Eclipse juno jboss5.1 unable to choose deploy foudler - eclipse

I've upgraded eclipse to juno and i'm triing to set the deploy foulder to "Jboss deploy foulder" but the selection is this a bug in Jboss tool or what?
I've attached a photo for more info:

I've found the solution, the server must not have any modules attached then it alows to shnage the is also writen in the first line, I've overloked this line becuse in the previews versions of jboss tools this was not an issue.


Unable to install WildFly/ JBoss Server in Eclipse IDE Photon Release Candidate 3 (4.8.0RC3)

I was trying to install WildFly/JBoss Server in Eclipse IDE Photon Release Candidate 3 (4.8.0RC3) but I'm getting an error. I have attached the screenshot for the same.
Would somebody help me out here in this issue?
I've had the same problem.
In Eclipse -> Help -> Eclipse Marketplace, search for "TM Terminal". Uninstall it, restart Eclipse and try to define a new server again. It will now install Wildfly, at least for me it worked.
I've had the same problem. I was using Eclipse 2021-06 version and whatever I do I couldn't get the JBoss Community folder with different Wildfly servers to show.
I've downloaded the newest Eclipse (it was 2022-09 at this time) and everything was there after I installed the JBoss Tools in Eclipse Marketplace.

Eclipse cannot add weblogic server

Why is Next button greyed even after I selected my weblogic server :
I have faced same problem on the eclipse which i have downloaded from But I search and spend time but, only solution which i found is "download eclipse from oracle site". Oracle is supplying eclipse for development purpose, If you can download that you can find it here.
This eclipse has adapter included by default. It has latest version of weblogic server adapter. You just download it and configure your existing work space and serer domain path. It will work as it is as normal eclipse.
Hope this will solve your problem.

IBM Worklight 6.1 - Where is Package Server Utility

In WL 6.0 (plugin for eclipse juno) and earlier there was a server utility called 'Package Server' that was in the context menu for a server in the Servers view. This 'Utilities' selection has disappeared in the Worklight 6.1 version. Is there another way to Package a WL server when using the eclipse plugin? I understand there is a cmd-line "server" call you can make. But, I don't see this command when using the Eclipse plugin. Thanks.
All, thanks for the responses. I found a cmd-line workaround for this, for now.
cd to EclipseJuno\plugins\<61 build>\liberty\wlp\bin
set WLP_USER_DIR= "Eclipse Workspace\WorklightServerConfig"
Then, run: "server package worklight --include=all --archive=
EclipseJuno: Directory where Eclipse Juno is installed
Eclipse Workspace: Eclipse workspace that contains a default worklight server instance
Right click on the project
Run As --> Build Settings and Deploy Target
There should be a option called "build the application to work with a different Worklight Server"

How to deploy on JBoss AS 7 from Eclipse Juno?

I'm using Eclipse Juno and want to test my Java web app in JBoss AS 7. How do I configure Eclipse so that it starts JBoss AS 7 and deploys the war? Also remote debugging should work. It seems I can't use JBoss Tools as they are only released for the previous Eclipse versions (Indigo and Helios).
Any pointers?
It seems that the current stable releases of JBoss Tools supports Eclipse Indigo (3.7.2) and Helios (3.6.x) as detailed here :
Is there a Beta Update site for Juno ?
This page has the details of the update site for Juno :
Instructions will be posted after the first Juno-compatible milestone
is available.
Until then, just point your Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) installation at this
site to install the latest nightly build. Note that there is no
guarantee of quality with a nightly, nor do we guarantee it won't set
your computer on fire.
Update site : JBoss Tools - Core - Nightly Build Update Site
It bears repeating, that the above is unstable at the moment.
Stability of JBoss Tools Beta for Juno ?
From this page:
Since the first version of Eclipse Juno is arriving soon it is worth
mentioning that JBoss Tools from its updatesite can be installed on
top of Juno.
It is though not guaranteed everything works, we know that especially
Hibernate Dali/JPT integration have issues since here the API has
changed greatly.
But if you are a Juno early-adopter then do please try run JBoss Tools
on it and if you find issues let us know in the forum or on JIRA.
Also, this might be of interest :
Our latest Beta, soon coming CR1 runs on Eclipse Juno (3.8/4.2) except for the Eclipse Dali/JPA integration
I use Eclipse Juno and I installed Jboss Tool for helios version.
Works like a charm.
This stable version of JBoss Tools 4.0.0 works well with Eclipse 4.2 (Juno).
Steps :
Add this URL 'JBoss Tools - Core - Stable Release Update Site ' to site URL's
(Help > Install New Software > Add )
Select the features to install, or click the Select All button.
Click Next, agree to the license terms, and install.
Note : You can also download JBoss Tools as individual zips for offline installation.
Refer :JBoss Tools 4.0.1.Final Stable Release
Please find the below steps to add JBoss Tools for Eclipse Juno
Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
Type JBoss Tools in the Find text box
You can see the JBoss Tools (Juno) icon in the listed items with install button
Click on the install button
Restart your Eclipse to reflect.

Tomcat server type unavailable in Fedora 15 Eclipse package

I have installed Tomcat server on my Fedora 15, I can run it, and it's avaible at the localhost:8080. Then I tryed adding it into eclipse, File->New->Servers->Server But the list is empty. I am reading this guide And this is how it should be
And this is how I see it
Maybe you don't have Eclipse WTP (Web Tools Project) installed. Try installing it on top of your Eclipse-Installation or get startet with the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers where this is already included.
In your first image.. .try to click Installed runtimes. Locate your tomcat installation directory and select it.
I think the server is not detected because it's either stopped or eclipse cannot find the installation directory.
Hope that helps. :)