How to create GlassPanel in GWT2.5 using uibinder - gwt

Can anyone please suggest the best way to create a Glasspanel widget using UiBinder?.
I am using GWT version 2.5
Thank you.

Use a Dialog Box, and set glassEnabled to true.


How to create this type of design with working slider?

Please Help to create this design with slider.
You can use a package like audio_waveforms in flutter.
I haven't tested it. Although it looks like it can do the job.

How to Create multiple Values from textEditingController
I couldn't find something related and I was wondering if there is a way to achieve this or if should I take a different approach.
Thank you in advance
You can achieve this work using this package
You can get suggestions, on search and also, you can use
flutter chip widget to show selection like above.
I have done this method to achieve above scenario you mentioned.

How do i create a wavy decoration in flutter?

I am trying to create something similar to this one. Been searching on the documentation but didn't get the answer. Is there a way to create one using flutter?
if it's possible, an article/documentation link
Thank you
you need a custom clipper for this design, or you can make use of this lib to ease your work
You can use custom paints, use this tool to generate a custom paint in an easy way:

How to integrate react-dnd into admin-on-rest?

Has anyone tried to integrate react-dnd or another lib into admin on rest?
I wanted to make datagrid draggable inside a referencearrayfield.
Should i write my own component overriding datagrid or there's a simple way to do it?
You'll have to implement a custom datagrid for that
Although experimental you can have a look on this plugin:
It has as dependency react-dnd and it seems that it is editing the listing. Not sure if it can update a property used for ordering like order for example

How to build a flowcover in gwt?

I want to build a flowCover in GWT. But I don't know how to do it.
Have anyone an idea? Or a sample?
I would start with examples implementing it using CSS and see how you can copy their Javascript logic and make a similar widget: and