Why retain count in negative value? [duplicate] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
NSString retain Count
Is it possible that any object has its retain count in negative value ?
I have this code
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Hello World"];
NSLog(#"String Retain Count: %i", [str retainCount]);
this will return the retain count -1.
Why this happened ?
also I have done like this
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] init]
still its return negative value in retain count.
How this is happening ?
Please help to understand this thing!!!!!

retainCount doesn't return the reference count of an object. - it returns unrelated nonsense.
(For performance reasons, immutable constant strings, when copied, return self. If you compare the pointer to #"" and [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#""], they will be equal.)


iphone memory management and arrays

I'm still trying to wrap my head around iphone memory management. I have checked this with leaks but I want to make sure. Is this free of leaks?
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMUtableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableString *str = [[NSMutableString alloc]];
[str appendstring:#"hi"];
[array addObject:str];
[str release]; //this is the bit I am most concerned about
...some processing of array occurs...
[array release];
Assuming your second line is actually this:
NSMutableString *str = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
Then yes, this is free of leaks. When you add the string to the array, the array takes an ownership interest in the string, so the subsequent statement where you release your ownership of it is fine. It still exists in the array as expected.
When you release the array, it will take care of cleaning up its own references, including the one pointing to the string you put in it.
If you alloc, new, init or copying than you are the owner :)
You have to release it! no one will clean up for you.
** Example :
NSString *releaseMeLaterPlease = [NSString initWithString....];
If you create any other way such as in Example assume "bag" is some array,
NSString *dontReleaseMe = [bag objectAtIndex:0];
now, dontReleaseMe isn't create by alloc, new, init or copy so you don't release them. Some one will do it.
If you use autorelease after alloc and init than, OS will take care of releasing it.
MOST IMPORTANT: Now developer doesn't have to worry about these stuff!!! Hoooooray! Automatic Reference Counting is on from iOS5
However it is good to learn as not all devices has iOS5 :)
Good luck!
quixoto answered the question, but just for the sake of being explicit, here's what's going on with regard to memory management in your code on each line:
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMUtableArray alloc] init]; //array retain count = 1
NSMutableString *str = [[NSMutableString alloc]]; //str retain count = 1
[str appendstring:#"hi"];
[array addObject:str]; //str retain count = 2
[str release]; //str retain count = 1
...some processing of array occurs...
[array release]; //array retain count = 0 & str retain count = 0 .. objects will be removed from memory.

Explain alloc/init occurring twice

I realize this question may sound dumb, but just bear with me. I built an app to help new developers wrap their head around memory retention on the iPhone (no ARC yet). It is plain and simple, 4 buttons, init, access, retain, and release. Pretty self explanatory. I am displaying what the retain count for my string object that is the target of our poking and prodding. (Please no lectures on use of [myVar retainCount], I already know)
This stuff will never make it into actual apps, just toying with it for fun and hopefully help someone learn how memory works. My retain and release all work great. My question is that why does my retain count drop back to 1 if I call myString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; again. I can boost my retain count to 40, but after calling alloc/init I go back to zero. I am not leaking anywhere, just curious what happens to myString if/when alloc/init is called on it again.
My question is that why does my retain count drop back to 1 if I call
myString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; again?
Because you are failing to understand a very basic concept of Objective-C; myString is not an instance of an NSMutableString, but a reference to an instance. If you were to:
myString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
myString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
You now have two instances of NSMutableString, one leaked.
If you:
myString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
otherString = myString;
You now have a single instance of NSMutableString with two references.
In all three allocations, the NSMutableString instance will have a +1 retain count and, thus, you must balance each with a single release or you'll leak.
Treating retain counts as an absolute count is a path to madness. Or, at best, the scope of usefulness of the absolute retain count is so limited that learning about it is not applicable to real world iOS programming.
This bears repeating:
The retainCount of an object is tricky business.
If you were to continue down this path, you should be aware of the following details:
retainCount can never return 0
messaging a dangling pointer is not guaranteed to crash
retain count cannot be known once you have passed an object through any system API due to implementation details
any subclass of any system class may have an unknown retain count due to implementation details
retain count never reflects whether or not an object is autoreleased
autoreleases is effectively thread specific while the retain count is thread global
some classes are implemented with singletons some of the time (NSString, certain values of NSNumber)
the implementation details change from platform to platform and release to release
attempting to swizzle retain/release/autorelease won't work as some classes don't actually use those methods to maintain the retain count (implementation detail, changes per platform/release, etc..)
If you are going to teach retain/release, you should be treating the retain count as a delta and focus entirely on "If you increase the RC, you must decrease it".
when you call myString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];, you're not "calling alloc/init on it again". You're not calling a method on the same instance you had. You're allocating and initializing a new instance, a completely different object from the one you had before.
And if you're doing that with a variable that had an object that you retained, then yes, you are leaking it.
Try this.
NSString *myString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
NSLog(#"%d", [myString retainCount]); // "1"
for (int i = 1; i < 40; i++)
[myString retain];
NSLog(#"%d", [myString retainCount]); // "40"
NSString *backup = myString;
myString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
NSLog(#"%d", [myString retainCount]); // "1"
NSLog(#"%d", [backup retainCount]); // "40"
You see, you have a different object with a new retain count. Your original object still exists and still has the same retain count. Assignment changes the object a variable refers to. A variable doesn't have a retain count, an object does.
myString = someOtherString;
NSLog(#"%d", [myString retainCount]); // who knows?
With retained property:
self.iString = backup;
NSLog(#"%d", [self.iString retainCount]); // "41" - 1 more because property retained
NSString *newString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
NSLog(#"%d", [newString retainCount]); // "1"
self.iString = newString;
// 1 for alloc 1 for retain (in real code you should release newString next)
NSLog(#"%d", [self.iString retainCount]); // "2"
NSLog(#"%d", [backup retainCount]); // "40" - self.iString released it

Why does this line leak memory?

[row setObject:[NSString stringWithCString:value encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] forKey:columnName];
where row is a NSMutableDictionary..is there a different way to inject this string into my dictionary?
Profiling tools says that because the string is "autoreleased", so you could optimize it by
putting a NSAutoreleasePool around it
alloc/init the str then release it
or just ignore the optimization message.
This is one way:
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:value encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[row setObject:str forKey:columnName];
[str release];
I have had this problem before, because the NSMutableDictionary owns the object it won't be released until the Dictionary is released.
I would suggest that somewhere in your code an object is being dealloc'd without properly releasing the variables it owns, likely the NSMutableDictionary *row.

Why is NSString retain count 2?

#define kTestingURL #""
NSString *serverUrl = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"http://%#", kTestingURL]];
NSLog(#"retain count: %d",[serverUrl retainCount]);
Why is the retain count 2 and not 1?
Yes, You will get retain Count 2, one for alloc and other for stringWithFormat. stringWithFormat is a factory class with autorelease but autorelease decreases retain count in the future.
You shoud not care about the absolute value of the retain count. It is meaningless.
Said that, let's see what happens with this particular case. I slightly modified the code and used a temporary variable to hold the object returned by stringWithFormat to make it clearer:
NSString *temp = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"http://%#", kTestingURL];
// stringWithFormat: returns an object you do not own, probably autoreleased
NSLog(#"%p retain count: %d", temp, [temp retainCount]);
// prints +1. Even if its autoreleased, its retain count won't be decreased
// until the autorelease pool is drained and when it reaches 0 it will be
// immediately deallocated so don't expect a retain count of 0 just because
// it's autoreleased.
NSString *serverUrl = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:temp];
// initWithString, as it turns out, returns a different object than the one
// that received the message, concretely it retains and returns its argument
// to exploit the fact that NSStrings are immutable.
NSLog(#"%p retain count: %d", serverUrl, [serverUrl retainCount]);
// prints +2. temp and serverUrl addresses are the same.
You created a string and then used it to create another string. Instead, do this:
NSString *SERVER_URL = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"http://%#", kTestingURL];
this is because you [[alloc] init] a first NSString so serverUrl have retain +1 and at the same line you call [NSString stringWithFormat] that return another nsstring on autorelease with retain count at 2
you should only use the :
NSString *serverUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"http://%#", kTestingURL];
so your serverUrl will have retainCount to 1 and you don't have to release string

Potential memory leak

I work on a project on iPhone iOS with Xcode 4.
With Xcode > Product >Analyze I get 35 issues, all of this type:
myTextField.text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"0.2f", abc];
and the problem is "Potential leak of an object allocated at ..."
What is the offending object and how can I release it?
You're leaking the string that you're assigning to myTextField.text. When this assignment happens, a copy is being made (look at the property definition in the documentation). In most cases, when values are immutable, as is the case with NSStrings, a copy will give you an instance that points to the same location as the object that is being copied, with the retain count incremented by 1.
In the case of your code:
myTextField.text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"0.2f", abc];
The retain count of the string that you've allocated is 2.
You will either need to (1) release, (or autorelease) the string, or (2) use one of the NSString convenience methods, e.g. stringWithFormat: to create the string. This will give you an autoreleased string so you won't have to worry about explicitly releasing it.
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"0.2f", abc];
myTextField.text = str;
[str release]
myTextField.text = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"0.2f", abc] autorelease];
myTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"0.2f", abc]; // autoreleased
You are responsible for releasing string object you create here - as you use alloc/init for that.
The most convenient way here to set a string is to use class method +stringWithFormat that returns autoreleased string - so system will release that string object for you later:
myTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"0.2f", abc];
Or you can write autorelease explicitly if you want:
myTextField.text = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"0.2f", abc] autorelease];
If you don't want to use autorelease you can use temporary variable to create new string and release it after it was set for text field:
NSString *tempString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"0.2f", abc];
myTextField.text = tempString;
[tempString release];
The thing is that UiTextFields's text property is declared as:
#property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *text
Therefore in this line:
myTextField.text = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"0.2f", abc];
A new NSString is created with a retain count of 1, and then myTextField.text copies this object and increased its retain count by 1 or does it??, lets see what is happening:
A NSString object created with alloc initWithFormat with a retain count of 1
A NSString object with is a copy of the previous String, but because NStrings are immutable in this case, copy returns the same object!, therefore the NSString actually has a retain count of 2.