xcode, running app on device cause red stamp to appear - iphone

I am not sure why, but every time I run this specific app on a iOS device a red stamp appear with the number 5. Can someone tell me why this is happening? This doesn't happened on the simulator.

This is used to communicate important information to the user of said app. This is set in your application by supplying an NSInteger to applicationIconBadgeNumber. For instance, Apple's App Store uses the overlay to inform a user that an update is available for X number of his/her app's. The Mail App uses it to inform the user that they have unread messages. Some applications add an applicationIconBadgeNumber to inform the user that they have received a Push Message.
Read more about it from Apple Developer Doc's
You can also turn this off for the application if you find it bothersome. Follow instructions in this Related Question.


Can we make our own Find My iPhone app

I am thinking to make my own app like Find My iPhone app . But I am confused that whether apple allow developers to have access to play with the security or is there such Apple API's that can help us to include features as in the above app. Any suggestions?
Well I just can't comment because of low reputation. But people must give a reason to down-grade a question. Its quite a valid question.
Creating an app like this is semi possible. Due to the fact that you are not allowed to keep running in the background, except for certain special cases. Such as Music or a guidance app (navigation apps)
Your app can register to receive updates from the GPS location and process them.
The problem is it will use your gps all the time.
The find my iphone app is a combination of wifi location/sim card location/gps location.
It uses a combination of all these items which it has to keep track of your location as close as possible. Now back to your question, the fact that you cannot keep running in the background, will mean the app needs to stay open all the time (open I mean running, not necessarily onscreen). Not like the application from apple itself, which of course is allowed to go outside these developer restrictions.
The APIs exist for you to create the main functionality of this app. Core Location and APNS
When use A is looking for the location of user B, A would tell a server that it needs user B's location.
A push notification could fire up user B's app, at which point...
User B's location services would kick in, in the background,
Send this information to your server
Then update user A with another push notification.

Event While deleting the app from iPhone [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to catch application uninstalling on device and let server know about this (iOS/Android)
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I wish to hit a web service, whenever a user deletes the app from his/her device. Its just to delete that user from Db. Can anybody here help me?? Thanks In Advance..
Generally speaking, what you are attempting is probably not advisable. Even if it were possible to know when a user has deleted the app, how would you handle the situation where the user then re-installed the application and launched it? You also do not know why the user has deleted the app (perhaps they only wish to do so temporarily to free up space on their device? Perhaps their device was stolen and they are re-installing into a new, or upgraded device?)
If you separate your concerns (client has/does not have mobile app, vs client has/does not have active account) you can manage all these scenarios in a much more robust way.
Using an in-app analytics package (like Google Analytics, Parse or Flurry to name just a few) will give you insight as to your user behavior, and perhaps based on this usage data you can trigger handlers. For example, if you see a user has not used your app in a certain period you can email them or send a push notification to remind them? Perhaps you could email them to notify them "You have not logged in in 60 days, if you do not use your account within the next 30 days it will be deleted. Click here to re-activate your account."
No, can't do. There is no defined notification when an application is deleted. If you must talk to a server, suspend inactive accounts after a predefined time limit.
One other thing you can try is check for the UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification notification. Save the state of your app on your servers when it's transitioning to the background and cross your fingers your user will not delete your app when it's not running. Because once your app closed, you don't have any control anymore. Thats the iOS behavior till iOS 6.
There is no way you could know whether the app is deleted from device or not because no delegate method fires when the app is deleted.
Hope it helps you.

Collecting iOS Phone Book Contacts

With introduction of iOS 6, I read apple added Contacts privacy settings as explained here.
However, in prior iOS versions, this setting is not present and user privacy is at risk especially after people realized that 'Path' was dumping iOS contacts on its servers.
If an application wants to collect phone book data in iOS 5 or previous versions, which is the better way of doing it?
Ask for permissions explicitly once via UIAlertView.
Ask for permissions every time the back up is made via UIAlertView.
Create an application entry in Settings and ask user for permissions once.
Shun the idea of Phone Book backup altogether.
I think personally you may want to think about bailing on the idea as it seems to be a bit of a quagmire security wise, we are building an app at the moment that uses the address book for invitation purposes and we present a UIAlertView informing the user that we are access and not storing every time the view loads, annoying but it covers us.

Is it possible to send location data silently from the iphone (with users agreement ofcourse)?

I was wondering if it possible to create an application that will send my 9 year old's iPhone location let's say each 30 minutes, even when the iPhone is not active.
If not, then is it possible to send it each time he uses his phone?
Why not using an existing solution?
See find my friends - it has also parental restrictions. This is excatly what you want.
You're probably looking for startMonitoringForReigion:desiredAccuracy:. This function will allow you to set the iPhone to notify your app anytime a defined boundary is crossed. When you receive this notification, I believe you can send that info to a server or wherever.
That said, if monitoring your child's location is what you want, you'll have great luck with the Find My Friends app from Apple.

how to get Iphone UDID of device while installing the application from app store?

In my Iphone application , i am able to get the UDID of the device and have display it on alertview.
my query is that while any user go to the apple appstore and try to istall the application, at that same time how to get the UDID of the device and store it to the Database and also want the UDID of application at the time of uninstallation.
Whether is it possible or not?
If possible please provide any code or any useful link or any other info,which would be appreciated.
Mishal Shah
You can't run any process when your application is not actually running - this includes at download time and at uninstallation.
Instead, you should try to find other ways to measure what you want. You can, for example, have your application keep track (in NSUserDefaults or similar) of whether or not this is the first time the user has launched your app, and if it is submit the UDID to your server.
Tracking uninstallation is a lot harder - the best you may be able to do is to keep track of how long it's been since the user last launched your app (if you have the app submit a launch time every time the user opens it).
Keep in mind that a lot of tech-savvy users will object to your gathering the UDID or usage patterns within your app without their express permission (or at all).