Running Xcode Project on iPhone - Black Screen? - iphone

When I run my project on the iOS Simulator or on my iPhone, half of one particular view controller becomes a black screen. None of the functionality for that view controller is there, and half of the screen is black. However, the "Back" button at the top of the View Controller is still there, and it works. This View Controller should have a Table View and a UILabel. However, neither of those appear. Any ideas why this might be the case?


Swift navigation bar animation issue

I am at a loss with what is potentially a simple fix.
I have a basic ViewController with a UINavigationController, and a UISearchBar embedded.
Basic view layout
When I PUSH a new UIViewController onto the Nav - I get a brief animation issue where a black background appears, and also the cancel button doesn't disappear.
Animation glitch
It's only brief, but annoying enough.
When I return back using the back button, the search bar reverts to white, and then switches to red.
Back display issue
I wondered if I had configured something wrong, so I created a fresh project and left everything with the defaults. Yet I get the same issue.
Stripped back and the same issue
I'm using xCode 9.3 - with swift 4.1
Any ideas?
Check the extendedLayout settings of your view controllers (these can be set in code or in the storyboard editor). They need to be the same for both view controllers or you'll get this animation glitch.
In your case the problem might be the embedded search bar. It seems to be present only for one of the view controllers. You've got navigation bars with two different heights because of that. The framework doesn't respond well to that...

iOS7 Vs iOS8 auto layout and webview issue

I have a view controller that is composed of a web view and a toolbar with some basic controls. The toolbar is pinned to the bottom of the screen using auto layout. It has four constraints, to pin it to the left side of the screen, the right side of the screen, the bottom of the screen and another that pins the bottom of the web view to the top of the toolbar.
I am having too issues with this. The first is that the web view when loading a URL has a black bar running across the bottom of the screen for a second or two while the page loads, see attached screen shot. This occurs on both iOS7 & iOS8.
This bug and the one below are related I think. I just discovered that the horizontal indicator when scrolling displays not at the bottom of the screen but higher up, where it would appear if the tabbar where present.
The second issue I am having with iOS7. The screen that calls this screen is the typical navigation bar inside a tab bar setup. The user presses a button to go to a particular page, the browser gets created and pushed onto the navigation bar stack. It hides the tab bar when created. In iOS8 this works perfectly, the toolbar is pinned to the bottom of the screen. In iOS7 the tab bar is removed but the toolbar is placed as if the tab bar was still present?! Any ideas how to fix these two issues? Many thanks.
FYI - Xcode 6.1.1
The "black bar" is most likely your app window background. At the time of loading the web view is still under the navigation bar. Perhaps the constraints are being overridden. Check your storyboard settings:
If this is it, it might solve the second issue as well.
The reason iOS 8 works is because from Apple talks I gleaned they realise many dev had issues with their views being under the nav bars by default. Introduced with iOS 7. They likely changed this in iOS 8 but found no written evidence. If someone can confirm or deny this, I'll update the answer.

iOS6 Rotation bug with popViewController

I have struggled to find a solution with the many similar questions and answers so I'm going to post my project here
My code does the following:
1) Creates a "container" view controller which is actually a scrolling view with 3 pages (left page, middle page, right page).
2) I just coloured the pages so you can tell the difference
3) The middle page has a view controller attached to it which contains a button
4) Pressing the button on the middle page will display a UITableViewController
5) Tapping the "Done" button should dismiss the UITableViewController
In portrait mode, no problems can be seen. In landscape mode, the UITableViewController pops up just fine with the correct (landscape also) orientation. However, when popViewController is called, this seems to make the device think that it is is portrait mode, so it rotates the tableview to portrait mode prior to the disappearing animation.
My view controller with the button is then also messed up because of this portrait change. If I rotate the device again, it returns back to normal.
This is a problem on both iPod and the iPhone 6.1 simulator for me.
Can somebody please have a look at my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong? (Big ask, I know, but hopefully that will also help somebody else out).
I found the solution according to Apple's documentaton. If I create a separate portrait VC and landscape VC - as per the AlernateViews sample, it works correctly.

UIToolbar disappears after dismissing Modal View Controller

I'm aware some of you may not be familiar with Monotouch, but this could certainly be a general iOS issue rather than a specific Monotouch issue.
I'm recreating an app with similar functionality to the default mail app:
This is a simple recreation of our app. It's a UIView which contains a UITableView and a UIToolbar. It's loaded from a XIB file (which contains accompanying view controller code). This view is a UITabController view (though I'm sure this shouldnt affect things?).
This has been pushed from a navigation Controller using
controller.PushViewController(inboxItem.Controller, true);
(where inboxItem is a custom object I've made, the Controller property being the inboxItem's view controller).
Pressing the right hand button on the toolbar presents a new modal view (compose new message) - which does its thing and no matter which way its dismissed, upon dismissal, the UIToolbar disappears. However, if I am to click on another tab then click back onto this tab, the Toolbar reappears. Is this a redraw issue?
Am I doing something wrong with the way I'm structuring my app? Or have I happened to stumble across some bizarre iOS/Monotouch bug? (I'm hoping it's for the former - so I can improve my iOS development).
I solved the problem. Basically, what was happening was when the ModalView was being presented and then dismissed, the toolBar was being moved down by 44 pixels each time.
In my example, the toolBar is placed above a UITabBar, so when the modal view was dismissed the toolbar was being moved out of view. I'm not sure why this is happening but I'll be sure to file appropriate bug reports.
One quick and (very) dirty way around this is to move the toolBar up 44 pixels when displaying the modalview, so that when it is dismissed, it will move it back down to the appropriate position.

presentModalViewController for UIImagePicker fails in landscape mode for iPhone 3.0

First of all, my code isn't complex - in fact it's just two sample programs from "Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK", combined into one program. I took the ViewSwitcher application, which switches between a blue view and a yellow view, and replaced the YellowViewController with the CameraViewController from the camera application.
I have three ViewControllers total. SwitchViewController just switches between BlueViewController and CameraViewController.
Inside CameraViewController, I'm trying to use a UIImagePickerController to choose an image. The picker is presented with presentModalViewController. The catch is that I want to do this in landscape orientation.
Everything works fine under 2.2.1, and everything works fine in 3.0 in portrait mode.
In 3.0 under landscape orientation, however, things break. If I set SwitchViewController to landscape orientation, my screen goes white when I try to present the picker. If I rotate the iPhone a few times, I can see a corner of the picker, which apparently was displayed off screen.
If I set CameraViewController to landscape orientation, the picker doesn't come up at all.
I think this page may have a clue when it says "The most prominent change [in 3.0] I can see is that the modal view controller will always use the application frame instead of the parent view controller's frame." I don't understand exactly what that means, though.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I believe what that means is this: Modal views always use the full screen, even if the parent view controller that invokes them controls a view that is only part of the screen. This makes sense for standard modal views like the camera picker, but I can see why someone who creates a custom modal view might want it to be smaller.
Not sure if that really helps solve your problem though.
Question -- what happens if you bring up the modal view and THEN rotate the phone?
You must have used addSubview in your parent view controller, try using presentModalViewController:.