How to create this type of design with working slider? - flutter

Please Help to create this design with slider.

You can use a package like audio_waveforms in flutter.
I haven't tested it. Although it looks like it can do the job.


How to Create multiple Values from textEditingController
I couldn't find something related and I was wondering if there is a way to achieve this or if should I take a different approach.
Thank you in advance
You can achieve this work using this package
You can get suggestions, on search and also, you can use
flutter chip widget to show selection like above.
I have done this method to achieve above scenario you mentioned.

How to make a CircularSlider in neuromorphic style?

I am trying to create this CircularSlider, however, I have no idea how to.
I use sleek_circular_slider, but it doesn't have an opportunity to implement neumorphic style, I was thinking of using both flutter_neumorphic and sleek_circular_slider together to reach this goal, yet I don't have any proper idea.
You can use this package
with this example

How to achieve this effect/layout in flutter?

As I found out, this effect of searching is built in the ios framework. But how this layout can be implemented in Flutter?
What you're looking for is probably the Hero widget - looks like this is what you need, but unfortunately that package still not migrated to null safety, but you can look at source code and create own widget.

How do i create a wavy decoration in flutter?

I am trying to create something similar to this one. Been searching on the documentation but didn't get the answer. Is there a way to create one using flutter?
if it's possible, an article/documentation link
Thank you
you need a custom clipper for this design, or you can make use of this lib to ease your work
You can use custom paints, use this tool to generate a custom paint in an easy way:

How to create a Instagram like drop down alert?

I want to customize the code of a third party libary to show a Instagram like drop down alert below the UINavigationBar.
The third libary i would like to customize:
At the end it should look somehow similar to this:
I do not know how to move it down under the NavBar and appreciate any help you give me.
Sry for my bad English
I recommend you to use NotificationBanner Library instead of "JDropDownAlert".
This library does the thing that you want.
The library you mentioned is no longer supported.