SSRS 2008R2: How we can hide X-axis label in line chart? - ssrs-2008

I am new in SSRS world.
I have set the X-axis label interval '1' and Interval Type 'day'. It is working properly. Now I want to hide the all label Except the 1st, 15th,31th Date of every month. Is it possible to set the expression in hide properties for X-axis?
Can anyone help me regarding that?

Open the Category Group properties - there you will have the option to define expression to the labal. Then use the following expression:
Switch(Day(Fields!SAMPLE_DATE.Value) = 31 , "31", Day(Fields!SAMPLE_DATE.Value)> 1 AND Day(Fields!SAMPLE_DATE.Value) < 14 , " ", Day(Fields!SAMPLE_DATE.Value) = 15 , "15", Day(Fields!SAMPLE_DATE.Value) > 15 AND Day(Fields!SAMPLE_DATE.Value) < 30, " ", Day(Fields!SAMPLE_DATE.Value) = 30 , "30")


SSRS subtract 1 day when using calender

I'm trying to get the correct date from calendar using expression. But with my code, it gives 32 days and I need 31 days. How can I use DateAdd with this?
="Date: " + cstr(left(Parameters!KP2Ky.Value, 4) + "." + Mid(Parameters!KP2Ky.Value, 5, 2)+ "." + Right(Parameters!KP2Ky.Value,2))
I tried but I couldn't figure out how you are getting 32 in your result.
I would make the parameter a DATE type.
For the last day of the month previous to the selected month, you could use
="Date: " & FORMAT(DATEADD("d", 0 - DAY(Parameters!KP2Ky.Value), Parameters!KP2Ky.Value), "yyyy.MM.dd")
The last day of the selected month is a little more complicated:
="Date: " & FORMAT(DATEADD("d", 0 - DAY(DATEADD("M", 1, DATEADD("d", 1 - DAY(Parameters!KP2Ky.Value), Parameters!KP2Ky.Value))), DATEADD("M", 1, DATEADD("d", 1 - DAY(Parameters!KP2Ky.Value), Parameters!KP2Ky.Value))), "yyyy.MM.dd")

Search a row a dates, identify a start date and end date, merge cells in row from start date to end date

I have searched high and low for examples to guide me in the development of a calendar spreadsheet. The customer has very specific guidelines.
First 11 columns contain event details are setup as filters
Row 1 is currently blank, but will be used for heading
Row 2 from column K to infinity (BXY) is the year
Row 3 from column K to BXY is the month
Row 4 from column K to BXY is the day
Other notes:
Cell K6 has the Date 1-Jul-18.
All cells in row 4 continue as =K$6+1..etc.
The week is calculated with the formula:
All cells in row 2 are calculated:
Now to my dilemma. I am working on a userform for the user to input all data that populates the next empty row in the spreadsheet. I can not post the code that does that, as it is on a proprietary computer system. But, that code that populates the filter range A through J works fine. This code finds the next empty row:
lastRow = ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", LookIn=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row + 1
As part of the form the user inputs the start date and end date of an event. I am trying to search row 4 for the start date and end date, merge all cells between the start date and end date and insert the event title into the merged cell.
This is my code so far for searching Row 4:
For Each eventDate In .Range("K$4:BXY$4)
If IsDate(eventDate.Value) = IsDate(Me.tbStartDate.Value) Then
.Cells(lastRow, eventDate.Address(RowAbsolute:=True, ColumnAbsolute:=False)).Value = Me.tbEventName.Value
End If
Next eventDate
I am new to excel programming, and really only a hobbyist programmer. I was given this task at work and have been reading and researching examples for what I am trying to no avail.
I am looking at modifying this snippet to work:
For iCounter = myLastRow To myFirstRow Step -1
If .Cells(iCounter, myCriteriaColumn).Value = myCriteria Then
.Range(.Cells(iCounter, myFirstColumn), .Cells(iCounter, myLastColumn)).Merge
Next iCounter
with this:
LastCol = sh.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=sh.Range("A1"), Lookat:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False).Column
Any assistance and guidance on how to accomplish this will be much appreciated.
I figured it out, probably not the best solution, but it works:
lastRow = .Cells.Find(What:="*",_
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row + 1
eventName = Me.tbID.Value + " " +_
Me.tbOpName + " " +_
Me.tbStartDate.Value + "-" +_
startDate = Format(Me.tbStartDate.Value, "dd-mmm-yyyy;#")
endDate = Format(Me.tbEndDate.Value, "dd-mmm-yyyy;#")
For startCol = 14 to 959
startDateColumn = Format(.Cells(6, startCol).Value, "dd-mmm-yyyy;#")
If StrComp(startDate, startDateColumn, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
For endCol = 14 to 959
endDateColumn = Format(.Cells(6, endCol).Value, "dd-mmm-yyyy;#")
If StrComp(endDate, endDateColumn, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
.Range(.Cells(lastRow, startCol), .Cells(lastRow, endCol)).Merge
.Cells(lastRow, startCol).Value = eventName
Exit For
End If
Next endCol
End If
Next startCol

Find how many sundays in a month asp classic

I am trying to use asp classic to find how many working days (mon - sat) are in the month and how many are left.
any help or pointers greatly appreciated!
Here's how you can find the number of Sundays in a month without iteration. Somebody posted a JavaScript solution a few months back and I ported it to VBScript:
Function GetSundaysInMonth(intMonth, intYear)
dtmStart = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 1)
intDays = Day(DateAdd("m", 1, dtmStart) - 1)
GetSundaysInMonth = Int((intDays + (Weekday(dtmStart) + 5) Mod 7) / 7)
End Function
So, your total work days would just be the number of days in the month minus the number of Sundays.
As #Lankymart pointed out in the comments, the above function gives you the number of Sundays in the month but it doesn't tell you how many are left.
Here's another version that does just that. Pass in any date and it will tell you how many Sundays are left in the month starting with that date. If you want to know how many Sundays are in a full month, just pass in the first day of the month (e.g., DateSerial(2014, 8, 1)).
Function GetSundaysRemainingInMonth(dtmStart)
intDays = Day(DateSerial(Year(dtmStart), Month(dtmStart) + 1, 1) - 1)
intDays = intDays - Day(dtmStart) + 1
GetSundaysRemainingInMonth = Int((intDays + (Weekday(dtmStart) + 5) Mod 7) / 7)
End Function
Edit 2:
#Cheran Shunmugavel was interested in some specifics about how this works. First, I just want to restate that I didn't develop this method originally. I just ported it to VBScript and tailored it to the OP's requirement (Sundays).
Imagine a February during a leap year. We have 29 days during the month. We know from the start that we have four full weeks, so each weekday will be represented at least four times. But that still leaves one addition day that's unaccounted for (29 Mod 7 = 1). How do we know if we get an extra Sunday from that one day? Well, in this case, it's pretty simple. Only if our start date is a Sunday can we count an extra Sunday for the month.
What if the month has 30 days? Then we have two extra days to account for. In that case, the start date can be a Saturday or a Sunday and we can count an extra Sunday for the month. And so it goes. So we can see that if we're X additional days within an upcoming Sunday, we can count an extra Sunday.
Let's put this in tabular form:
Addl Days Needed
Day To Count Sunday
---------- ----------------
Sunday 1
Saturday 2
Friday 3
Thursday 4
Wednesday 5
Tuesday 6
Monday 7
So what we need is a formula that we can apply to these situations so that they all result in the same value. We'll need to assign some value to each day and combine that value with the number of addition days needed for Sunday to count. Seems reasonable that if we assign an inverse value to the weekdays and add that to the number of additional days, we can get the same result.
Addl Days Needed Value Assigned
Day To Count Sunday To Weekday Sum
---------- ---------------- -------------- ---
Sunday 1 6 7
Saturday 2 5 7
Friday 3 4 7
Thursday 4 3 7
Wednesday 5 2 7
Tuesday 6 1 7
Monday 7 0 7
So, if weekday_value + addl_days = 7 then we count an extra Sunday. (We'll divide this by 7 later to give us 1 additional Sunday). But how do we assign the values we want to the weekdays? Well, VBScript's Weekday() function already does this but, unfortunately, it doesn't use the values we need by default (it uses 1 for Sunday through 7 for Saturday). We could change the way Weekday() works by using the second param, or we could just use a Mod(). This is where the + 5 Mod 7 comes in. If we take the Weekday() value and add 5, then mod that by 7, we get the values we need.
Day Weekday() +5 Mod 7
---------- --------- -- -----
Sunday 1 6 6
Saturday 7 12 5
Friday 6 11 4
Thursday 5 10 3
Wednesday 4 9 2
Tuesday 3 8 1
Monday 2 7 0
That's how the + 5 Mod 7 was determined. And, with that solved, the rest is easy(er)!
#Zam is on the right track you need to use WeekDay() function, here is a basic idea of how to script it;
Dim month_start, month_end, currentdate, dayofmonth
Dim num_weekdays, num_past, num_future
Dim msg
'This can be configured how you like even use Date().
month_start = CDate("01/08/2014")
month_end = DateAdd("d", -1, DateAdd("m", 1, month_start))
For dayofmonth = 1 To Day(month_end)
currentdate = CDate(DateAdd("d", dayofmonth, month_start))
'Only ignore Sundays
If WeekDay(currentdate) <> vbSunday Then
num_weekdays = num_weekdays + 1
If currentdate <= Date() Then
num_past = num_past + 1
num_future = num_future + 1
End If
End If
msg = ""
msg = msg & "Start: " & month_start & "<br />"
msg = msg & "End: " & month_end & "<br />"
msg = msg & "Number of Weekdays: " & num_weekdays & "<br />"
msg = msg & "Weekdays Past: " & num_past & "<br />"
msg = msg & "Weekdays Future: " & num_future & "<br />"
Response.Write msg
How about using "The Weekday function returns a number between 1 and 7, that represents the day of the week." ?

Calabash: Select a date from a UIDatePickerview

In Calabash Automation testing on iPhone. I need to select a date from a date picker. Please guide me with a ruby step definition.
I want something like
Then I scroll datepicker to date "2002-10-22"
I made a solution after some research. This code is not bulletproof but it works fine for me. I guess someone will get a help from this. if anyone knows how to improve this. please add it here.
In step definitions I add..
Then /^I scroll datepicker to date "1985-01-01"
# Date Format "1985-01-01"
# make sure date picker is up
maxdate = picker_maximum_date_time()
target = Date.parse(target_date)
current = Date.parse(datequery())
screenshot_and_raise "Target date'#{target}' is larger than maximum date'#{maxdate}' in date picker"
limit = 100
# => set year
count = 0
dir = (target.year < current.year) ? "down" : "up"
until (target.year == Date.parse(datequery()).year) or (count==limit) do
date = Date.parse(datequery())
scroll_date_component(dir, 2, date.year)
# puts("Inside the loop1 '#{count}'=> '#{date.year}'" )
count += 1
# => set month
count = 0
dir = (target.month < current.month) ? "down" : "up"
until (target.month == Date.parse(datequery()).month) or (count==limit) do
date = Date.parse(datequery())
scroll_date_component(dir, 0, date.month)
# puts("Inside the loop2 '#{count}'=> '#{date.month}'" )
count += 1
# => set day
count = 0
dir = ( < ? "down" : "up"
until ( == Date.parse(datequery()).day) or (count==limit) do
date = Date.parse(datequery())
scroll_date_component(dir, 1,
# puts("Inside the loop3 '#{count}'=> '#{}'" )
count += 1
# => ##### Date picker helper methods. #####
def scroll_date_component(direction, column, component)
# => Month scroll needs the month name string
if (direction.eql? "up")
month_str = Date::MONTHNAMES[component+1]
touch("pickerView scrollView index:#{column} label text:'#{month_str}'")
elsif (direction.eql? "down")
month_str = Date::MONTHNAMES[component-1]
touch("pickerView scrollView index:#{column} label text:'#{month_str}'")
# => Day and year scrolls are numeric
if (direction.eql? "up")
touch("pickerView scrollView index:#{column} label text:'#{component + 1}'")
elsif (direction.eql? "down")
touch("pickerView scrollView index:#{column} label text:'#{component - 1}'")
def datequery()
return query("datePicker","date").first
def should_see_date_picker ()
if query("datePicker", :date).empty?
screenshot_and_raise "Could not find date picker"
def is_picker_in_date_mode()
res = query("datePicker", :datePickerMode)
screenshot_and_raise "expected to see a date picker" if res.empty?
screenshot_and_raise "expected to see UIDatePickerModeDate" if res.first!=1
def picker_maximum_date_time()
res = query("datePicker", :maximumDate)
screenshot_and_raise "expected to see a date picker" if res.empty?
return DateTime.parse(res.first) if (res.first)
That gist mentioned by Chathura is very out of date.
Calabash iOS now supports interaction with most date pickers natively.
Scenario: I should be able to use the predefined steps to change the picker time
Then I change the date picker time to "10:45"
Scenario: I should be able to use the predefined steps to change the picker date
Then I change the date picker date to "July 28 2009"
Scenario: I should be able to use the predefined steps to change the picker date and time
Then I change the date picker date to "July 28" at "15:23"

Bootstrap Datepicker defaults to 1900's when entered with 2 digit year

I am using a datepicker in a modal window in my Bootstrap application. I am using the original Datepicker from Stefan Petre. I built it where it works in a desktop and mobile using a mouse and it works fine.
Recently I had a user request to allow it to also work with a keyboard. I removed the readonly property to allow the user to enter a date in the input field. The date-format is set to 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
When I enter a date like today for example like this "12/11/13" then it will default to 1913. This isn't a huge deal as I could just train the users to use 4 digits, but I would rather just have it default to this century.
Note: This only seems to happen for the date-format with a 4 digit year. This also seems to happen in the same manner in the newer forks of Stefan's code.
Note: I am using Bootstrap 2.0.4. I am testing with Firefox.
Here is what it looks like:
In JavaScript, set the datepicker's assumeNearbyYear attribute to true, like this:
assumeNearbyYear: true
This happens because the Bootstrap datepicker is using JavaScript Date objects. When you create a new Date object and pass in a two digit year it will output 1900+year (see Why does Javascript evaluate a 2-digit year of 00 as 1900 instead of 2000?)
You could try to tweak the datepicker source code, but that might be too complicated.
From what I can see on there is no option to set a range for the selectable dates, but you could change the format to use two digit years.
On your screenshot I can see, that you are using the datepicker for "Arrival Date" which I assume is in the future. On the website there is an example on how to disable dates in the past.
I hope that helps.
I have written an event handler for your problem which should do the trick.
Javascript on
$("#dp").on("keyup", function(e) {
var date, day, month, newYear, value, year;
value =;
if (*)\/(.*)\/(.*)/) !== -1) {
date ="/");
month = date[0];
day = date[1];
year = date[2];
if (year === "") {
year = "0";
if (year.length < 4) {
newYear = String(2000 + parseInt(year));
$(this).datepicker("setValue", "" + month + "/" + day + "/" + newYear);
if (year === "0") {
year = "";
return $(this).val("" + month + "/" + day + "/" + year);
CoffeeScript on
$("#dp").on "keyup", (e) ->
value =
if*)\/(.*)\/(.*)/) != -1
date = value.split("/")
month = date[0]
day = date[1]
year = date[2]
year = "0" if year == ""
if year.length < 4
newYear = String(2000 + parseInt(year))
$(#).datepicker("setValue", "#{month}/#{day}/#{newYear}")
year = "" if year == "0"
My JavaScript skills are not the best, but this should work.
Updating bootstrap-datepicker.js as shown in this post solved it for me
yyyy: function(d,v){
if ('yyyy') > -1 && v < 1000) v = 2000+v; // this line ***
return d.setUTCFullYear(v);
I'm using bootstrap-datepicker v1.5.1 and if you look around line 1741 where it does the year mapping, you will notice this:
yyyy: function (d, v) {
return d.setUTCFullYear(v);
yy: function (d, v) {
return d.setUTCFullYear(2000 + v);
When you specify that the control uses a four year date "yyyy", it will only do the return d.setUTCFullYear(v);, which will get you the previous century that JavaScript gives you. When you specify that it use the two year date "yy", it will do the correct 2000+ that you need for the current century.
So if you want the correct two year date to be 2016, 2017, etc., you need to set your datepicker to use the "yy" like so:
format: 'mm/dd/yy',
autoclose: true,
todayBtn: 'linked',
todayHighlight: true,
orientation: 'bottom auto'
Or you can change the "yyyy" setting in the bootstrap-datepicker.js to match the "yy" version, but then you'd have to remember to do that every time you update the datepicker js file via nuget. It's much easier to just change your format setting.
Of course, if you want the full 4 digit year to display in the control, then you might want to try one of the elaborate fixes listed here or just set the "yyyy" to what the "yy" is in the js file.
Or just update your code to the latest version (1.6.4 right now) and "yyyy" and "yy" are the same and you use assumeNearbyYear: true as noted in another answer here.
For me, the best solution was to customize parseDate function in bootstrap-datepicker.js file directly. Inside a function, there is variable setters_map with yyyy property which I modified a bit. Here is my solution:
yyyy: function(d,v) {
if (v.toString().length == 2 && v <= 30) {
v = 2000 + parseInt(v);
return d.setUTCFullYear(v);
In my case it was needed to convert only years that are less or equals 30.
In the update function of bootstrap-datepicker.js I added this block of code:
var str = this.element.prop('value');
var defaulted = false;
if (str.lastIndexOf("/") >= 0 && (str.match(/\//g) || []).length == 2)
var yr = str.substring(str.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
if (yr.length <= 2)
defaulted = true;
if ( < 2000 && defaulted) { + 100);
right before the viewdate is set on this line:
this.viewDate = new Date(,, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
It will work 100% if you update below two line in UTCDate() of bootstrap-datepicker.js core file:
function UTCDate(){
/* Date defaulted date from 2000 if entered date year less than 4 degit*/
if(arguments!=null && arguments[0].toString().length<4)
arguments[0] = 2000 + arguments[0];
return new Date(Date.UTC.apply(Date, arguments));