iPhone (iOS4): is it possible to play music/sound during an active call? - iphone

I want to allow user to switch to my app during a phone call and play some sound that the second person will hear.
I see here that it was possible even before iOS4 and here that no one knows how to do it.
I will really appreciate if someone will spread some light on this issue.
Thank you.

If you would like to play a song and after launch a phone call, any iPhone OS will stop your song, just beacause phone call has privilege over audio playback.
What you can do is play a song after the call has started, but in this case you can only use speakers.
I've tried the second, and with great audio tracks and some simple advises, you can reach the desired effect.

You could achieve it using Twilio API


accessing itunes music data

If it helps, I am using Xcode 4.3.1 and objective-c to program simple apps on an iPhone 4s running iOS 5.1.
I would like to find the documentation for a class with methods to capture the digital music signal that iTunes sends to an output device (speaker, headphones). I assume it must be accessible since it exists in the phone prior to reaching the speakers. I am not attempting a pirating move, but rather would like to route this music signal to the phone's outgoing wireless signal so that it can be heard clearly by someone on the other end of a call (ex. a method to play a favorite song, with decent sound quality, for a friend out of town). Can anyone point me in a general direction (if that direction exists) so that I can begin learning more?
One, I'm pretty sure there's no way to get the raw audio samples from a song in the library. You can get a list of the tracks and tell the system to play one, but that all happens outside your app. Two, apps can't access the cell phone—there's no way to send audio from your app to a phone call. Three, even if the first two did work, calls are heavily compressed and tuned to voice data. Call a friend and have them play a song through the phone, see how it sounds. Not very good, I'll bet.

How can I record currently playing audio on the iPhone?

I'd like to record what the iPhone is currently outputting. So I'm thinking about recording audio from Apps like Music (iPod), Skype, any Radio Streaming App, Phone, Instacast... I don't want to record my own audio or the mic input.
Is there an official way to do this? How do I do it? It seems like AVAudioRecorder does not allow this, can somebody confirm?
Officially you can't. The audio stream belongs to the app playing it ,and iOS.
The Sandbox paradigm means that a resource owned by your App can't be used by another App. Resource here means Audio/Video stream or file. Exceptions are when a mediator like Document interaction controller are used.
If you want to do this you'd have to start with deducing AVFoundation's private methods and find out if theres a way there. Needless to say this it wouldn't be saleable on the App store and will probably only be possible on a jailbreak.
Good Luck.
This is only feasible only from time to time, as it's a time expensive process.
You can record the screen while listening your songs on Spotify, Music or whatever music application.
This will generate a video on your Photos application. That video can be converted on MP3 from your computer.
Actually, this is not true. The screen recordings will not actually have the audio from Apple Music at all, as it blocks it. Discord also uses this pipe as well, so you cannot record Discord audio either this way.

how to play background music while recording voice?

Now I'm developing iPhone Recorder App.
I can easily record my voice with sample code.
I want to record background music with my voice.
For example,When I click "Record" button,background music plays
Then I sing a song.
In this case,I should record background music with my voice.
But,If I did like that,I can't record anything.
What's wrong?
To do this,what should I do?
Please help me..
I'm not familiar with programming for the iPhone but I can imagine there would be a limitation to what you like to achieve IF you intend to make this work without using headphones/headset. It just might be that the OS wont let you play music and record at the same time because the recording would result in an echo because of the background music.
That said, I'm sure an experienced iPhone programmer is able to tell you exactly how this would work.
Good luck and I hope my suggestion helps you out.
I solved this problem by using OpenAL.
Thanks for all your effet.

How to allow ipod music to play while my app is running?

I'm using SimpleAudioEngine to play my sounds and I was wondering if there is anyway to check if iPod music is playing when the app is launched. If so, I want it to continue playing. I'm starting to think it may be called the simple engine for a reason as it doesn't allow features like this, where AVAudioEngine does...
Thanks :)
You should check out the official Audio Session Programming Guide and make sure that you are setting the correct session category. You will want to pick the category that allows your audio to mix with the iPod audio.

Is it possible to both play a sound and record from the microphone at the same time on the iPhone?

I want to both play sound and record sound at the same time on the iPhone.
All the apps which record sound first disable any music playing. However as music would disrupt their purpose I don't know if they're doing this deliberately or whether the iPhone does it automatically when you record from the microphone.
Does anyone have experience with this?
Refer to this page. Good luck!
I've heard something about this on one episode of the mobile orchard podcast - the one with Michael Tyson, the creator of Loopy. During the discussion, Michael explained that he had to include some code to filter out the sounds that were coming in through the microphone in realtime as other sounds were being played on the speaker.
Based on that discussion, it seems entirely possible to both play and record at the same time, but I'm sure you'll have to do your own filtering to avoid recording the sounds your playing.
You can use either a core audio unit or an audio queue, and
you need to make sure that your audio session category is set to kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord.
Beware that sound output when you use this session is much quieter
than the normal solo session (observed on 3.0).