Scene's to open inside the ContianerView through UIButtons - uistoryboardsegue

iOS6 XCode 4.5.2
I have a MainViewController which has 5 UIButtons on the left (B1 - B5). In the middle of the Main View Controller, I have a ContainerView. This ContainerView has 5 scenes (the initial scene is also a navigation controller) that I would like to wire up to the 5 UIButtons. When buttons are pressed, I'd like the scenes to open to up inside the container.
Currently when the app runs, I can click the Next button on the initial ContainerView Scene and step through all 5 scenes. I can even come back to the first scene by pressing the Back button step-by-step. However, after wiring up the UIButtons, through the Storyboard, when I click on any the buttons, instead of opening up the scene inside the container, they open up in Full Screen, stacking on top of the MainViewContoller.
When a button is pressed, how can I get the scenes (Scene 1, Scene 2, etc.) to open up inside the container?

Are you programming for the iPhone? The iOS Human Interface Guidelines specify that "on iPhone, a navigation bar always displays across the full width of the screen.". In this case, I suggest you get rid of the second navigation controller.


Running Xcode Project on iPhone - Black Screen?

When I run my project on the iOS Simulator or on my iPhone, half of one particular view controller becomes a black screen. None of the functionality for that view controller is there, and half of the screen is black. However, the "Back" button at the top of the View Controller is still there, and it works. This View Controller should have a Table View and a UILabel. However, neither of those appear. Any ideas why this might be the case?

How do I get a crossfade transition with resize on macos using storyboard & NSTabViewController?

On a brand new MACOS application project (swift, storyboards), using the latest available version of xCode (8.3) I can't get a crossfade transition with a NSTabViewController that I add to my story board. The window is not resizing as well.
What am I doing wrong ?
I start by adding a new window controller, I remove its content view controller that I replace by a tabviewcontroller.
The tabview controller comes with two tabs wired to two view controllers. I resize one of them to make it bigger and put random buttons on both of them to be able to check wether the full view is visible or not at runtime.
Everything is left with default settings, as well as the "crossfade" transition of the tabviewcontroller.
But when running the application, tabs change abruptly, and the window doesn't resize to display the new tab.
My goal is to build a preference panel on my storyboard ans I just fail on the first steps.
For crossfade animation to work, you need to connect delegate outlet of the tab view to the tab view controller.
It does not seem smooth resize is supported by the standard tab view, though.

Swift 3 embed button in page view controller

i am trying to set up a pageviewcontroller that has embedded buttons ( those that dont move when the page view is swipped left or right but are constantly visable )
i have the standard viewcontroller, the pageviewcontroller, and another viewcontroller that has an imageview. the problem is that regardless where i place the buttons they move off screen whith the swipe an reappear with the new image.
is there a way of embeding them so they dont move off each swipe?
ive even tried placing an embedded navigation controller on the first viewcontroller but with no success.
thanks for the advice.
if you don't want them to move, you have to put them in the view controller that contains your UIPageViewController. So they will be only one instance of the button (not one for each pages).

iphone navigation application with tabbar-like menu at the bottom

I have a navigation based application. In the main screen it has 5 buttons and according to which one is pressed then we move using the navigation controller. What I want is that in the rest Views (except the main screen) to have a tabbar-like menu with 5 buttons each one doing the same as the ones in the main screen (pushing that view). Is there any library to create such a menu or I will have to create it by mySelf?
-If I do it myself and lets say I create a nib with 60px height, how do I add this nib in each nib of my other views so as to make the right design? (this is a noob question sorry, but until now I have only added generic iphone components :) ).

Cocoa Touch: Why doesn't UINavigationController render 'Back' button?

When I push a view controller it animates properly and slides in, the only problem is that no 'Back' button is rendered up top.The back button is still there, I can still tap it, it just doesn't render on the screen.
This behavior is identical in both the simulator and on multiple devices.
Is this a known issue or bug? Using 3.1.3 of the iPhone SDK.
More information:
It renders it for further levels, just not on the second level of nav controller.
So Main Page (No back button - OK). Second level page (back button, but doesn't render - not OK). Third level page (Back button there and rendering - OK).
You won't have a back button if the previous view has no title.
Are you adding a second UINavigationController? (presumably by accident). If you have 2 nav controllers they will render the nav bar on top of each other, which could lead to what you are seeing.