VisualForce Button not returning Selected Ids - apex

I am converting a custom List JS button to support lighting. So, I've made changes to existing class and created a VF page and added that to the list view button. But when I run the functionality nothing seems to happen and debug logs returned Id as 000000.. Pls suggest.
global class AddUserToTeam{
public Opportunity objOpp;
global AddUserToTeam(ApexPages.StandardSetController stdcontroller) {
objOpp = (Opportunity)stdController.getRecord();
system.debug(objOpp );
public pagereference addTeam(){
List<Id> opportunityIds = new List<Id>();
system.debug('oppid'+ opportunityIds);
//return new pagereference(url.getsalesforcebaseurl().toexternalform()+'/'+objOpp.Id);
return new PageReference('/006/o');
webservice static boolean addTeamMember(List<Id> opptyIds)
// some logic to add a user to teams
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity" recordSetVar="Opportunities" extensions="AddUserToTeam" action="{!addTeam}">
[enter image description here][1]

I fixed the issue, check the below code
global class AddUserToTeam{
public Opportunity objOpp;
public String accIds{get;set;}
global AddUserToTeam(ApexPages.StandardSetController stdcontroller) {
System.debug('Get Selected');
objOpp = stdcontroller.getSelected();
accIds = '';
for(Opportunity acc : objOpp){
accIds += acc.Id + ',';
System.debug('Opp ID : '+accIds);
accIds = accIds.removeEnd(',');
public pagereference addTeam(){
List<Id> opportunityIds = new List<Id>();
opportunityIds.add(accIds );
system.debug('oppid'+ opportunityIds);
return new pagereference(url.getsalesforcebaseurl().toexternalform()+'/'+accIds );
//return new PageReference('/006/o');
webservice static boolean addTeamMember(List<Id> opptyIds)
// some logic to add a user to teams


Create WinUI3/MVVM Most Recently Used (MRU) List in Menu Bar

I would like to create a classic "Recent Files" list in my Windows app menu bar (similar to Visual Studio's menu bar -> File -> Recent Files -> see recent files list)
The MRU list (List < string > myMRUList...) is known and is not in focus of this question. The problem is how to display and bind/interact with the list according to the MVVM rules.
Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls's Menu class will be removed in a future release and they recommend to use MenuBar control from the WinUI. I haven't found any examples, that use WinUI's MenuBar to create a "Recent Files" list.
I'm using Template Studio to create a WinUI 3 app. In the ShellPage.xaml I added
<MenuFlyoutSubItem x:Name="mruFlyout" Text="Recent Files"></MenuFlyoutSubItem>
and in ShellPage.xaml.c
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
mruFlyout.Items.Insert(mruFlyout.Items.Count, new MenuFlyoutItem(){ Text = "C:\\Test1_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd") } );
mruFlyout.Items.Insert(mruFlyout.Items.Count, new MenuFlyoutItem(){ Text = "C:\\Test2_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd") } );
mruFlyout.Items.Insert(mruFlyout.Items.Count, new MenuFlyoutItem(){ Text = "C:\\Test3_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM dd") } );
knowing this is not MVVM, but even this approach does not work properly, because the dynamically generated MenuFlyoutItem can be updated only once by Button_Click() event.
Could anybody give me an example, how to create the "Recent Files" functionality, but any help would be great! Thanks
Unfortunately, it seems that there is no better solution than handling this in code behind since the Items collection is readonly and also doesn't response to changes in the UI Layout.
In addition to that, note that because of, updating the Items collection does not get reflected until the Flyout has been closed and reopened.
So assuming your ViewModel has an ObservableCollection, I would probably do this:
// 1. Register collection changed
MyViewModel.RecentFiles.CollectionChanged += RecentFilesChanged;
// 2. Handle collection change
private void RecentFilesChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args)
// 3. Create new UI collection
var flyoutItems = list.Select(entry =>
new MenuFlyoutItem()
Text = entry.Name
// 4. Updating your MenuFlyoutItem
flyoutItems.ForEach(entry => mruFlyout.Items.Add(entry));
Based on chingucoding's answer I got to the "recent files list" binding working.
For completeness I post the detailed code snippets here (keep in mind, that I'm not an expert):
Again using Template Studio to create a WinUI 3 app.
// constructor
public ShellViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, ILocalSettingsService localSettingsService)
ShellViewModel_RecentFiles.cs ( <-- partial class )
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
using Windows.Storage;
using Windows.Storage.AccessCache;
using Windows.Storage.Pickers;
namespace App_MostRecentUsedTest.ViewModels;
public partial class ShellViewModel : ObservableRecipient
public ObservableCollection<MRUItem> MRUItems{ get; set;} = new();
// update ObservableCollection<MRUItem>MRUItems from MostRecentlyUsedList
public void MRUUpdateItems()
var mruTokenList = StorageApplicationPermissions.MostRecentlyUsedList.Entries.Select(entry => entry.Token).ToList();
var mruMetadataList = StorageApplicationPermissions.MostRecentlyUsedList.Entries.Select(entry => entry.Metadata).ToList(); // contains path as string
MRUItems.Clear(); var i = 0;
foreach (var path in mruMetadataList)
MRUItems.Add(new MRUItem() { Path = path, Token = mruTokenList[i++] });
// called if user selects a recent used file from menu bar list
protected async Task MRULoadFileClicked(int? fileId)
if (fileId is not null)
var mruItem = MRUItems[(int)fileId];
FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(mruItem.Path ?? "");
if (fInfo.Exists)
StorageFile? file = await Windows.Storage.AccessCache.StorageApplicationPermissions.MostRecentlyUsedList.GetFileAsync(mruItem.Token);
if (file is not null)
Windows.Storage.AccessCache.StorageApplicationPermissions.MostRecentlyUsedList.Add(file, file.Path); // store file.Path into Metadata
// LOAD_FILE(file);
await Task.CompletedTask;
protected async Task MenuLoadFileClicked()
StorageFile? file = await GetFilePathAsync();
if (file is not null)
Windows.Storage.AccessCache.StorageApplicationPermissions.MostRecentlyUsedList.Add(file, file.Path); // store file.Path into Metadata
// LOAD_FILE(file);
await Task.CompletedTask;
// get file path with filePicker
private async Task<StorageFile?> GetFilePathAsync()
FileOpenPicker filePicker = new();
IntPtr hwnd = WinRT.Interop.WindowNative.GetWindowHandle(App.MainWindow);
WinRT.Interop.InitializeWithWindow.Initialize(filePicker, hwnd);
return await filePicker.PickSingleFileAsync();
public class MRUItem : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string? path;
private string? token;
public string? Path
get => path;
path = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(path));
public string? Token
get => token;
set => token = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
<MenuBarItem x:Name="ShellMenuBarItem_File">
<MenuFlyoutItem x:Uid="ShellMenuItem_File_Load" Command="{x:Bind ViewModel.MenuLoadFileClickedCommand}" />
<MenuFlyoutSubItem x:Name="MRUFlyout" Text="Recent Files..." />
// constructor
public ShellPage(ShellViewModel viewModel)
// MRU initialziation
// assign RecentFilesChanged() to CollectionChanged-event
ViewModel.MRUItems.CollectionChanged += RecentFilesChanged;
// Add (and RemoveAt) trigger RecentFilesChanged-event to update MenuFlyoutItems
ViewModel.MRUItems.Add(new MRUItem() { Path = "", Token = ""});
ViewModel.MRUItems.RemoveAt(ViewModel.MRUItems.Count - 1);
// MRU Handle collection change
private void RecentFilesChanged(object? sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
// project each MRUItems list element into a new UI MenuFlyoutItem flyoutItems list
var i = 0;
var flyoutItems = ViewModel.MRUItems.Select(entry =>
new MenuFlyoutItem()
Text = " " + i.ToString() + " " + FilenameHelper.EllipsisString(entry.Path, 65),
Command = ViewModel.MRULoadFileClickedCommand,
CommandParameter = i++
//// If you want to update the list while it is shown,
//// you will need to create a new FlyoutItem because of
// Create a new flyout and populate it
var newFlyout = new MenuFlyoutSubItem();
newFlyout.Text = MRUFlyout.Text; // Text="Recent Files...";
// Updating your MenuFlyoutItem
flyoutItems.ToList().ForEach(item => newFlyout.Items.Add(item));
// Get index of old sub item and remove it
var oldIndex = ShellMenuBarItem_File.Items.IndexOf(MRUFlyout);
// Insert the new flyout at the correct position
ShellMenuBarItem_File.Items.Insert(oldIndex, newFlyout);
// Assign newFlyout to "old"-MRUFlyout
MRUFlyout = newFlyout;

Viewmodel not updating model after add or insert to list

I'm fairly new to MVVM and Entity framework and I've hit a problem trying to add new records to my SQL database through MVVM. Below is the first and last part of my viewmodel which loads from my entity framework and this is working fine.
internal class MainWindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, IDisposable
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private TEAMSEntities ctx = new TEAMSEntities();
public MainWindowViewModel()
public void AddASale()
Tbl_Sales newsale = new Tbl_Sales();
newsale.SALEID = "2018...";
newsale.SALE = "....";
newsale.SALEDESC = "....";
newsale.START = Convert.ToDateTime("12/04/2018");
newsale.SESSIONS = 2;
newsale.DAYS = 2;
newsale.LOTS = 100;
newsale.FIRSTLOT = 1;
newsale.LASTLOT = 100;
#region Sale
private void FillSales()
var q = (from a in ctx.Tbl_Sales
select a).ToList();
this.Sales = q;
private List<Tbl_Sales> _sales;
public List<Tbl_Sales> Sales
return _sales;
_sales = value;
private Tbl_Sales _selectedSale;
public Tbl_Sales SelectedSale
return _selectedSale;
_selectedSale = value;
#endregion Sale
public void SaveChanges()
private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String
propertyName = "")
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public void Dispose()
When I make changes to existing data in the view bound to the viewmodel and call the SaveChanges method in the viewmodel it saves the change back to the SQL database every time. If I call the AddASale method it adds that sale to the list but doesn't refresh the UI control bound to Sales and doesn't pass the newly created sale back to the SQL DB. Through debugging I can see the set being called in the Sales property when the LINQ code runs but it doesn't fire when I add a new sale through the AddASale code which is probably why the UI isn't updating...?
Can anyone offer any guidance as to what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
First, add your new entity in your context and save it like this :
Tbl_Sales newsale = new Tbl_Sales
SALEID = "2018...",
SALE = "....",
SALEDESC = "....",
START = Convert.ToDateTime("12/04/2018"),
DAYS = 2,
LOTS = 100,
after that, I think you have to refresh your list manually :
Here, a link to MSDN
Hope I helped you

Apache Wicket TextField

Good day!
I create some Table:
List<IColumn<User, String>> columns = new ArrayList<>();
columns.add(new AbstractColumn<User, String>(new Model<String>("")) {
public void populateItem(Item<ICellPopulator<User>> cellItem, String componentId, IModel<User> rowModel) {
cellItem.add(new Link<String>(componentId) {
public void onClick() {
System.out.println("editors" + rowModel.getObject().getName());
PageParameters parameters = new PageParameters();
parameters.add("id", rowModel.getObject().getId());
add(new EditPanel("panel", rowModel));
public IMarkupFragment getMarkup() {
return Markup.of("<div wicket:id='cell'> edit </div>");
When I click on cell into Table, cell markup "Edit", I create some Panel:
public class EditPanel extends Panel {
public EditPanel(String id, IModel<User> model) {
super(id, model);
User user = model.getObject();
if (user == null) {
user = new User();
List<UserRole> list = Arrays.asList(UserRole.values());
Form<?> form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(user));
TextField<String> userName = new TextField<String>("name");
add(new FeedbackPanel("feedback"));
How can I set value to
TextField userName = new TextField("name");
from my model, or if model == null, set any text what I need?
If you use Wicket 7 or older then you may use :
TextField<String> userName = new TextField<String>("name", new PropertyModel(model, "username"));
assuming that username is a property of User.
With Wicket 8.x you can use LambdaModel instead.
I think the problem is because you are passing the object and not the model.
The right way is passing with CompoundPropertyModel, like you do. It`s better then PropertyModel in this case.
Try doing this:
if (model.getObject() == null) {
model.setObject(new User());
Form<?> form = new Form("form", new CompoundPropertyModel(model));
Hope help you.

How to implement something like a wizard screen?

I want to place a "Next" button which , when clicked , will display another group of components ; and I want also to place a "Previous" button which , when clicked , then display the previous group of components. How to achieve that ?
I recently implemented forms for data entry. Typically i have a wizard class that holds all the forms in the wizard, so i can easily navigate back and forth between them. And when i call a new form, i pass along the object of the wizard.
Below is my wizard, with implementation omitted.
public final class ReportWizard {
public static ReportWizard instance = null;
Form parent = null;
Form titleForm = null;
Form budgetForm = null;
Form iconForm = null;
final Report reports[] = new Report[20];
public ReportWizard(Form parent) {
this.parent = parent;
this.instance = this;
void getTitle() {
AddReportForm reportForm = new AddReportForm(parent, this);
titleForm = reportForm;
ImageListPicker getIcon = new ImageListPicker(titleForm, reports, this);
iconForm = getIcon.imageListForm;
void getIcon() {;
public void cancelWizard() {
titleForm = null;
iconForm = null;
budgetForm = null;
instance = null;;
parent = null;

Why does my History.newItem(someToken) not fire onValueChange()?

Even though it is correctly fired when I use History.fireCurrentHistoryState();
EDIT: All classes in the same package. Code updated -
public class TestHistory implements EntryPoint, ValueChangeHandler<String> {
static boolean isLoggedIn = false;
static final String PAGENAME = "mainscreen";
public void onModuleLoad()
String startToken = History.getToken();
System.out.println("onModuleLoad Called..... start token= -------"+startToken+"--------");
History.fireCurrentHistoryState(); //to execute onValueChange 1st time since 1st time history is not setup
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) {
String token = event.getValue();
String args = "";
int question = token.indexOf("?");
if (question != -1) {
args = token.substring(question + 1);
token = token.substring(0, question);
if(token.isEmpty() || "login".equals(token)) //1st time opened the site normally
new Login().display(false, RootPanel.get());
else {
new Login().display(true, RootPanel.get());
else //User has logged in
if(token.isEmpty() || "login".equals(token))
Window.alert("Ur already logged in!!!");
new Login().display(false, RootPanel.get());
else if("withdraw".equals(token))
new Withdraw().display(RootPanel.get(), args);
else if("deposit".equals(token))
new Deposit().display(RootPanel.get(), args);
else //token not clear
Window.alert("Unrecognized token=" + token);
public class Login {
static final String PAGENAME = "login";
void display(final boolean hasTypedSomeToken, Panel myPanel) //Process login
System.out.println("login display called");
Label displayLabel = new Label("This is the Login Page");
Label enterName = new Label("Enter ur name");
final TextBox txtName = new TextBox();
Label enterPasswd = new Label("Enter ur Passwd");
final TextBox txtPasswd = new TextBox();
Button btnLogIn = new Button("Login", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
/* Real app will check DB. Here we r jst chckng d txt fields hv value */
if(txtName.getValue().length()>0 && txtPasswd.getValue().length()>0)
TestHistory.isLoggedIn = true;
if(hasTypedSomeToken) {
//History.back(); //send him to the URL(token) he bookmarked b4 loggin in
Label displayLabel = new Label("Thank U for logging.);
public class Deposit {
static final String PAGENAME = "deposit";
void display(Panel myPanel, String param)
System.out.println("deposit display called");
Label displayLabel = new Label("This is the Deposit Page & ur parameter = "+param+")");
//similar to
The problem was with the usage of History.newItem(). the problem was occuring when I was using the bookmarked url and calling History.newItem() with a new token. Since already a token was present for the same internal page and I was giving it a new token so there was some confusion and onValueChange() was not being called.
Now Im clear that History.newItem() should be used when there is no token attached to the current view to mark the view with a token. Generally when a user opens a site normally (with no token), we should use history.newItem to mark the 1st view.
Also worth noting is that History.fireCurrentHistoryState() just calls onValueChange with the current token. And by going through the GWT's Code I found that History.newItem() simply calls History.fireCurrentHistoryState()
Actually if I replace
in my code with
& also the code
if(hasTypedSomeToken) {
//History.back(); //send him to the URL(token) he bookmarked b4 loggin in
if(hasTypedSomeToken) {
System.out.println("getToken() in Login = "+History.getToken());
it works pretty well.
Although newItem(...) generally fires an event, it is a no-op if the current token is the same as the one you're trying to add. If that's not the case, there's a problem with your implementation.