How to Attach Page or Navigation Pane in TabbedPane defined in different qml files? - blackberry-10

I have defined a TabbedPane as below but one each tab, I would like to show content"questions.qml" (It's a Navigation Pane") and "stats.qml" file instead of embedding the code in single file. So I was wondering how I can achieve that?
TabbedPane {
showTabsOnActionBar: true
Tab {
id: questions
title: "Questions"
description: "This tab will have questions in current hub"
Tab {
id: stats
title: "Stats"

What I have done in that case is declare each tab in the QML file the sets up the TabbedPane, as you have:
import "UI" // The file DataManagement.qml is located in the directory UI
// which is a sub-directory of the location of this QML file.
Tab {
title: qsTr("Data Management")
imageSource: "asset:///images/icons/database.png"
id: dataManagement
DataManagement {
id: dataManagementPage
Then in a separate QML file, DataManagement.qml in this case, I declare the content of the tab:
import bb.cascades 1.0
Page {
// content of page to render in the tab.
content: Container {
As long as the QML files are in the same directory, or the referenced file (DataManagement.qml) is in a directory included in the first QML file it works.


How to get the name of selected files in source control via VSCode extension API?

I can manage to get one file name of source control with following code. The file name is from the line 'await vscode.commands.executeCommand('copyFilePath');' I can get the file name by reading the clipboard text. But when I select multiple files, still the first file name is available. Is it possible to get all files' name?
let copySelectedFileName = vscode.commands.registerCommand('folder-operations.copySelectedFileName', async (folder) => {
let newUri = folder; // folder will be undefined when triggered by keybinding
if (!folder) { // so triggered by a keybinding
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('copyFilePath');
I try another way: add one command to SCM as below shown.
I use parameter in command to retrieve the selected files' name. But the size of the array is 1 even if I choose more than 2 files.
let copySelectedFileNameSCM = vscode.commands.registerCommand('testSource.copySelectedFileNameSCM', async (...file) => {
Add your command to this context menu in your package.json:
"contributes": {
"menus": {
"scm/resourceState/context": [
"command": "testSource.copySelectedFileNameSCM"
It looks like you were adding it to the wrong menu. That may be the only menu that will return selected files.
Then in your command:
let copySelectedFileNameSCM = vscode.commands.registerCommand('testSource.copySelectedFileNameSCM', async (...file) => {
file will be an array of all selected items in the scm view when you trigger a context menu on one or more selected files.

Within a VSCode extension is it possible to have a panel that switches between a webview and tree view

i want to add a new explorer panel into vscode. I want it to display either a treeView or a webView depending on if the user has connected to my backend application. I can see something similar in the base of vscode in the folder view. When no folder is open this view is shown
and when you have a folder open it looks like
For anyone else who finds this question, the behaviour seen in the file explorer is achievable through a Welcome Message.
A view's welcome message will show when the tree for that view is empty.
Welcome Message
Normal tree view
In your package.json, declare:
The view
The view welcome message
The command which the welcome message button should execute
"contributes": {
"commands": [
"command": "myExtension.myCommand",
"title": "My Custom Command"
"views": {
"explorer": [
"id": "myCustomView",
"name": "My Custom View",
"contextualTitle": "My Custom View"
"viewsWelcome": [
"view": "myCustomView",
"contents": "Welcome to my custom view! [learn more](\n[Get Started](command:myExtension.myCommand)"
In your extension.ts
Define the button command
Hook up the view to the view provider
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { CustomViewProvider } from './CustomViewProvider';
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
// Add the custom view
const customViewProvider = new CustomViewProvider();
vscode.window.registerTreeDataProvider('myCustomView', customViewProvider);
// Add the command
let myCustomCommand = vscode.commands.registerCommand('myExtension.myCommand', () => {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage('This is my custom command!');
export function deactivate() { }
In CustomViewProvider.ts, define when your view is empty or not.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
export class CustomViewProvider implements vscode.TreeDataProvider<vscode.TreeItem> {
getTreeItem(element: vscode.TreeItem): vscode.TreeItem {
return element;
getChildren(element?: vscode.TreeItem): Thenable<vscode.TreeItem[]> {
// NOTE:
// When TRUE, the welcome message will show
// When FALSE, the welcome message will NOT show
var showEmptyView = true;
if (showEmptyView) {
return Promise.resolve([]);
return Promise.resolve([
new vscode.TreeItem('This view is not empty!')
As of VS Code 1.25, views may only contain tree views. Support for showing a webview in the side bar is tracked by
If all you need is a button or simple prompt, you can use a tree view with a single node in the first case

Ionic Programmatic Tab Population

I'm attempting to create a tab for each section of a menu.
So I have the following data structure:
{ name: 'Wines', contents:[...] },
{ name: 'Ciders', contents: [...] },
{ name: 'Beers', contents:[...] }
What I want is some sort of ngFor that would produce a tab for each element in the array above.
I haven't seen anything online for this and can't seem to solve it myself.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
Try something like this:
let tabs = [{name:'Wines', contents:[...]},
{name:'Ciders', contents: [...]},
{name:'Beers', contents:[...]}
<ion-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs" [root]=""></ion-tab>
This should work if is a page that has an #IonicPage decorator where the class-name equals the name property of your tab object. Example:
export class MyPage {
Then has to be MyPage.
Please note that setting a string as root of a tab utilizes lazy loading to set the root page of the tab. So you should probably read the following articles by the ionic-team if you are not familiar with it:
Part 1
Part 2

CKeditor: How to build a custom plugin?

I am trying to create a custom plugin for CKeditor following this guide. I created the files as indicated (myplugin.png, myplugin.js, plugin.js) and added
'default': {
'extraPlugins': ','.join( [ 'myplugin' ] ),
'allowedContent' : True,
to the settings.
This is the content of my plugin.js file:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'myplugin', {
icons: 'myplugin',
init: function( editor ) {
// Plugin logic goes here...
editor.addCommand( 'myplugin', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'mypluginDialog' ) );
editor.ui.addButton( 'myplugin', {
label: 'My Plugin',
command: 'myplugin',
toolbar: 'insert'
Yet, the icon of the custom plugin still doesn't show. I can see in the browser's tools that the plugin.js file is retrieved. I made a test by removing the icon file and it didn't create any difference (no error message, no 404). I suppose then that the file is not even called or accessed. so the initialization does not even try to render the button.
Thank you for your help.
Finally, I found the answer to the problem. It comes from the way CKEditor displays the toolbars. In the guide, the custom plugin is added to the "insert" group of the toolbars. However, this one will not be visible until it is explicitely set to be displayed.
Adding the extra plugin to the default configuration is not enough, the toolbar setting has to be specified properly (if for some reason, your platform doesn't default to null). In my case, with django-ckeditor, I had to add
'toolbar': None,

Create a new link stye in Typo3?

Is there a way to add a new style to the Insert Link dialog in Typo3?
Currently they are "internal-link", "internal-link-new-window", or no style.
I have tried putting various things in the Page tsconfig with no results at all...
I found this on another site which looks like it does what I want but I can't get it to do anything:
RTE.classesAnchor {
tollerLink1 {
class = button
type = page
titleText = Button
RTE.default {
In your TsConfig (Home Page Properties - Resources - Page TSConfig)
RTE.default.buttons { := addToList(internal-link-new-window)