Is that possible to generate unique Id for list item across site collection? - numbers

Ex: I have 10 sites and every site have 5 list. From site 1 i have adding one item in listX now id will be like "1" and creating another item in listB of 4th sub site so now id will "2"... So it has to go on like this how to achieve this?
I need to update this with all list item added event ? also how to get the latest id?

I have tried this code with custom forms it's work's cool, but thinking this may give concurrency issue
public static void ID()
if ((field.InternalName.Equals("Field1")))
string template;
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
template = web.Properties["eydtemplate"].ToString();
if ("eydadvisory" == template)
SPListItemCollection items = _currentList.Items;
if (_currentList.ItemCount == 0)
webControl.Field.DefaultValue = (1).ToString();
SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
query.RowLimit = 1;
query.Query = " <OrderBy><FieldRef Name='" + field.InternalName + "' Ascending='FALSE' /></OrderBy>";
webControl.Field.DefaultValue = (Convert.ToInt64(_currentList.GetItems(query).Cast<SPListItem>().FirstOrDefault()[field.InternalName]) + 1).ToString();


Custom properties are not updated for the word via openXML

I am trying to update custom properties of word document thru Open XML programming but it seems the updated properties are not getting saved properly for the word document. So when I opening document after successful execution of the update custom property code, I am getting the message box which is "This document contains field that may refer to other files; Do you want to update the fields in the Document?" If I am pressing 'NO' button then all the update properties would not be saved to the document. If we are going for yes option then it will update properties but I need to save the properties explicitly. Please suggest to save properties to the document without getting confirmation message or corrupting the document. :)
the code snippet is given as below,
public void SetCustomValue(
WordprocessingDocument document, string propname, string aValue)
CustomFilePropertiesPart oDocCustomProps = document.CustomFilePropertiesPart;
Properties props = oDocCustomProps.Properties;
if (props != null)
//logger.Debug("props is not null");
foreach (var prop in props.Elements<CustomDocumentProperty>())
if (prop != null && prop.Name == propname)
//logger.Debug("Setting Property: " + prop.Name + " to value: " + aValue);
var newProp = new CustomDocumentProperty();
newProp.FormatId = "{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}";
newProp.Name = prop.Name;
vTLPWSTR1.Text = aValue;
int pid = 2;
foreach (CustomDocumentProperty item in props)
item.PropertyId = pid++;
I am using .Net framework 3.5 with Open XML SDK 2.0 and Office 2013.
Try this one
var CustomeProperties = xmlDOc.CustomFilePropertiesPart.Properties;
foreach (CustomDocumentProperty customeProperty in CustomeProperties)
if (customeProperty.Name == "DocumentName")
customeProperty.VTLPWSTR = new VTLPWSTR("My Custom Name");
else if (customeProperty.Name == "DocumentID")
customeProperty.VTLPWSTR = new VTLPWSTR("FNP.SMS.IQC");
else if (customeProperty.Name == "DocumentLastUpdate")
customeProperty.VTLPWSTR = new VTLPWSTR(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
//Open Word Setting File
DocumentSettingsPart settingsPart = xmlDOc.MainDocumentPart.GetPartsOfType<DocumentSettingsPart>().First();
//Update Fields
UpdateFieldsOnOpen updateFields = new UpdateFieldsOnOpen();
updateFields.Val = new OnOffValue(true);
you have to update your document fields on open.

Retrieve reference to comment OpenXML

I am trying to pull out the text from a Word document that is referenced by a comment in OpenXML. I can easily get the text of a comment, but not the paragraph text in the document that the comment is referencing.
The image I attached shows a comment and the related text. I am having a lot of trouble finding an example of how to get the referenced text. How can I get this text?
The solution is to get the Id of the comment which as you said you already know how to retrieve, and then search the document for a CommentRangeStart element with the same Id. When you have found it, you can loop over .NextSibling() until you hit a CommentRangeEnd element.
The elements between CommentRangeStart and CommentRangeEnd is the referenced part, which obviously can be multiple runs, paragraphs, images, whatever. So you will have to handle the collected elements somehow afterwards.
I made a test document looking like this:
I've made this code to test it:
using (var wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(#"c:\test\test.docx", true))
MainDocumentPart mainPart = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart;
var document = mainPart.Document;
var comments = mainPart.WordprocessingCommentsPart.Comments.ChildElements;
foreach(Comment comment in comments)
string commentId = comment.Id;
string commentText = comment.InnerText;
OpenXmlElement rangeStart = document.Descendants<CommentRangeStart>().Where(c => c.Id == commentId).FirstOrDefault();
List<OpenXmlElement> referenced = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
rangeStart = rangeStart.NextSibling();
while(!(rangeStart is CommentRangeEnd))
rangeStart = rangeStart.NextSibling();
Console.WriteLine("Comment Id " + commentId + " with text \"" + " " + commentText + "\" references =>");
foreach (var ele in referenced)
Console.WriteLine(" " + ele.InnerText);
Which produces this output
I hope it helps!
I could not get your solution to work. However I found a workaround.
OpenXmlElement rangeStart = document.Descendants<CommentRangeStart>().Where(c => c.Id == commentId).FirstOrDefault();
bool breakLoop = false;
rangeStart = rangeStart.Parent;
while (true) // Looping through items between commentRangeStart and commentRangeEnd.
if (rangeStart.NextSibling() == null)
foreach (var ele in rangeStart.ChildElements)
if (!(ele is CommentRangeEnd))
if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ele.InnerText)))
breakLoop = true;
if (breakLoop)
rangeStart = rangeStart.NextSibling();
Hence, instead of looping through the paragraph in which the CommenRageStart exists, since one comment may be built up of several paragraphs, I use the parent node in order to trace back and forth between the paragraphs. Finnaly, as I reach the CommentRangeEnd I can break the loop and process the data however is required.

Nesting Model Reports + Search Results

Seem like I'm not the first to investigate this. But not despairing yet :-)
The target state I'd like to reach is:
A recursion through Packages, where some of the nested Sub-Packages are glorified Linked Documents, and some are Grids rendering Search Results.
I like that Model Documents provide Search Tag values -- but I can't seem to nest the grids where I want them to show up.
Approach 1: Nested Model Documents
If I could nest Model Document elements, with their Search/Search Term tags, I would be sorted. I could have
Introduction:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Model Document <- renders the results of a canned Search.
But EA appears to be designed to ignore the Model Document element.
Approach 2: SQL backed Template Fragment
I like the Model Document as it has Search/Search Term + all the Inclusion/Exclusion configuration options. But if I had to give that part up I am thinking of emulating as much as I can via SQL or script.
First attempt - using SQL and a nested set of Packages such as:
Introduction:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package<> <- renders the results of a SQL Search.
If the template uses a TemplateSelector it can spot the Package with a wellknown stereotype, and invoke a Template that is backed by SQL.
The SQL uses the Package's Keywords as the source of the Element type to search for.
o.ea_guid AS [CLASSGUID],
o.Object_Type AS [CLASSTYPE],
o.Object_Type AS [Type],
o.Stereotype AS [Stereotype],
FROM t_object as O
WHERE O.Object_Type IN
(SELECT PDATA5 FROM t_object AS S where S.Object_ID = #OBJECTID#)
It works...barely.It's a bit hacky.
Searching off of Element Type is not going to be sufficient for production documents.
Approach 3: Script backed Template Fragment
If I can get a script running I suspect that I could leverage functionality that is already in the system.
Introduction:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package <- just renders a Linked Document attached to it
Systems Affected:Package<> <- renders the results of a canned Search.
If the template uses a TemplateSelector it can spot the Package with a wellknown stereotype, and invoke a Template that is backed by a script.
The script I'm trying is:
var x = Repository.GetElementsByQuery("POC.Req", "Device");
return x;
But the report remains blank of those elements I need for the table.
Q: Does the returned Collection need transformation before it can be used?
Approach 4
I've heard that there is an approach to Render Document sections as PDF, and link to them as Linked Documents... Sounds Convoluted. Sounds like a wrong/magic approach.
Approach 5
Any other suggestions?
Thanks for the help.
Just got approach 3 to work by converting the script results to xml before handing it back
The template's script now looks like
-- first pass ...I'll work on passing the ObjectId in a bit in order to get fancier.
ExecuteSearch("Simple", "Device")
and it invokes a script saved somewhere else as
!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-JScript
* Script Name:
* Author:
* Purpose:
* Date:
function main()
return ExecuteSearch("Simple", "Device");
function ExecuteSearch(searchName, searchParam){
var x = Repository.GetElementsByQuery(searchName, searchParam);
//return x;
var xmlDOC = CreateReport(x);
var s = xmlDOC.xml;
return s;
function CreateReport(entityCollection){
var xmlDOC = CreateXmlDOC();
var xmlRoot = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"EADATA");
var xmlDataSet = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Dataset_0",xmlRoot);
var xmlData = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Data",xmlDataSet);
for(var i = 0;i<entityCollection.Count();i++){
var entity = entityCollection.GetAt(i);
var xmlRow = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Row",xmlData);
//AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSTYPE",xmlRow).Text = entity.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Guid",xmlRow).text = entity.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSTYPE",xmlRow).text = entity.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSGUID",xmlRow).text = entity.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Type",xmlRow).text = entity.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Stereotype",xmlRow).text = entity.Stereotype;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Name",xmlRow).text = entity.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Object",xmlRow).text = entity.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Id",xmlRow).text = entity.ElementID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Scope",xmlRow).text = entity.Scope;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Phase",xmlRow).text = entity.Phase;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Status",xmlRow).text = entity.Status;
var noteElement = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Notes",xmlRow);//.text = entity.Notes;
AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"Keywords",xmlRow).text = entity.PDATA5;
return xmlDOC;
function CreateXmlDOC()
var xmlDOM;
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0" );
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0" );
xmlDOM.validateOnParse = false;
xmlDOM.async = false;
return xmlDOM;
function AppendXmlChild(xmlDOM, xmlElementName, xmlParent, isCDATA){
if (!xmlParent){xmlParent = xmlDOM;}
var child = xmlDOM.createElement(xmlElementName);
return child;
The script I used in the end is as follows. It now correctly investigates the element's tags for clues as how to proceed.
Hope it helps others.
!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-JScript
* Script Name:
* Author:
* Purpose:
* Date:
//Only used for development
function devTest()
//With Child elements: {2255D8C8-F1BB-4069-BDAF-8B303D108C62}
//With SearchName: {919252E0-BDEB-4f26-A39F-C0E74382952A}
//With PackageGUID: {8543ED3B-EC39-4bf0-92C2-FD49A00C376B}
Session.Output ("DEVTEST");
var package = Repository.GetPackageByGuid("{8543ED3B-EC39-4bf0-92C2-FD49A00C376B}");
Session.Output("Package Name:" + package.Name);
Session.Output("Package Guid:" + package.PackageGUID);
Session.Output("Package Id:" + package.PackageID);
Session.Output("Package ElementId:" + package.Element.ElementID);
//Session.Output("Package Element Id:" + package.Element.ElementID);
//Use the Element associate to the Package, not the Package ID itself.
var packageElementId = package.Element.ElementID; //NOT: package.PackageID;
var xmlDoc=ExecuteSearch(packageElementId);
try {
}catch (e){
//Extracts from a given Package it's SearchName/SearchValue tags
//in order to do a search that mimicks a ModelDocument's way of
//generating a report.
function ExecuteSearch(elementId){
if (!elementId){
Session.Output("Exiting: No elementId received.");
var packageElement = Repository.GetElementByID(elementId);
if (!packageElement){
Session.Output("Exiting: No package with given elementId: " + elementId);
try {
var xmlDOC = ExecuteSearch2(packageElement);
var xml = xmlDOC.xml;
return xml;
}catch (e){
Session.Output("ERROR: " + e.message);
return null;
function ExecuteSearch2(packageElement){
//Session.Output(packageElement.ElementGUID + ": '" + packageElement.Name + "' invoking ExecuteSearch(" + packageElement.ElementID + ")");
//Session.Output("Attribute 'Test': " + GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'Test'));
//Precendence is to search
//* Direct children,
//* by Package, recursively,
//* Package, single
//* Package
//First dibs: does this package have any direct elements?
//Get back to the package that is related to the Element before you count Elements:
var package = Repository.GetPackageByGuid(packageElement.ElementGUID);
var elementCollection = package.Elements;
if (elementCollection.Count()){
Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has child Elements:"+ elementCollection.Count());
return CreateReportDoc(elementCollection);
//If package had no children, look at Attributes for reference to other package.
//At present, can't find an easy way to determine package Id from the EA GUI, so
//using the Guid.
var searchPackageGuid = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchPackageGUID');
if (!searchPackageGuid){
searchPackageGuid = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchPackageGuid');
if (searchPackageGuid){
//Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchPackageGuid:"+ searchPackageGuid);
return ExecuteSearchByPackageGuid(searchPackageGuid);
// //If I ever find a way to get a packageId:
var searchPackageId = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchPackageId');
if (searchPackageId){
//Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchPackageId:"+ searchPackageId);
return ExecuteSearchByPackageId(searchPackageId);
// //If searching by SQL:
var searchSQL = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchSQL');
if (searchSQL){
Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchSQL:"+ searchSQL);
return ExecuteSearchBySQL(searchSQL);
//Not pointing to a package, so maybe pointing to a canned search:
var searchName = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchName');
if (!searchName){
//Session.Output("No SearchName");
var searchValue = GetElementTaggedValue(packageElement,'SearchValue');
//Session.Output("Package [" + packageElement.ElementGUID + "] has SearchName/Value:"+ searchName + "/" + searchValue);
return ExecuteSearchBySearchName(searchName, searchValue);
//Mimicks functionality of a ModelDocument that searches by canned SearchName/SearchValue.
function ExecuteSearchBySearchName(searchName, searchValue){
var elementCollection = Repository.GetElementsByQuery(searchName, searchValue);
//return x;
return CreateReportDoc(elementCollection);
function ExecuteSearchByPackageGuid(packageGuid){
var package = Repository.GetPackageByGuid(packageGuid);
return ExecuteSearch2(package.Element);
function ExecuteSearchBySQL(searchSQL){
var elementCollection = Repository.GetElementSet(searchSQL, 2);
function HOLD_ExecuteSearchBySet(idList){
var elementCollection = Repository.GetElementsSet(idList);
//return x;
return CreateReportDoc(elementCollection);
//Iterate through the elements and convert to an Xml Document
//suitable for use by a Script backed Template:
function CreateReportDoc(elementCollection){
var xmlDOC = CreateXmlDOC();
var xmlData = CreateXmlReport(xmlDOC);
for(var i = 0;i<elementCollection.Count();i++){
//For each Element, create a new row:
var xmlRow = AppendXmlChild(xmlData,"Row");
//And embed the specific element:
var element = elementCollection.GetAt(i);
CreateReportRow(xmlRow, element);
return xmlDOC;
function CreateReportRow(xmlRow, element){
//And attach child property elements.
//For hairy ones, add them as a CDATA.
//AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"CLASSTYPE",xmlRow).Text = element.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Guid").text = element.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"CLASSTYPE").text = element.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"CLASSGUID").text = element.ElementGUID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Type").text = element.Type;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Stereotype").text = element.Stereotype;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Name").text = element.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Object").text = element.Name;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Id").text = element.ElementID;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Scope").text = element.Scope;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Phase").text = element.Phase;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Status").text = element.Status;
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Keywords").text = element.PDATA5;
//Notes need wrapping as CDATA
var noteElement = AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Notes");//.text = entity.Notes;
//Now get tags:
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.ID").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"ID");
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.Type").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"Type");
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.Category").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"Category");
AppendXmlChild(xmlRow,"Tags.Traceability").text = GetElementTaggedValue(element,"Traceability");
return xmlRow;
//helper function to create an empty xml document
function CreateXmlDOC()
var xmlDOM;
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0" );
xmlDOM = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0" );
xmlDOM.validateOnParse = false;
xmlDOM.async = false;
return xmlDOM;
//helper function to create the beginning of an xml document
//suitable to render the results of a search:
function CreateXmlReport(xmlDOC){
var xmlRoot = AppendXmlChild(xmlDOC,"EADATA");
var xmlDataSet = AppendXmlChild(xmlRoot,"Dataset_0");
var xmlData = AppendXmlChild(xmlDataSet,"Data");
return xmlData;
//helper function to attach a new child xml element to a parent xml element
function AppendXmlChild(xmlParent, xmlElementName, isCDATA){
var xmlDocument = xmlParent.ownerDocument;
if (!xmlDocument){xmlDocument = xmlParent}
var child = xmlDocument.createElement(xmlElementName);
return child;
//Gets an Element's tag. Eats exception if Tag does not exist.
function GetElementTaggedValue(element, tagName){
var tag;
try {
tag = element.TaggedValues.GetByName(tagName);
catch (e) {
if (!tag){return;}
var result = tag.Value;
return result;
function ConvertPackageIdToBranchId(packageId){
var package = Repository.GetPackageByID(objectId);
if (!package){return;}
var packages = [package];
var result=[];
for(var i=0;i<packages.length;i++){
return result;
function ConvertPackageToBranch(package){
var result = [];
for (var i=0;i<package.Packages.Count();i++){
var childPackage = package.Packages.GetAt(i);
return result;

CRM 2011 : Plugin to create duplicate records

i created a simple plugin to create a duplicate record that refers to the parent record.
Here is my code
var pluginExecutionContext = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService;
abc= pluginExecutionContext.InputParameters["Target"] as Entity;
if (pluginExecutionContext.Depth == 1)
Guid abcId = abc.Id;
Entity abcCopy = new Entity("mcg_abc");
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode"))
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_abccategoryoptioncode"] = abc.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode");
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_effectivedate"))
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_effectivedate"] = isp.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("mcg_effectivedate");
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_startdate"))
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_startdate"] = isp.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("mcg_startdate");
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_enddate"))
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_enddate"] = isp.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("mcg_enddate");
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_amendeddate"))
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_amendeddate"] = isp.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("mcg_amendeddate");
if ((abc.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode").Value) == 803870001)
//Some more fields;
//Some more fields;
// SOme more fields;
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_parentabc"] = new EntityReference("mcg_abc", abc.Id);
Now the problem is all the fields before the below check are getting copied
if ((abc.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode").Value) == 803870001)
However fields after this check are not getting copied.
Please if anybody could suggest what mistake i have made.
In case you take field from Target - this field was updated on a client side. In case field was not updated - it would not be in Target. You should use Images to get values of unchanged fields.
The field must be empty so a exception may arise. Try to use the plugin image or change your code to this way:
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode")){
if ((abc.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode").Value) == 803870001)

Zend_Paginator stopped working

I'm learning Zend Framework. I had Zend_Paginator working with the array adapter, but I'm having trouble using the Zend_Paginator::factory static method. The problem is the pagination control links send me to the correct URL, but the results disappear when I click next or page 2, 3, etc.
I have two tables from a database: a file table and an origination_office table. The file table has the client's names, address, etc. and the origination office stores office names (like Tampa, Sarasota, etc.). Each file is associated with an origination office.
My controller:
public function searchAction()
$searchForm = new Application_Form_SearchForm();
if ($this->_request->getQuery()) {
if ($searchForm->isValid($this->_request->getParams())) {
$officeName = $this->_request->getParam('officeName');
$page = $this->_request->getParam('page');
$fileTable = new Application_Model_DbTable_File();
$this->view->paginator = $fileTable->getFilesByOfficeName($officeName, $page);
$this->view->searchForm = $searchForm;
Here is the getFilesByOfficeName() method:
public function getFilesByOfficeName($officeName = null, $page = 1, $count = 12, $range = 15, $scrolling = 'Sliding')
if (is_null($officeName)) {
$query = $this->select();
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($query);
} else {
$oofTable = new Application_Model_DbTable_OriginationOffice();
$query = $oofTable->select();
$query->where('oof_name like ?', $officeName.'%');
if ($oofTable->fetchRow($query)) {
$origination_office = $oofTable->fetchRow($query);
$files = $origination_office->findDependentRowset($this);
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($files);
} else {
return $paginator;
Ok, I think I am understanding your problem. Your links are not maintaining the state of your initial request and it's URL query string.
You might want to edit your partial view (_pagination_control.phtml) to render the current query string in your links.
I would need to see what your doing in the partial to give an exact answer, but this should work if you add ?$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] to the end of your final URL. See Below Example:
<!-- Your href may look different but notice I append the query string to the end -->
Last ยป