How to customize an invoice (using the Sylius invoicing plugin)? - plugins

I followed the sylius doc to customize the pdf invoice generated when the order is onfirmed by the user, as I need to change the sylius log with the client's logo, but nothing is working... I am a beginner so it might just be a basic problem, but all my attempts to find what is wrong on the internet have failed, so can anyone help to put me on the right path? Thanks a lot in advance!

The answer is here:
So you should set the env variable SYLIUS_INVOICING_LOGO_FILE that contains the path to your logo.


How can we add custom template in keycloak?

I would like to add some custom tabs(template) in my keycloak? But i cant find the solution. Is anyone here who could help me with this.
Your screenshot suggest that you are still using the old account console. I recommend to upgrade to the new account console which supports adding additional tabs quite easily. Take a look at this blog post for details and check out this quickstart example to get going.

How to Edit the Template for the Odoo Helpdesk Ticket Assigned Message

I'm currently using Odoo 12.0+e-20181025. I'm trying to edit the message the user get whenever a ticket is assigned to them. I've tried searching the email template, but I can't find it. I've also tried searching in the main folder, but I still can't find it. As of now, I only managed to make a similar template, but I also found some trouble in that task as I can't really emulate the button that can link right to the ticket editing form, only to the preview ticket window.
Here is the code for the link to the ticket:
${} .​
While knowing how to make a proper link will help a lot, I would still prefer to know where I can edit the message template so I can make it more user friendly and informative.
Thanks for reading and for the help.

Django Custom Admin Popup

I need to resend an email to a user in case the user requests it, from the back-end.
I want to handle the logic in a separate template than the one I trigger the view from.
I figured using a Pop-up would be the best approach for this, but Django doesn't seem to provide any documentation on this.
I have checked out a few posts similar to what I am looking for like, , but they are either too old or too different.
I would really appreciate a nudge in the right direction.
I rolled my own version using guidelines from this links, Open link in Popup Window with Javascript. I hope somebody else finds it helpful.

any plugin where user modify their profile and post panel at front end?

I want to know is there any plugin(s) where user first registered as editor then create a post or modify own post.
users can manage their profile and post panel.
I have searched a lots of plugins but still not found any sufficient.
i am newbee in wordpress. and little bit knowledge about wordpress. please help me.
Thanks in advance.
There is a good tutorial HERE.
Works for me. It's not so super-easy, but if you want to create clone of that side- you need to understand it.

creating an address textfield like in apple's sms-app

I'm writing an app, where I the user has to be able to select multiple adresses. I wanted to solve this in the same way, apple does when you send an SMS to someone.
You can enter text and it gets surrounded by a blue bubble for each adress selected.
I've already found facebook's tree20-kit, but I can't get it to work because of some linker error I cannot solve.
Is there any other kit out there, that's capable of doing this, or do you have any suggestions on how to create such a textField?
Interesting. I don't know of any other open source solutions for this, and I think writing from scratch would be much more time consuming than trying to resolve the linker error. I would recommend spending a few hours and do the following:
Create a new empty application.
Download Three20 and follow the detailed instructions on GitHub for linking the framework.
You should be able to get this to link as many others, including myself, have been able to use this framework.
Sorry this isn't a straight forward answer to your question. I hope it was helpful just the same. Andrew.