Connecting to localhost Neo4j database from remote device (iPhone) - iphone

Currently, my Neo4j database uses the address
I have changed the file so it now reads org.neo4j.server.webserver.address= as it says to uncomment this line to allow remote access.
I have also tried org.neo4j.server.webserver.address= but when trying to access on my iPhone I cannot connect to the server.
Has anyone had any experience trying to do this?
Thanks as always

You should change the localhost IP to the address of your computer running Neo4J.


Tableau Online Can't Connect to PostgreSQL

I'm new to postgres and computer networks, so I'm having a hard time with this problem.
I installed postgres via Homebrew on my mac recently. Up to now I could create a user on postgres and use psql as well as connect with pgAdmin.
I'm now trying to connect PostgreSQL with Tableau Online to deliver some analysis but it keep giving me this error Tableau Online screenshot.
Does anyone know what it might be?
I already changed postgresql.conf line:
#listen_addresses = 'localhost'
#listen_addresses = '*'
and added the following line on pg_hba.conf:
host all all all md5
Thank you in advance :)
Tableau Online is a cloud service. Machine where Tableau is running is not your mac, but actually some box somewhere in tableau cloud. By stating localhost you tell tableau to connect to postgres to that box. Which is not correct in this case. In order to connect to your postgresql you need to tell to Tableau Online the actual public ip address where postgresql server is.
So you need to figure out your postgresql public ip address e.g google "what is my ip"... there is few services available
Then give that address to Tableau public. Next thing is the firewall etc settings on your mac. I suggest you do some study what is safe and what not. But in general you should allow incoming connections from Tableau Online IP address.
Pls. note that your mac public ip will change when you use different network(wifi) and even time to time on same network. Normally servers like postgresql in production environment have static ip address.

Thingsboard cannot connect to external DB postgresql google cloud

I am trying to get thingsboard running with an external database in order to separate my app server from my db server.
Right now thingsboard is running on a vm instance on google cloud, it is connected to a postgresql database running on the same server.
I created a postgresql fully managed db in google cloud, I can access it from pgadmin4 from my local machine and I can connect to it with PSQL from my application server.
The problem is that when I try to connect thingsboard to the new db the service will not start, The lines I change in "thingsboard.yml" file are url: "${SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL:jdbc:postgresql://MYPUBLICDBIP:5432/thingsboard}"
Am I missing something? What am I doing wrong?
I got the issue sorted out, the problem was related to the lenght/complexity of the password, I was using special characters and a lenght of 32.
Changed to a 22 character alphanumeric password and it worked correctly. I do not know if it was the lenght or the precence of special characters.

Can't connect google cloud sql from mac terminal

I added my IPv4 to the white list networks but trying to access mysql instance returns time out error,
With the same configuration when I try to connect it from DbVisualizer it connects.
any ideas?

Can't connect to postgresql server installed locally on my machine

I have installed the DSP(Dreamfactory Service Platform) locally on my Mac Book Pro using Bitnani.
I have a PostGreSQL server running locally on my Macbook, which I want to connect to using the DSP.
I am successfully able to connect to my PostGreSQL server from other applications, which essentially means that there is no problem with the setup.
However, on trying to connect the same from DSP I get the error:- "Failed to launch service "sql": CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection."
My connection string is :- "pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=Pinu"
Also, the password has been correctly entered.
The port is default as 5432. Whether or not I enter the same in the connection string, the connection always fails.
Even though I am trying to add the service as Remote SQL DB, I know that it's actually on the same local host. Not sure if that is the issue.
I also tried entering - in place of localhost, but still I see the same issue.
Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated!
After talking to you via email, it looks like the root issue here is that you haven't successfully upgraded your DSP to the latest version. We are releasing DreamFactory version 1.8 on Bitnami tomorrow, so you should upgrade to the latest version.
As far as your PostgreSQL issue let's explore some options:
1) Connection strings:
a) pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=Pinu
2) If these don't work, try substituting your localhost with (as you've tried previously, but test this in all scenarios).
Typically, Option A should work without a problem.
Give these a try if you would, and if you need some help upgrading then reach out to me again via email.

Remote Database Connection Setup in Netbeans

I'm totally junior in this area :)
I have JAVA version 7 on my PC.
I want to connect my PostgreSQL database to NetBeans.
Based on my search I found that I should get JDBC driver. so I downloaded JDBC41 Postgresql Driver, Version 9.3-1100 jar files from here.
then based on what I found for connection remote Mysql, did similar changes to connect to my PostgreSQL database.
As you can see in the image, connection couldn't established.
Based on what my host says, I added my IP address to "Remote PostgreSQL Database Access" page of my host.
I'm not sure my host name is correct. I used Dedicated IP Address of my site.
Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks
My fault was entering wrong user name and pass instead of using user name and password of database :(