Resolv::DNS - how do I force TCP? - ruby-1.9.3

Does anyone know how do I force TCP when using Resolv::DNS?
It seems that when I ask for ANY records, the output is truncated and I get partial results. When I perform many queries (one for each record type) I get more results. I also get inconsistent results (vary between machines, two sequential queries return different results,...)
I thought it could have something to do with UDP being bounded to packet size.
Any idea how I can force it to use TCP? Any other DNS pakcage that I can use?

I had this same problem, wanting to use Resolv for TCP-only queries as I was expecting result sets that were quite large. I ended up digging through Resolv's source code and learned that, by default, TCP queries are only ever performed if the UDP query fails. I found that I could subclass Resolv::DNS and override the each_resource method. Here's my source:
require 'resolv'
# A TCP-only resolver built from `Resolv::DNS`. See the docs for what it's about.
class TcpDNS < Resolv::DNS
# Override fetch_resource to use a TCP requester instead of a UDP requester. This
# is mostly borrowed from `lib/resolv.rb` with the UDP->TCP fallback logic removed.
def each_resource(name, typeclass, &proc)
senders = {}
requester = nil
#config.resolv(name) { |candidate, tout, nameserver, port|
requester = make_tcp_requester(nameserver, port)
msg =
msg.rd = 1
msg.add_question(candidate, typeclass)
unless sender = senders[[candidate, nameserver, port]]
sender = senders[[candidate, nameserver, port]] =
requester.sender(msg, candidate, nameserver, port)
begin # HACK
reply, reply_name = requester.request(sender, tout)
case reply.rcode
when RCode::NoError
extract_resources(reply, reply_name, typeclass, &proc)
when RCode::NXDomain
Then using it is as easy as follows: :nameserver => ns_addrs, :search => '', :ndots => 1 do |dns|
resp = dns.getresources target, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::ANY


Where does a variable in a match arm in a loop come from?

I am trying to implement an HTTP client in Rust using this as a starting point. I was sent to this link by the site via one of their rust-by-example suggestions in their TcpStream page. I'm figuring out how to read from a TcpStream. I'm trying to follow this code:
fn handle_client(mut stream: TcpStream) {
// read 20 bytes at a time from stream echoing back to stream
loop {
let mut read = [0; 1028];
match read) {
Ok(n) => {
if n == 0 {
// connection was closed
Err(err) => {
Where does the n variable come from? What exactly is it? The author says it reads 20 bytes at a time; where is this coming from?
I haven't really tried anything yet because I want to understand before I do.
I strongly encourage you to read the documentation for the tools you use. In this case, The match Control Flow Operator from The Rust Programming Language explains what you need to know.
From the Patterns that Bind to Values section:
In the match expression for this code, we add a variable called state to the pattern that matches values of the variant Coin::Quarter. When a Coin::Quarter matches, the state variable will bind to the value of that quarter’s state. Then we can use state in the code for that arm, like so:
fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u8 {
match coin {
Coin::Penny => 1,
Coin::Nickel => 5,
Coin::Dime => 10,
Coin::Quarter(state) => {
println!("State quarter from {:?}!", state);
If we were to call value_in_cents(Coin::Quarter(UsState::Alaska)), coin would be Coin::Quarter(UsState::Alaska). When we compare that value with each of the match arms, none of them match until we reach Coin::Quarter(state). At that point, the binding for state will be the value UsState::Alaska. We can then use that binding in the println! expression, thus getting the inner state value out of the Coin enum variant for Quarter.
There is an entire chapter about the pattern matching syntax available and where it can be used.
Figured it out, this is what's happening:
match read) {
This line is telling the software to pass read) to Ok(n) because returns the number of bytes read. I'm still not sure why they specify 20 bytes at a time as being read.

How to indiciate a failure for a function with a void result

I have a function in scala which has no return-value (so unit). This function can sometimes fail (if the user provided parameters are not valid). If I were on java, I would simply throw an exception. But on scala (although the same thing is possible), it is suggested to not use exceptions.
I perfectly know how to use Option or Try, but they all only make sense if you have something valid to return.
For example, think of a (imaginary) addPrintJob(printJob: printJob): Unit command which adds a print job to a printer. The job definition could now be invalid and the user should be notified of this.
I see the following two alternatives:
Use exceptions anyway
Return something from the method (like a "print job identifier") and then return a Option/Either/Try of that type. But this means adding a return value just for the sake of error handling.
What are the best practices here?
You are too deep into FP :-)
You want to know whether the method is successful or not - return a Boolean!
According to this Throwing exceptions in Scala, what is the "official rule" Throwing exceptions in scala is not advised as because it breaks the control flow. In my opinion you should throw an exception in scala only when something significant has gone wrong and normal flow should not be continued.
For all other cases it generally better to return the status/result of the operation that was performed. scala Option and Either serve this purpose. imho A function which does not return any value is a bad practice.
For the given example of the addPrintJob I would return an job identifier (as suggested by #marstran in comments), if this is not possible the status of addPrintJob.
The problem is that usually when you have to model things for a specific method it is not about having success or failure ( true or false ) or ( 0 or 1 - Unit exit codes wise ) or ( 0 or 1 - true or false interpolation wise ) , but about returning status info and a msg , thus the most simplest technique I use ( whenever code review naysayers/dickheads/besserwissers are not around ) is that
val msg = "unknown error has occurred during ..."
val ret = 1 // defined in the beginning of the method, means "unknown error"
.... // action
ret = 0 // when you finally succeeded to implement FULLY what THIS method was supposed to to
msg = "" // you could say something like ok , but usually end-users are not interested in your ok msgs , they want the stuff to work ...
at the end always return a tuple
return ( ret , msg )
or if you have a data as well ( lets say a spark data frame )
return ( ret , msg , Some(df))
Using return is more obvious, although not required ( for the purists ) ...
Now because ret is just a stupid int, you could quickly turn more complex status codes into more complex Enums , objects or whatnot , but the point is that you should not introduce more complexity than it is needed into your code in the beginning , let it grow organically ...
and of course the caller would call like
( ret , msg , mayBeDf ) = myFancyFunc(someparam, etc)
Thus exceptions would mean truly error situations and you will avoid messy try catch jungles ...
I know this answer WILL GET down-voted , because well there are too much guys from universities with however bright resumes writing whatever brilliant algos and stuff ending-up into the spagetti code we all are sick of and not something as simple as possible but not simpler and of course something that WORKS.
BUT, if you need only ok/nok control flow and chaining, here is bit more elaborated ok,nok example, which does really throw exception, which of course you would have to trap on an upper level , which works for spark:
* a not so fancy way of failing asap, on first failing link in the control chain
* #return true if valid, false if not
def isValid(): Boolean = {
val lst = List(
isValidForEmptyDF() _,
isValidForFoo() _,
isValidForBar() _
!lst.exists(!_()) // and fail asap ...
def isValidForEmptyDF()(): Boolean = {
val specsAreMatched: Boolean = true
try {
if (df.rdd.isEmpty) {
msg = "the file: " + uri + " is empty"
} else {
} catch {
case jle: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException => {
msg = msg + jle.getMessage
return false
case e: Exception => {
msg = msg + e.getMessage()
return false
Disclaimer: my colleague helped me with the fancy functions syntax ...

Using both protocols in one application (TCP and UDP)

I need to write a program, which uses both protocols -TCP and UDP (my project in university). Question: is it possible (in theory) to use both protocols in the one application? Because I already tried to do this(vb 6.0), and the i get error - "invalid operation at current state"
Private Sub Form_Load()
.RemoteHost = ""
.RemotePort = 5510
.Bind 5510
End With
.Protocol = sckTCPProtocol
.RemoteHost = ""
.RemotePort = 5510
.Bind 5511
End With
End Sub
Private Sub TCP_Mode()
TCPSOCK.SendData "Retransmission"
End Sub
This is a little part of my code. UDP protocol work perfect (send and receive). But when i try to call TCP_Mode() i get an error "invalid operation at current state". Thanks very much to all.

Erlang variable pattern matching

I have a service_echo function in a simple chat application which uses SockJS for implementing multi-user private chat. I created an ETS table for the list of online users. By storing SockJS session, I thought to send message to that Connection whenever I receive a message from a different Connection.
Here is my service_echo code.
service_echo(Conn, {recv, Data}, state) ->
Obj = mochijson2:decode(Data),
{struct, JsonData} = Obj,
Name = proplists:get_value(<<"name">>, JsonData),
A = ets:lookup(username,Name),
length(A) =:= 0 ->
true ->
[{AA,BB}] = ets:lookup(username,Name),
Even though Conn and BB are same, still Conn:send(data) sends a valid data to the browser while BB:send(Data) does nothing and even does not show an error.
Since I'm a new to Erlang, please excuse me for any unintented mistakes.
First of all, let me advise you on never using length(A) =:= 0 for testing whether the list A is empty or not; if A a long list, counting its elements will cost you a lot, although the result will not actually be used. Use A =:= [] instead, simpler and better.
I don't understand why you're saying that Conn and BB are the same. This does not follow from the code that you have posted here. If Name is not in the table, you insert an entry {Name, Conn}. Otherwise, if Name exists in the table and is related to a single object BB, you assume that this BB is a module and you call the send function defined therein.
It could be that you're reading wrong the semantics of if --- if that's the case, don't let the true guard confuse you, this is how an if-then-else is written in Erlang. Maybe you wanted to have something like:
A = ets:lookup(username,Name),
A =:= [] ->
[{_,BB}] = ets:lookup(username,Name),
or even better:
A = ets:lookup(T,Name),
A =:= [] ->
BB = Conn;
true ->
[{_,BB}] = A
On the other hand, it could be that I misunderstood what you're trying to do. If that's the case, please clarify.

NodeJS: What is the proper way to handling TCP socket streams ? Which delimiter should I use?

From what I understood here, "V8 has a generational garbage collector. Moves objects aound randomly. Node can’t get a pointer to raw string data to write to socket." so I shouldn't store data that comes from a TCP stream in a string, specially if that string becomes bigger than Math.pow(2,16) bytes. (hope I'm right till now..)
What is then the best way to handle all the data that's comming from a TCP socket ? So far I've been trying to use _:_:_ as a delimiter because I think it's somehow unique and won't mess around other things.
A sample of the data that would come would be something_:_:_maybe a large text_:_:_ maybe tons of lines_:_:_more and more data
This is what I tried to do:
net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function (socket) {
socket.on('connect',function() {
console.log('someone connected');
buf = new Buffer(Math.pow(2,16)); //new buffer with size 2^16
socket.on('data',function(data) {
if (data.toString().search('_:_:_') === -1) { // If there's no separator in the data that just arrived...
buf.write(data.toString()); // ... write it on the buffer. it's part of another message that will come.
} else { // if there is a separator in the data that arrived
parts = data.toString().split('_:_:_'); // the first part is the end of a previous message, the last part is the start of a message to be completed in the future. Parts between separators are independent messages
if (parts.length == 2) {
msg = buf.toString('utf-8',0,4) + parts[0];
console.log('MSG: '+ msg);
buf = (new Buffer(Math.pow(2,16))).write(parts[1]);
} else {
msg = buf.toString() + parts[0];
for (var i = 1; i <= parts.length -1; i++) {
if (i !== parts.length-1) {
msg = parts[i];
console.log('MSG: '+msg);
} else {
Whenever I try to console.log('MSG' + msg), it will print out the whole buffer, so it's useless to see if something worked.
How can I handle this data the proper way ? Would the lazy module work, even if this data is not line oriented ? Is there some other module to handle streams that are not line oriented ?
It has indeed been said that there's extra work going on because Node has to take that buffer and then push it into v8/cast it to a string. However, doing a toString() on the buffer isn't any better. There's no good solution to this right now, as far as I know, especially if your end goal is to get a string and fool around with it. Its one of the things Ryan mentioned # nodeconf as an area where work needs to be done.
As for delimiter, you can choose whatever you want. A lot of binary protocols choose to include a fixed header, such that you can put things in a normal structure, which a lot of times includes a length. In this way, you slice apart a known header and get information about the rest of the data without having to iterate over the entire buffer. With a scheme like that, one can use a tool like:
node-buffer -
node-ctype -
As an aside, buffers can be accessed via array syntax, and they can also be sliced apart with .slice().
Lastly, check here: -- find a module that parses a simple tcp protocol and seems to do it well, and read some code.
You should use the new stream2 api.
Here are some very useful examples: