Magento - Hook into Admin login action - magento-1.7

I just finished reading
but I am not sure how to find the different actions/events, for example, the above link refers to the action/event
How do I find those variables? A good example is, I would like to hook into the Admin login action, how would I find the correct _success_action for that event?
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

The best source is here:
You can see admin_session_user_login_success there.
Edit: Sorry - didn't see those last two comments... lists all/most the magento events
also look at


How to customize an invoice (using the Sylius invoicing plugin)?

I followed the sylius doc to customize the pdf invoice generated when the order is onfirmed by the user, as I need to change the sylius log with the client's logo, but nothing is working... I am a beginner so it might just be a basic problem, but all my attempts to find what is wrong on the internet have failed, so can anyone help to put me on the right path? Thanks a lot in advance!
The answer is here:
So you should set the env variable SYLIUS_INVOICING_LOGO_FILE that contains the path to your logo.

any plugin where user modify their profile and post panel at front end?

I want to know is there any plugin(s) where user first registered as editor then create a post or modify own post.
users can manage their profile and post panel.
I have searched a lots of plugins but still not found any sufficient.
i am newbee in wordpress. and little bit knowledge about wordpress. please help me.
Thanks in advance.
There is a good tutorial HERE.
Works for me. It's not so super-easy, but if you want to create clone of that side- you need to understand it.

Dialog send - multiple friends

Can you explain.
An example from the other site - it adds 2 users to the sending.,590528674
Our link - adds only the first one.,590528674
an you explain the reason of this?
Maybe you have some guidlines of where should we search for the reason and how to fix this?
It's being worked on as a bug.

GWT - area selection/imagemap

So, I'm starting to use GWT and I am having a little problem.
I have to retrieve some information about a building and I want to show to the user a floorplan for him to choose from where does he want information to be shown.
So, I tried an imagemap, but Iit is not working. Do someone has any suggestion or example of that?
Thank you,
I'm sure there are a couple ways of going about this. You might want to try some extension of the an already existing class as was done here with ComplexPanel

WordPress notifier - replicate built-in function whereby if update is available, an icon appears in the menu

First time here, so please be gentle.
Does anyone know how to replicate the built-in functionality of WordPress whereby the admin is informed of when updates for plugins are available - i.e. when one (more more) is available, an icon appears over the plugins menu which contains the number of available updates.
The plugin that I am writing could really benefit, from a UI perspective, with having a feature very similar to this.
Does anyone know if there are any hooks which I can use, or any function which I can call?
Any help on this is greatly appreciated!
Thank you very much in advance,
There's a API hook called get_plugin_data and lots of info in this thread at WordPress on using and implementing.
I've kind of answered my own question here...
$friendly_contact_add_main_page = add_menu_page('Contact Form', "Contact<span class='update-plugins count-$my_var'><span class='plugin-count'>$my_var</span></span>", 10, __FILE__, 'friendly_contact_main_page',$icon_url);
add_action( "admin_print_scripts-$friendly_contact_add_main_page", 'friendly_contact_main_page_head_scripts' );
The $my_var can be anything you want -- you decide how your script returns whether you have updates or not. Pretty simple, really! :)