How to install .bar file in Blackberry 10 simulator - eclipse

I have 1 .bar file which is generated from eclipse plug-in.
Now I want to test that .bar file in Blackberry 10 simulator.
How can I test that Application?
I have installed blackberry simulator 10 Dev Alpha successfully and configured IP Address also.
Please help me. Thanks in Advance.

After signing the bar file please paste the following line into the command line
blackberry-deploy -installApp -password 1234

I was able to get the playbook simulator working using this tut:

When you say you're using the Eclipse plug in, do you mean the QNX Momentics IDE (which is The native BlackBerry 10 IDE but based on Eclipse)? If so, here are the steps I take.
If you have the simulator running, make sure development mode is on.
Click the Run Menu -> Run Configurations
Select "Simulator-Debug" for the run configuration (note the simulator needs to run the x86 compiled binary not ARM)
You mention that you have the IP address set up, so the simulator should appear as a target.
I also like to set the auto build option.
Apply these settings and close.
Now run and the IDE should build the code, and deploy it to your simulator.

If you have only the .bar you can use the vnBB10 tool to install the app in the device or simulator.


MAC OS genymotion device not show in list deployt of eclipse?

I use Mac OS 10.10, with genymotion 2.2.2 and virtual box 4.3. When I create ADV in eclipse to run app. It show normally in list deploy, but genymotion. although I ran it already, config setting...
This is a bug in eclipse - OSX yosemite, what you need to do is in the Android Device Chooser Window, try to RESIZE THE SERIAL NUMBER TAB and you will see the genymotion emulator that is running
If you don't see it, or the Android Device Chooser Window doesn't appear, check three things before running again:
Developer Options is enabled from settings (by repeated touching 7 times the build number in about phone), even though developer options is available in the list of apps in genymotion emulator
In Settings>Security, make sure "Unknown Sources" is enabled
Go to Run Configuration (for Android app), select the Target Tab, Enable Always prompt to pick device and hit apply.
Additionally I downloaded the jar files from Genymotion Download Page manually and replaced it in the plugin folder of eclipse.
Source: Genymotion devices not working in Eclipse on OS X Yosemite [SOLVED]

Launch an application on the iOS simulator with using command line

Good Morning,
I am trying to launch an application on the iOS Simulator with command line so i put this command in the terminal:
open `xcode-select --print-path`/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone\
With this command, the simulator is launched. My question is how can I start an application from the terminal?
I have used WaxSim (referenced in rog's comment) and it works pretty well. You can find it at For what it's worth, there have been no commits for something like two years and there are a number of open pull requests.
Recently I have started using ios-sim which can be found at It looks like (currently) it is active and seems to have more functionality. So far, I haven't had any problems with it (although I have not used it in anger yet).
I do not have enough reps to write it as comment.
ios-sim is used by Facebook and lot of other companies for running automated tests and launching stuff via commandline into iOS simulator.
You can download it from the git repo, just open it in XCode and build it.
The executable will be generated in the Build>products folder.
(For XCode 6 ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ios-sim-xxxxxx.../Build/Products/)
Here is a command to run the .app in iOS6 simulator:
ios-sim launch ./ --devicetypeid ""

Can't deploy BAR file to BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha Simulator

I'm trying to port my Android app to BB10 using the BB Android Runtime SDK. I've packaged the app OK and created a BAR file, but cannot get it installed on the BB 10 Dev Alpha simulator. I've tried both running the app from Eclipse using Run As->BlackBerry Android Launch, and using the BlackBerry Tablet OS Graphical Aid 'Install' option, and in both cases I get this output :
Info: Sending request: Install
Info: Action: Install
Info: File size: 1709216
Info: Installing ...
Info: Processing 1709216 bytes
In Eclipse I also get the error 'Failed to deploy project ...'. In the BB graphical aid I just get the above output in the 'Operation Output' window. From seeing other posts it seems I should be seeing further log entries such as 'Info: Progress 0%...', 'Info: Progress 50%...' etc. which I don't see. Any ideas what the problem might be?
My experience is double check if the application has already existed. If yes, you have to remove/uninstall it first from the simulator (by long-click on the application's icon and click the recycle icon at the top-right).
Solved this by completely uninstalling VMPlayer and the BB10 simulator, cleaning my registry and then reinstalling. Still no idea why it wasn't working.
Have installed the brand new BB 10 Dev Simulator version 10.1 - the one that allows selecting to boot into Z10 or Q10 device, and I can now deploy my app every time on Windows. Can only assume the problem was caused by bugs in the previous simulator version.

RCP Building for mac fails using Delta Pack

I am having troubles building my RCP Application for Mac using the Delta Pack. I have Delta Pack 3.7.2 installed and configured right (inserted into a target platform ) and the Building part completes just perfectly.
When I try to run the build app on my windows(Dev PC) it works fine. But when I zip the Mac version and try to run it on my mac, then it fails on every version I try:
Cocoa 32b,
Cocoa 64b,
Carbon etc
The app won't open and I don't get an error message.
Is there a way to get an error message anyway? Has anyone had this problem before?
When you build for a mac on a windows machine you should not build directly to a directory. Instead you should build to an archive. Then put this archive on the mac and expand it there. Then everything should work

No application to launch in Eclipse Mobility Simulator

I am running Eclipse Pulsar with Java ME SDK 3.0. When I try running my application, a screen appears with select one to launch, but it contains no options. Both the active Java ME configuration is set to use the ClamshellCldcPhone1 and I am using the Project Device in the run configuration. The executable is set to a Midlet. Any suggestions on what I may need to do to get this working?
I had to open the Application Descriptor file, go to the MIDlets tab and add a new midlet with my midlet class.