Where does a variable in a match arm in a loop come from? - sockets

I am trying to implement an HTTP client in Rust using this as a starting point. I was sent to this link by the rust-lang.org site via one of their rust-by-example suggestions in their TcpStream page. I'm figuring out how to read from a TcpStream. I'm trying to follow this code:
fn handle_client(mut stream: TcpStream) {
// read 20 bytes at a time from stream echoing back to stream
loop {
let mut read = [0; 1028];
match stream.read(&mut read) {
Ok(n) => {
if n == 0 {
// connection was closed
Err(err) => {
Where does the n variable come from? What exactly is it? The author says it reads 20 bytes at a time; where is this coming from?
I haven't really tried anything yet because I want to understand before I do.

I strongly encourage you to read the documentation for the tools you use. In this case, The match Control Flow Operator from The Rust Programming Language explains what you need to know.
From the Patterns that Bind to Values section:
In the match expression for this code, we add a variable called state to the pattern that matches values of the variant Coin::Quarter. When a Coin::Quarter matches, the state variable will bind to the value of that quarter’s state. Then we can use state in the code for that arm, like so:
fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u8 {
match coin {
Coin::Penny => 1,
Coin::Nickel => 5,
Coin::Dime => 10,
Coin::Quarter(state) => {
println!("State quarter from {:?}!", state);
If we were to call value_in_cents(Coin::Quarter(UsState::Alaska)), coin would be Coin::Quarter(UsState::Alaska). When we compare that value with each of the match arms, none of them match until we reach Coin::Quarter(state). At that point, the binding for state will be the value UsState::Alaska. We can then use that binding in the println! expression, thus getting the inner state value out of the Coin enum variant for Quarter.
There is an entire chapter about the pattern matching syntax available and where it can be used.

Figured it out, this is what's happening:
match stream.read(&mut read) {
This line is telling the software to pass stream.read(&mut read) to Ok(n) because stream.read returns the number of bytes read. I'm still not sure why they specify 20 bytes at a time as being read.


Creating Seq after waiting for all results from map/foreach in Scala

I am trying to loop over inputs and process them to produce scores.
Just for the first input, I want to do some processing that takes a while.
The function ends up returning just the values from the 'else' part. The 'if' part is done executing after the function returns the value.
I am new to Scala and understand the behavior but not sure how to fix it.
I've tried inputs.zipWithIndex.map instead of foreach but the result is the same.
def getscores(
inputs: inputs
): Future[Seq[scoreInfo]] = {
var scores: Seq[scoreInfo] = Seq()
inputs.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (f, i) => {
if (i == 0) {
// long operation that returns Future[Option[scoreInfo]]
getgeoscore(f).foreach(gso => {
gso.foreach(score => {
scores = scores.:+(score)
} else {
scores = scores.:+(
id = "",
score = 5
Future {
For what you need, I would drop the mutable variable and replace foreach with map to obtain an immutable list of Futures and recover to handle exceptions, followed by a sequence like below:
def getScores(inputs: Inputs): Future[List[ScoreInfo]] = Future.sequence(
inputs.zipWithIndex.map{ case (input, idx) =>
if (idx == 0)
getGeoScore(input).map(_.getOrElse(defaultScore)).recover{ case e => errorHandling(e) }
Future.successful(ScoreInfo("", 5))
To capture/print the result, one way is to use onComplete:
The part your missing is understanding a tricky element of concurrency, and that is that the order of execution when using multiple futures is not guaranteed.
If your block here is long running, it will take a while before appending the score to scores
// long operation that returns Future[Option[scoreInfo]]
getgeoscore(f).foreach(gso => {
gso.foreach(score => {
// stick a println("here") in here to see what happens, for demonstration purposes only
scores = scores.:+(score)
Since that executes concurrently, your getscores function will also simultaneously continue its work iterating over the rest of inputs in your zipWithindex. This iteration, especially since it's trivial work, likely finishes well before the long-running getgeoscore(f) completes the execution of the Future it scheduled, and the code will exit the function, moving on to whatever code is next after you called getscores
val futureScores: Future[Seq[scoreInfo]] = getScores(inputs)
case Success(scoreInfoSeq) => println(s"Here's the scores: ${scoreInfoSeq.mkString(",")}"
//a this point the call to getgeoscore(f) could still be running and finish later, but you will never know
Now to clean this up, since you can run a zipWithIndex on your inputs parameter, I assume you mean it's something like a inputs:Seq[Input]. If all you want to do is operate on the first input, then use the head function to only retrieve the first option, so getgeoscores(inputs.head) , you don't need the rest of the code you have there.
Also, as a note, if using Scala, get out of the habit of using mutable vars, especially if you're working with concurrency. Scala is built around supporting immutability, so if you find yourself wanting to use a var , try using a val and look up how to work with the Scala's collection library to make it work.
In general, that is when you have several concurrent futures, I would say Leo's answer describes the right way to do it. However, you want only the first element transformed by a long running operation. So you can use the future return by the respective function and append the other elements when the long running call returns by mapping the future result:
def getscores(inputs: Inputs): Future[Seq[ScoreInfo]] =
.map { optInfo =>
optInfo ++ inputs.tail.map(_ => scoreInfo(id = "", score = 5))
So you neither need zipWithIndex nor do you need an additional future or join the results of several futures with sequence. Mapping the future just gives you a new future with the result transformed by the function passed to .map().

RxJS interleaving merged observables (priority queue?)

I think I've figured out the solution. I explain it in this video. Basically, use timeoutWith, and some tricks with zip (within zip).
If I have a single observable like this:
I want to put the "numbers" as lower priority; it should wait until the "letters" is filled up (a group of 2 for example) OR a timeout is reached, and then it can emit. Maybe the following illustration (of the desired result) can help:
I've been experimenting with some ideas... one of them: first step is to split that stream (groupBy), one containing letters, and the other containing numbers..., then "something in the middle" happen..., and finally those two (sub)streams get merged.
It's that "something in the middle" what I'm trying to figure out.
How to achieve it? Is that even possible with RxJS (ver 5.5.6)? If not, what's the closest one? I mean, what I want to avoid is having the "numbers" flooding the stream, and not giving enough chance for the "letters" to be processed in timely manner.
Probably this video I made of my efforts so far can clarify as well:
Original problem statement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEmU4JK5Tic
So far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWDI9wpVxJk&feature=youtu.be
The problem with my solution so far (delaying each emission in "numbers" substream using .delay) is suboptimal, because it keeps clocking at slow pace (10 seconds) even after the "characters" (sub)stream has ended (not completed -- no clear boundary here -- just not getting more value for indeterminate amount of time). What I really need is, to have the "numbers" substream raise its pace (to 2 seconds) once that happen.
Unfortunately I don't know RxJs5 that much and use xstream myself (authored by one of the contributor to RxJS5) which is a little bit simpler in terms of the number of operators.
With this I crafted the following example:
(Note: the operators are pretty much the same as in Rx5, the main difference is with flatten wich is more or less like switch but seems to handle synchronous streams differently).
const xs = require("xstream").default;
const input$ = xs.of("A",1,2,"B",3,4,5,"C","D",6,7,"E");
const initialState = { $: xs.never(), count: 0, buffer: [] };
const state$ = input$
.fold((state, value) => {
const t = typeof value;
if (t === "string") {
return {
$: xs.of(value),
count: state.count + 1
if (state.count >= 2) {
const l = state.buffer.length;
return {
$: l > 0 ? xs.of(state.buffer[0]) : xs.of(value) ,
count: 0,
buffer: state.buffer.slice(1).concat(value)
return {
$: xs.never(),
buffer: state.buffer.concat(value),
}, initialState);
.map(s => s.$),
.map(s => xs.of.apply(xs, s.buffer))
next: console.log
Which gives me the result you are looking for.
It works by folding the stream on itself, looking at the type of values and emitting a new stream depending on it. When you need to wait because not enough letters were dispatched I emit an emptystream (emits no value, no errors, no complete) as a "placeholder".
You could instead of emitting this empty stream emit something like
// stream that will emit a value only after a specified timeout.
// Because the streams are **not** flattened concurrently you can
// use this as a "pending" stream that may or may not be eventually
// consumed
where value is the last received number in order to implement timeout related conditions however you would then need to introduce some kind of reflexivity with either a Subject in Rx or xs.imitate with xstream because you would need to notify your state that your "pending" stream has been consumed wich makes the communication bi-directionnal whereas streams / observables are unidirectionnal.
The key here the use of timeoutWith, to switch to the more aggresive "pacer", when the "events" kicks in. In this case the "event" is "idle detected in the higher-priority stream".
The video: https://youtu.be/0A7C1oJSJDk

What's wrong with my Meteor publication?

I have a publication, essentially what's below:
Meteor.publish('entity-filings', function publishFunction(cik, queryArray, limit) {
if (!cik || !filingsArray)
console.error('PUBLICATION PROBLEM');
var limit = 40;
var entityFilingsSelector = {};
if (filingsArray.indexOf('all-entity-filings') > -1)
entityFilingsSelector = {ct: 'filing',cik: cik};
entityFilingsSelector = {ct:'filing', cik: cik, formNumber: { $in: filingsArray} };
return SB.Content.find(entityFilingsSelector, {
limit: limit
I'm having trouble with the filingsArray part. filingsArray is an array of regexes for the Mongo $in query. I can hardcode filingsArray in the publication as [/8-K/], and that returns the correct results. But I can't get the query to work properly when I pass the array from the router. See the debugged contents of the array in the image below. The second and third images are the client/server debug contents indicating same content on both client and server, and also identical to when I hardcode the array in the query.
My question is: what am I missing? Why won't my query work, or what are some likely reasons it isn't working?
In that first screenshot, that's a string that looks like a regex literal, not an actual RegExp object. So {$in: ["/8-K/"]} will only match literally "/8-K/", which is not the same as {$in: [/8-K/]}.
Regexes are not EJSON-able objects, so you won't be able to send them over the wire as publish function arguments or method arguments or method return values. I'd recommend sending a string, then inside the publish function, use new RegExp(...) to construct a regex object.
If you're comfortable adding new methods on the RegExp prototype, you could try making RegExp an EJSON-able type, by putting this in your server and client code:
RegExp.prototype.toJSONValue = function () {
return this.source;
RegExp.prototype.typeName = function () {
return "regex";
EJSON.addType("regex", function (str) {
return new RegExp(str);
After doing this, you should be able to use regexes as publish function arguments, method arguments and method return values. See this meteorpad.
/8-K/.. that's a weird regex. Try /8\-K/.
A minus (-) sign is a range indicator and usually used inside square brackets. The reason why it's weird because how could you even calculate a range between 8 and K? If you do not escape that, it probably wouldn't be used to match anything (thus your query would not work). Sometimes, it does work though. Better safe than never.
/8\-K/ matches the string "8-K" anywhere once.. which I assume you are trying to do.
Also it would help if you would ensure your publication would always return something.. here's a good area where you could fail:
if (!cik || !filingsArray)
console.error('PUBLICATION PROBLEM');
If those parameters aren't filled, console.log is probably not the best way to handle it. A better way:
if (!cik || !filingsArray) {
throw "entity-filings: Publication problem.";
return false;
} else {
// .. the rest of your publication
This makes sure that the client does not wait unnecessarily long for publications statuses as you have successfully ensured that in any (input) case you returned either false or a Cursor and nothing in between (like surprise undefineds, unfilled Cursors, other garbage data.

Procedural macro parsing weirdness in Rust

I'm trying to parse a macro similar to this one:
// some stuff
Trying to do this with a procedural macro definition similar to the following, but I'm getting a behaviour I didn't expect and I'm not sure I'm doing something I'm not supposed to or I found a bug. In the following example, I'm trying to find the line where each block is,
for the first block (the one just inside annoying!) it reports the correct line, but for the inner block, when I try to print them it's always 1, no matter where the code is etc.
#![feature(macro_rules, plugin_registrar)]
extern crate syntax;
extern crate rustc;
use macro_result::MacroResult;
use rustc::plugin::Registry;
use syntax::ext::base::{ExtCtxt, MacResult};
use syntax::ext::quote::rt::ToTokens;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::parse::tts_to_parser;
mod macro_result;
pub fn plugin_registrar(registry: &mut Registry) {
registry.register_macro("annoying", macro_annoying);
pub fn macro_annoying(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, _: Span, tts: &[ast::TokenTree]) -> Box<MacResult> {
let mut parser = cx.new_parser_from_tts(tts);
let lo = cx.codemap().lookup_char_pos(parser.span.lo);
let hi = cx.codemap().lookup_char_pos(parser.span.hi);
println!("FIRST LO {}", lo.line); // real line for annoying! all cool
println!("FIRST HI {}", hi.line); // real line for annoying! all cool
let block_tokens = parser.parse_block().to_tokens(cx);
let mut block_parser = tts_to_parser(cx.parse_sess(), block_tokens, cx.cfg());
block_parser.bump(); // skip {
block_parser.parse_ident(); // hello
block_parser.bump(); // skip (
// block lines
let lo = cx.codemap().lookup_char_pos(block_parser.span.lo);
let hi = cx.codemap().lookup_char_pos(block_parser.span.hi);
println!("INNER LO {}", lo.line); // line 1? wtf?
println!("INNER HI {}", hi.line); // line 1? wtf?
I think the problem might be the fact that I'm creating a second parser to parse the inner block, and that might be making the Span types inside it go crazy, but I'm not sure that's the problem or how to keep going from here. The reason I'm creating this second parser is so I can recursively parse what's inside each of the blocks, I might be doing something I'm not supposed to, in which case a better suggestion would be very welcome.
I believe this is #15962 (and #16472), to_tokens has a generally horrible implementation. Specifically, anything non-trivial uses ToSource, which just turns the code to a string, and then retokenises that (yes, it's not great at all!).
Until those issues are fixed, you should just handle the original tts directly as much as possible. You could approximate the right span using the .span of the parsed block (i.e. return value of parse_block), which will at least focus the user's attention on the right area.

NodeJS: What is the proper way to handling TCP socket streams ? Which delimiter should I use?

From what I understood here, "V8 has a generational garbage collector. Moves objects aound randomly. Node can’t get a pointer to raw string data to write to socket." so I shouldn't store data that comes from a TCP stream in a string, specially if that string becomes bigger than Math.pow(2,16) bytes. (hope I'm right till now..)
What is then the best way to handle all the data that's comming from a TCP socket ? So far I've been trying to use _:_:_ as a delimiter because I think it's somehow unique and won't mess around other things.
A sample of the data that would come would be something_:_:_maybe a large text_:_:_ maybe tons of lines_:_:_more and more data
This is what I tried to do:
net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function (socket) {
socket.on('connect',function() {
console.log('someone connected');
buf = new Buffer(Math.pow(2,16)); //new buffer with size 2^16
socket.on('data',function(data) {
if (data.toString().search('_:_:_') === -1) { // If there's no separator in the data that just arrived...
buf.write(data.toString()); // ... write it on the buffer. it's part of another message that will come.
} else { // if there is a separator in the data that arrived
parts = data.toString().split('_:_:_'); // the first part is the end of a previous message, the last part is the start of a message to be completed in the future. Parts between separators are independent messages
if (parts.length == 2) {
msg = buf.toString('utf-8',0,4) + parts[0];
console.log('MSG: '+ msg);
buf = (new Buffer(Math.pow(2,16))).write(parts[1]);
} else {
msg = buf.toString() + parts[0];
for (var i = 1; i <= parts.length -1; i++) {
if (i !== parts.length-1) {
msg = parts[i];
console.log('MSG: '+msg);
} else {
Whenever I try to console.log('MSG' + msg), it will print out the whole buffer, so it's useless to see if something worked.
How can I handle this data the proper way ? Would the lazy module work, even if this data is not line oriented ? Is there some other module to handle streams that are not line oriented ?
It has indeed been said that there's extra work going on because Node has to take that buffer and then push it into v8/cast it to a string. However, doing a toString() on the buffer isn't any better. There's no good solution to this right now, as far as I know, especially if your end goal is to get a string and fool around with it. Its one of the things Ryan mentioned # nodeconf as an area where work needs to be done.
As for delimiter, you can choose whatever you want. A lot of binary protocols choose to include a fixed header, such that you can put things in a normal structure, which a lot of times includes a length. In this way, you slice apart a known header and get information about the rest of the data without having to iterate over the entire buffer. With a scheme like that, one can use a tool like:
node-buffer - https://github.com/substack/node-binary
node-ctype - https://github.com/rmustacc/node-ctype
As an aside, buffers can be accessed via array syntax, and they can also be sliced apart with .slice().
Lastly, check here: https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/modules -- find a module that parses a simple tcp protocol and seems to do it well, and read some code.
You should use the new stream2 api. http://nodejs.org/api/stream.html
Here are some very useful examples: https://github.com/substack/stream-handbook