Deployed Matlab application using significantly more memory than Matlab scripts - matlab

I was testing a stand-alone application we developed in Matlab when I noticed that its memory usage, according to Windows Task Manager, was peaking several times above 16gb. I decided to run Matlab's profiler with profile -memory on on the scripts behind the compiled version to see where the memory peaks were occurring, using the exact same input. However, the highest peak memory it found was 2400860.00 Kb, or about 1/4 as much, for the function that essentially acts as the program's main().
Thus, I was wondering if people have noticed huge memory usage differences between running a compiled Matlab program and running the original scripts in Matlab. I noticed it took a lot longer running in Matlab, but I figured that was due to the profiler keeping track of all of the memory allocations and deallocations, rather than reading and writing to a swap space on disk.

To make a real quick answer to this question. Yes, MATLAB compiled applications run with more overhead than MATLAB scripts.
This is because MATLAB deployed applications open up a version of MATLAB which is stored in the memory called the MCR. The MCR runs with more overhead than MATLAB.
One thing that I have found useful in situations like this is to recompile and see if that helps at all. If it doesn't, you could try to lower the memory usage by running calculations in segments.
This might be helpful for better memory usage:
Matlab executable too slow
Comment if you have questions.


Define the minimal configuration for a program

So I have my .exe ready to deploy, and for distribution, I need to know the minimal requirements for my program to run on a machine... and I really don't know how to do that.
Is there a way to know that ? Some kind of benchmark ? Or must I just set things as I think it'll work ?
Maybe should I just buy all existing components until I find the minimal ? :')
Well, thanks for your answers.
Start by seeing the first Windows' version you can deploy on (Windows XP? Vista?).
If your program is cpu or gpu intensive, and has a fixed time loop (eg. game) then you'll have to do benchmarks.
You should look at several old vs new CPUs/GPUs and trying to "guess" based on online specs posted online what the minimal requirement is. For example, if your program can't run on an old cpu, but runs blazingly fast on a new one, try to find the model that -barely- runs it, which will obviously be one somewhere in the middle.
If your program requires other special things, specify them (eg. USB 3.0, controllers supported...).
Otherwise, if your program loads slower but doesn't have runtime issues, the minimum specs should be indicative of a reasonable loading time (a minute seems to be the standard now, sadly).
Additionally, if your program is memory hungry (both hard drive or RAM), you must indicate this.
For hard drive memory, simply state your program size, along with the files included with it.
For RAM, use a profiler - it will tell you how much memory your program is using.
I've completely skipped over the fact that, in some computers, the bottleneck might be the cpu, and it might be the gpu in others. You need to know which is the bottleneck to make your judgement.
To find out is a rather simple process - remove expensive gpu operations (lower texture resolutions, turn off shaders). If the program still runs slowly, then the bottleneck is the cpu.
edit: this is a simplification of the problem and hardware is a little more complicated than this (slower multi-core cpus vs faster one-core cpus vary their performance depending on how many cores a program uses and how / a program may require a gpu to have less memory but more processing power, or the opposite... even heat dissipation can affect component efficiency: your program might run fine for 20 minutes but start to slow down if the cpu isn't cooled down properly), but "minimal hardware requirements" aren't exactly precise so this method is appropriate.
tl;dr of the spoiler:
In short, there are so many factors that affect performance that you can't measure it, so just a rough estimation is good.

Growing memory usage in MATLAB

I use MATLAB for programming some meta-heuristics. Recently, I have been working on an algorithm for solving an industrial engineering problem. My problem with MATLAB is getting "out of memory" errors. Now I'm trying some suggestions from Mathworks and Stackoverflow (Hope they will work). However, there is one thing I did not understand.
During the run of the algorithm in MATLAB (it takes 4000-5000 cpu sec for a medium sized problem), even though I preallocate variables, code does not demand dynamic array resizing and does not add new variables, I observe that the memory usage of the algorithm grows continuously. The main function calls some other functions written by me. What could be the reason of increase of the memory usage?
The computer I use for the running of the algorithm has 8GBs of memory and win8 64bit installed.
The only way to figure this out is to see where the memory is going.
I think you may accidentally store results that you don't need, or that you underestimate the size of your output/intermediate variables.
Here is how I would proceed:
Turn on dbstop if error
Run the code till you get the out of memory error
See how much memory is being used (make sure to check all work spaces)
Probably you now know where the extra memory is going. If you don't find much memory being used, continue with this:
Check the memory command to see how much memory is still available
Carefully look at the line being executed, perhaps you actually need a huge amount of memory for it
If all else fails share your findings here and others can help you look for it.
The reason of memory usage growth is CPlex. I tried many alternatives but I couldn't find any other useful solution than increasing virtual memory to several hundred GBs. If you don't have special reasons to insist on CPlex (commercial usage, licensing etc.), I would suggest anyone, who encounter this problem, to use GUROBI. It is free and unlimited for academic usage, totally integrable with MATLAB. That's the solution I have found for my problem with Cplex. I hope this solution works for everybody.

Segmentation Faults when Running MEX Files in Parallel

I am currently running repetitions of an experiment that uses MEX files in MATLAB 2012a and occasionally running into segmentation faults that I cannot understand.
Some information about the faults
They occur randomly
They only occur when I run multiple repetitions of my experiment in parallel on a Linux machine using a parfor loop.
They do not occur when I run multiple repetitions of my experiment in parallel on Mac OSX 10.7 using a parfor loop.
They do not occur when I run or do they occur when I run the repetitions sequentially.
They seem to occur far less frequently when I run 2 experiments in parallel - as opposed to 12 experiments in parallel.
Some information about my MEX file:
It is written in C
It uses the IBM CPLEX 12.4 API (this is thread-safe)
It was compiled using GCC 4.6.3
My thoughts are that there may be some issue in accessing the MEX file in multiple cores. Can anyone shed any light on what might be going on or suggest a fix? I'd be happy to provide more information as necessary.
I've recently sent a stack trace to the people at MATLAB and it turns out that the culprit is not my code but one of the functions from the CPLEX 12.4 API. It turns out that this function uses the putenv() function in C which is not necessarily thread-safe.
Unfortunately, I have to keep using this function and the API so I've posted a follow-up thread that focuses on finding ways to avoid this fault.
Any advice would be appreciated.
My thoughts are that there may be some issue in accessing the MEX file in multiple cores.
It's much more likely that your MEX file has a bug. Various bugs (which are very easy to make in C), such as accessing dangling memory, double-free()ing, or writing past the end of allocated array, will cause intermittent SIGSEGV.
Your best bet is to run Matlab under a debugger, and see where it crashes.

Is it possible to build a Large Memory System for matlab?

I am suffering from the out of memory problem in mablab.
Is is possible to build a large memory system for matlab(e.g. 64GB ram)?
If yes, what do I need?
#Itamar gives good advice about how MATLAB requires contiguous memory to store arrays, and about good practices in memory management such as chunking your data. In particular, the technical note on memory management that he links to is a great resource. However much memory your machine has, these are always sensible things to do.
Nevertheless, there are many applications of MATLAB that will never be solved by these tips, as the datasets are just too large; and it is also clearly true that having a machine with much more RAM can address these issues.
(By the way, it's also sometimes the case that it's cheaper to just buy a new machine with more RAM than it is to pay the MATLAB developer to make all the memory optimizations they could - but that's for you to decide).
It's not difficult to access large amounts of memory with MATLAB. If you have a Windows or Linux machine with 64GB (or more) - it will obviously need to be running a 64-bit OS - MATLAB will be able to access it. I've come across plenty of MATLAB users who are doing this. If you know what you're doing you can build your own machine, or nowadays you can just buy a machine that size of the shelf from Dell.
Another option (depending on your application) would be to look into getting a small cluster, and using Parallel Computing Toolbox together with MATLAB Distributed Computing Server.
When you try to allocate an array in Matlab, Matlab must have enough contiguous memory the size of the array, and if not enough contiguous memory is available, you will get out of memory error, no matter how much RAM you have on your computer.
From my experience, the solution will not come from dealing directly with memory-related properties of your hardware, but from writing your code in a way that prevents allocation of too large arrays (cutting data to chunks, etc.). If you can describe your code and the task you try to solve, it might be possible to guide you in that direction.
You can read more here:

How to utilise parallel processing in Matlab

I am working on a time series based calculation. Each iteration of the calculation is independent. Could anyone share some tips / online primers on using utilising parallel processing in Matlab? How can this be specified inside the actual code?
Since you have access to the Parallel toolbox, I suggest that you first check whether you can do it the easy way.
Basically, instead of writing
for i=1:lots
You write
parfor i=1:lots
Then, you use matlabpool to create a number of workers (you can have a maximum of 8 on your local machine with the toolbox, and tons on a remote cluster if you also have a Distributed Computing Server license), and you run the code, and see nice speed gains when your iterations are run by 8 cores instead of one.
Even though the parfor route is the easiest, it may not work right out of the box, since you might do your indexing wrong, or you may be referencing an array in a problematic way etc. Look at the mlint warnings in the editor, read the documentation, and rely on good old trial and error, and you should figure it out reasonably fast. If you have nested loops, it's often best parallelize only the innermost one and ensure it does tons of iterations - this is not only good design, it also reduces the amount of code that could give you trouble.
Note that especially if you run the code on a local machine, you may run into memory issues (which might manifest in really slow execution in parallel mode because you're paging): Every worker gets a copy of the workspace, so if your calculation involves creating a 500MB array, 8 workers will need a total 4GB of RAM - and then you haven't even started counting the RAM of the parent process! In addition, it can be good to only use N-1 cores on your machine, so that there is still one core left for other processes that may run on the computer (such as a mandatory antivirus...).
Mathworks offers its own parallel computing toolbox. If you do not want to purchase that, there a few options
You could write your own mex file and use pthreads or OpenMP.
However make sure you do not call any Mex api in the parallel part of the code, because they arent thread safe
If you want coarser grained parallelism via MPI you can try pmatlab
Same with parmatlab
Edit: Adding link Parallel MATLAB with openmp mex files
I have only tried the first.
Don't forget that many Matlab functions are already multithreaded. By careful programming you may be able to take advantage of them -- check the documentation for your version as the Mathworks seem to be increasing the range and number of multithreaded functions with each new release. For example, it seems that 2010a has multithreaded ffts which may be useful for time series processing.
If the intrinsic multithreading is not what you need, then as #srean suggests, the Parallel Computing Toolbox is available. For my money (or rather, my employers' money) it's the way to go, allowing you to program in parallel in Matlab, rather than having to bolt things on. I have to admit, too, that I'm quite impressed by the toolbox and the facilities it offers.