Git branching messed up - eclipse

I'm using Egit on Eclipse Mac and PC to sync a project that has three branches:
I've created the project on the Mac and when I created the two branches dev and rendersystem I've used revs/heads/master as the Source ref and as Pull strategy I've used Merge.
Now I've switched to my PC and imported the project with Egit incl. all three branches. But if I change to dev or rendersystem branch it tells me that these branches are remotely tracked (in Branches dialog, Remote Tracking /origin/dev and /orginin/rendersystem).
If I check out dev or rendersystem branch and change my code, then commit it and try to push it to Github, it doesn't push the dev or rendersystem branches, only the master it pushed.
My question is now: How do I change the dev and rendersystem branches so that they are in a state where I can push them to Github from my Mac and PC?
Sorry if this question sounds confusing, but Git is one hell of confusing for beginners.

Remote tracking branches are read-only in git, as they represent remote changes. A Fetch will only update these remote tracking branches. A Pull first executes a Fetch, and then merges the changes with a locally editable branch.
On the source computer there was no need to create this branch, as it was initialized locally, and pushing the branch can create the remote branch.
You can create a local branch from the remote branches by Right clicking on the Remote branch in the Git Repositories view, and selecting Create branch... After that, your branch would be writable.


Sourcetree isn't populating my dev branch in pull

Ever since I had to recreate my dev branch due to some mishaps with Git, Sourcetree doesn't prepopulate the "dev" branch in the pull and push dialogs. Every other branch works fine, but not dev. It's not a big deal, but I have to select dev manually every time. What gives?
The "Remote branch to pull" dialog is pre-populated based on the remote branch that is being "tracked" by your local branch. (When you check out or push to a remote branch, SourceTree usually sets this up automatically.)
If your dev branch is not tracking a remote branch, then the dialog will load with no selection. To change this, right-click the branch and select 'Track remote branch."

Merging branches with Pycharm using Github repo

What is the correct way to merge two branches of a Github project with Pycharm?
Suppose there is a branch in a Github project called master and I clone the repo with Pycharm. After that, I create a new branch dev by using Pycharm. The new branch is then shown correctly on Github and some commits are made to the branch.
Now, I want to merge the changes from the dev branch to the master branch.
For ordinary git (not Github) projects, I would checkout to the local master in Pycharm, click on dev in the local branch and select the merge context menu. As a result, dev would be merged to master such that it can be safely deleted.Though, even after I merge the local master with the remote master branch, no changes are shown on Github and both branches still exist.
I also tried to close Pycharm, do a pull request on Github, merge the branches there and restart Pycharm. Unfortunately, Pycharm doesn't even recognize that the remote dev branch has been deleted.
My subpar solution has been as follows:
Pycharm: Merge local dev to local master, delete local dev, merge local
master with remote master
Github: Create PR, merge branches, delete dev
Pycharm: Delete remote dev
Now, if I rebase onto the remote master in Pycharm, I get the correct merged branch. Unfortunately though, using the compare context menu, Pycharm still shows that the remote master compared to the local master doesn't have the commits from dev. Although a rebase from the remote master contains all the commits from dev...
Sadly, there's also no Pycharm manual for merging branches with Github (for normal git there is). Any idea?
The solution is to manually push your branch merge as it seems that pycharm doesn't do this, but it thinks it has.
I've noticed the same issue and it seems that the merge is not pushed from the local copy. In a command shell I checkout the master branch of my project and it tells me that I am ahead of online repository, so to resolve this I issue the git push command and then when I check github it has been uploaded.
(tf36) E:\git\alpha-zero-theputernerd>git checkout master
Already on 'master'
A src/alpha_zero/env/
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 3 commits.
(use "git push" to publish your local commits)
(tf36) E:\git\alpha-zero-theputernerd>git push
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
bb60325..37c3c9d master -> master

Github Protected Branches with GitFlow

I've got a repository with my develop branch protected and I'm using the GitFlow branching model. There's two branches; develop (containing features currently being developed) and master (latest deployed production code).
My develop branch prevents commits being directly made via GitHub's Protected branches. When you locally finish a hotfix using GitFlow, it automatically merges the hotfix branch into your local master and develop branches. However, pushing changes directly on the develop branch are not permitted as this is a protected branch
How can you overcome this? At the minute everytime I am creating a hotfix I have to:
Manually turn off the branch protection
Push the develop branch
Turn it back on
This is not automated and therefore, not really acceptable.
Are you the owner of the GitHub project and do you have the administrator role setup with your account (or can you grant administrator access to your account)?
In this case I would recommend you not to protect the branch for administrators. This way you can guarantee that other persons are not pushing directly to develop, but all "knowledged devs" with administrator access are able to. They should be aware of what they are doing, though.
You can edit this behaviour under${name}/${repo}/settings/branches/. My settings do look like this (the last checkbox is important):
Note: maybe you could also use the "Restrict who can push to this branch" option.
Enable 'Require pull-requests' on GitHub.
After you merge the hotfix in your local master you can create a hotfix branch from it, to create a pull-request in origin. Your master will be different, but you can reset and stash and pull in the origin/master.
git checkout -b hotfix
git push origin hotfix
# merge
git checkout master
git reset origin/master
git stash
git pull --rebase

setting up egit repos for team programming

I am trying to find out what would be the best way to set up egit repos for mutliple developers.
I found some arguments to set up independant repos for each developer and then the recommendation to merge the files by setting the respective external upstream repo to eg developer B in Eclipse of developer A so A can pull and merge with B. However A then needs to change the repo back to his own all the time. And switching upstream repos in the settings is quite cumbersome.
Alternatively all developers could work off the same repo in different braches - then merging would be easier since noone has to go to settings and change the upstream repo. On the other side this is also kind of "dangerous" since every developer is working on the same repo without restrictions (so I heard)
Which way is better in the long run?
In the long run, having one upstream repository is easier to manage.
Each developer can make their own branches locally.
They should agree on a common branch to push to though. It can be master, or a feature branch (if a few of them are collaborating to a specific feature).
The idea is, before each push, to pull --rebase that branch from the upstream repo in order to replay your local work (the commits you haven't pushed already) on top of upstream/branch (git pull --rebase will fetch and then rebase your local work on top of what has just been fetch).
That way, a developer will only push commits which will be merged on upstream as a fast-forward merge.
In EGit terms, that pull --rebase is configured when you create a tracking branch.
Rebase: When pulling, new changes will be fetched from upstream and the remote tracking branch will be updated. Then the current local branch will be rebased onto the updated remote tracking branch

Steps for Git branching & merging for 2 developers

This is the first time I am using Git Hub. So please co-operate with me.
I am working on an iOS project with another developer. Now since we are working on 2 different functionalities, I thought making separate branches for each developer is good way. So my plan in to follow below steps
Create a local branches named functionality1 from the current one using
git checkout -b functionality1
Commit my code in functionality1 branch
Push that branch to the remote using
git push origin functionality1
This will add my branch to remote server. I need branches on remote because I can work from anywhere.
I will merge it in Master branch using
git checkout master
git merge functionality1
Now functionality1 is merged into master branch (provided no conflicts occurred)
Other developer will follow same steps.
We don't want to delete the branches yet.
Now once both branches are merged into master, how can each developer will get the merged code from master branch into their respective branches (functionality1 & functionality2) & then continue on working on same branch (functionality1 & functionality2)?
IMHO you shouldn't unless you really need the new functionality. Because by merging e.g. master back into functionality1 you make it dependend upon the other feature branch. A good read is the gitworkflows(7) man-page.