Create a new link stye in Typo3? - typo3

Is there a way to add a new style to the Insert Link dialog in Typo3?
Currently they are "internal-link", "internal-link-new-window", or no style.
I have tried putting various things in the Page tsconfig with no results at all...
I found this on another site which looks like it does what I want but I can't get it to do anything:
RTE.classesAnchor {
tollerLink1 {
class = button
type = page
titleText = Button
RTE.default {

In your TsConfig (Home Page Properties - Resources - Page TSConfig)
RTE.default.buttons { := addToList(internal-link-new-window)


Typo3 Content Elements missing in wizard

I have some content elements in a site package which I want to show up in the content element wizard as explained here:
Basically I have done the same as shown in the section "Create a new tab"
Configuration\TsConfig\Page\ContentElement\All.tsconfig is looking like this:
mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.mci.header = MCI
mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.mci {
elements {
mci_home_banner {
iconIdentifier = home-banner
title = Home-Banner
description = Banner der Startseite
tt_content_defValues.CType = mci_home_banner
mci_home_banner_element {
iconIdentifier = home-banner-element
title = Home Banner Element
description = Element im Starseitenbanner
tt_content_defValues.CType = mci_home_banner_element
show := addToList(mci_home_banner, mci_home_banner_element)
I reduced the code to just 2 elements. They are not shown at all, but are available over the dropdown, so I can switch to one of them after choosing another element.
This didn't work when created in 9.5 and still does not work after switching to version 11.5.10
What am I missing?
#user414873 Did you try to add your custom elements to the "common" tab instead of your new one "mci"?
And did you try to use an existing icon identifier (e.g. "content-image" or an other one - see Just to make sure that there is no problem with your custom icons that prevents the elements from being displayed.
Does this minimal example work for you:
mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.common {
elements {
mci_home_banner {
iconIdentifier = content-image
title = Home-Banner
description = Banner der Startseite
tt_content_defValues.CType = mci_home_banner
show := addToList(mci_home_banner)
And I would doubt this:
I guess otherwise the content elements wouldn't be available at all.
I suggest you check it's correctly included by using the "Info" module in your TYPO3 main menu. Then select the page where the content element should be included and switch the dropdown on top of the content area to "View TSconfig fields content". Now you can search for "wizards" and check if your element is included.

Add templateLayout option to tx_news sepecific to view type?

Using PageTSConfig I want to add some template options to the tx_news plugin.
How do I make it so that List template options are only shown when list view is active, and the same for Detail template options?
I thought it would be something like this:
tx_news.templateLayouts {
types {
list {
1 = Alt List
detail {
2 = Alt Detail
By PageTS it's only possible to handle different list templates, the code must look like this:
tx_news.templateLayouts {
1 = A custom layout
99 = LLL:fileadmin/somelocallang/locallang.xlf:someTranslation
For different detail views you need to use TypoScript settings options.
All examples you can see here:

Is it possible to reorganize the default CEs in another Groups?

I would like to group several default typo3 CE into one group.
Is it possible?
The New Content Element Wizard can be changed with Page TSconfig. For example if you want the content element type html in the first tab, you can do the following:
mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.common {
elements {
html < mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.special.elements.html
show := addToList(html)
You can add a tab and fill it with an existing element like this:
mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.myTab {
header = My tab
elements {
html < mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems.special.elements.html
show = html
To remove the existing type from its original tab, add: := removeFromList(html)
More on this you can find here:

Configuring Single RTE Wrapper for Multiple Classes - Typoscript/Typo3

I'm trying to write Typoscript that will configure the Typo3 Rich Text Editor to wrap a given element with more than one class.
In the project's TsConfig/Page/rte.txt file, I have:
classes {
button {
name = Button
However, I'd like to create a wrapper that would give the element more than just a single class. The below code doesn't work, but illustrates what I'm trying to accomplish:
classes {
button {
name = Button
button danger {
name = Dangerous Button
According to this article, this doesn't seem to be possible, but I thought I'd ask and see if someone out there got crafty with their Typoscript and was able to accomplish this.
I tried everything to handle styles for tables that way, but there is currently no way to handle more than one CSS-Class for a RTE style definition.
The only way to handle this, is creating new CSS classes and extend the available button styles via LESS or SCSS.
In TYPO3 7 you can use this following RTE configuration to use multiple classes. The magic happens in the class-definition with the attribute "required"
default {
proc.allowedClasses := addToList(btn-dark) := addToList(btn-dark)
classes.btn-dark {
name = Dark-Button
requires = btn btn-small
classesAnchor.buttonDark {
class = btn-dark
type = page

gwt menu implementation

I want to implement menu in GWT as shown on this website:
I have created the menu system and I am able to display alerts from menu using following code:
Command cmd = new Command() {
public void execute() {
Window.alert("Menu item have been selected");
I want to get rid of window.alert() and display my application pages from menu.
Create and load the appropriate page. For example if you use UiBinder then:
MyPage selectedPage = new MyPage(); // creating of your panel
RootPanel.get().clear(); // cleaning of rhe RootPanel
RootPanel.get().add(selectedPage); // adding the panel to the RootPanel
First create an array list of views
public List<UIObject> viewsList = new ArrayList<UIObject>();
Add a view to that list
Send the view you want to select to the helper method
public void changeView(UIObject selectedView) {
for(UIObject view : viewsList) {
if(selectedView.equals(view)) {
} else {
Are you trying to make the entire page GWT, or just the menu? If it's just the menu, you will need to embed a GWT element into your overall HTML, then call something like, "_self", "");
from the appropriate menu items, which will navigate to another page.