity framework and this is working fine.
internal class MainWindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, IDisposable
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private TEAMSEntities ctx = new TEAMSEntities();
public MainWindowViewModel()
public void AddASale()
Tbl_Sales newsale = new Tbl_Sales();
newsale.SALEID = "2018...";
newsale.SALE = "....";
newsale.SALEDESC = "....";
newsale.START = Convert.ToDateTime("12/04/2018");
newsale.SESSIONS = 2;
newsale.DAYS = 2;
newsale.LOTS = 100;
newsale.FIRSTLOT = 1;
newsale.LASTLOT = 100;
#region Sale
private void FillSales()
var q = (from a in ctx.Tbl_Sales
select a).ToList();
this.Sales = q;
private List<Tbl_Sales> _sales;
public List<Tbl_Sales> Sales
return _sales;
_sales = value;
private Tbl_Sales _selectedSale;
public Tbl_Sales SelectedSale
return _selectedSale;
_selectedSale = value;
#endregion Sale
public void SaveChanges()
private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String
propertyName = "")
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public void Dispose()
When I make changes to existing data in the view bound to the viewmodel and call the SaveChanges method in the viewmodel it saves the change back to the SQL database every time. If I call the AddASale method it adds that sale to the list but doesn't refresh the UI control bound to Sales and doesn't pass the newly created sale back to the SQL DB. Through debugging I can see the set being called in the Sales property when the LINQ code runs but it doesn't fire when I add a new sale through the AddASale code which is probably why the UI isn't updating...?
Can anyone offer any guidance as to what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
First, add your new entity in your context and save it like this :
Tbl_Sales newsale = new Tbl_Sales
SALEID = "2018...",
SALE = "....",
SALEDESC = "....",
START = Convert.ToDateTime("12/04/2018"),
DAYS = 2,
LOTS = 100,
after that, I think you have to refresh your list manually :
Here, a link to MSDN
Hope I helped you

Apache Wicket TextField

Good day!
I create some Table:
List<IColumn<User, String>> columns = new ArrayList<>();
columns.add(new AbstractColumn<User, String>(new Model<String>("")) {
public void populateItem(Item<ICellPopulator<User>> cellItem, String componentId, IModel<User> rowModel) {
cellItem.add(new Link<String>(componentId) {
public void onClick() {
System.out.println("editors" + rowModel.getObject().getName());
PageParameters parameters = new PageParameters();
parameters.add("id", rowModel.getObject().getId());
add(new EditPanel("panel", rowModel));
public IMarkupFragment getMarkup() {
return Markup.of("<div wicket:id='cell'> edit </div>");
When I click on cell into Table, cell markup "Edit", I create some Panel:
public class EditPanel extends Panel {
public EditPanel(String id, IModel<User> model) {
super(id, model);
User user = model.getObject();
if (user == null) {
user = new User();
List<UserRole> list = Arrays.asList(UserRole.values());
Form<?> form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(user));
TextField<String> userName = new TextField<String>("name");
add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback"));
How can I set value to
TextField userName = new TextField("name");
from my model, or if model == null, set any text what I need?
If you use Wicket 7 or older then you may use :
TextField<String> userName = new TextField<String>("name", new PropertyModel(model, "username"));
assuming that username is a property of User.
With Wicket 8.x you can use LambdaModel instead.
I think the problem is because you are passing the object and not the model.
The right way is passing with CompoundPropertyModel, like you do. It`s better then PropertyModel in this case.
Try doing this:
if (model.getObject() == null) {
model.setObject(new User());
Form<?> form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(model));
Hope help you.

set property of new instance

thank you for helping.
First, I created a form with a (user defined) property.
as see below
public partial class nfrmtableitem : Form
private DataRow _datarow;
public DataRow U_Table_Row { get { return _datarow; } set { _datarow = value; } }
public nfrmtableitem()
And I create second form with property as type of Form.
as see below
public partial class nftableshow : Form
private DataTable _datatable;
public DataTable U_DataTable { get { return _datatable; } set { _datatable = value; } }
private Form _inputform1;
public Form U_DGV_InputForm1 { get { return _inputform1; } set { _inputform1 = value; } }
when call it:
any where
nftableshow newfrmtableshow = new nftableshow()
Name = "newfrmtableshow",
Text = "Show the table",
MdiParent = this,
U_DGV_InputForm1 = new nfrmtableitem(),
But I can not use the first form property in second form.
and the property is not in instance.
//the button in second form
private void button1_Click_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form f1 = _inputform1 as Form;
* {
* U_Table_Row = db.maindataset.Tables["customer"].NewRow(),
* };
How can I use the First form with specific (user defined) property in second form.
You should probably use dot notation to access the property of the first form. Try using
//the button in second form
private void button1_Click_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form f1 = _inputform1 as Form;
f1.U_Table_Row = db.maindataset.Tables["customer"].NewRow(),