UIButton with style of keyboard buttons - iphone

I am creating a custom keyboard for only numerical input. I would prefer the keyboard look as much like the iOS keyboard as possible, but I am not too sure if the default keyboard button graphics are something we can use or if apple has them locked up.
ARE buttons able to have such a style without having to use images I build myself? Or is the only way to mirror that design by building images that look similar?

You're able to define customized keyboards similar to Apple's. Take a look at the project here: https://github.com/kulpreetchilana/Custom-iOS-Keyboards
It contains graphics that emulate the look and feel of the iOS keyboard. It's Cocoapods project as well.


Customized iPhone Keyboard?

Is it possible to customize the iPhone keyboard without jailbreaking? I'm trying to design an app that would conform to Apple's guidelines, but implements the use of the international keyboard in the same way that emoji uses it. Please help!
You can always implement a custom keyboard in your app, Like this,
Then you can design to whatever you want because it isn't an official iOS keyboard.

Install Smiley font for iOS

I Need to use my own smiley icons (like emoji) in my textfield and all around the project. Is there any way to install the fonts in iOS. Please suggest me for the right way...
I got that there is no solution for the installation. I created manual keyboard using scrollview and buttons.
Should be easy, as long as you know which glyphe is which smiley:
Have a look at Custom Fonts in iOS 4 at beefyapps.com.
The Emoji Icons are a stored in the private use area of unicode. They won't look any good on a different device than an iPhone/iPad, this is Apple specific.
The app is just to enable the keyboard. You can do it yourself: Making An Emoji Enabeling App.
Have a look at The truth about iPhone Emoji, which sheds some light on the whole topic.

Is there something like "Shows Touch on Highlight" (iPhone Interface Builder) on Android Platform?

I use lots of transparent buttons in my apps. The button graphical area is on the background.
On iPhone there is
"Shows Touch on Highlight"
which is really super to easily get a good touch effect without lots of work.
Is there something like this on Android? So far I found
color scheme changes of the
Button-Text or the buttom area on
which in most cases doesn't really look good since the "button" area on the graphics is not really a rectangle. The "Shows on highlight"-effect on iPhone seems to be the perfect solution. It would be nice to also have that on android. Thanks very much!
you will need to add the highlights yourself in photoshop or gimp and use a state-list drawable http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource.html#StateList

Can I create custom keyboard in iPhone?

Is it allowed to create a custom keyboard. Will apple approve my app if I used my own keyboard instead of using default one. howsoever I don't have button images, I guess I need to use same default keyboard images do so. Is there any image repository where I can get exact keypad button icon.
They will almost undoubtedly reject your app.
The iPad Human Interface Guidelines that iPhone OS 3.2 supports keyboard customization http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/General/Conceptual/iPadHIG/UIElements/UIElements.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40009446-CH6-SW7

Iphone configurable button menu

Im just wondering if anyone knows the best approach to make a configuable button menu. Im trying to make one like the standard iphone button interface where I will 4 buttons across and 4 buttons down. And like on the iphone button menus, when you press and hold it allows the users to move the buttons around to the configuration they desire. Also like the facebook iphone app menu.
Any ideas?
Your best bet is probably the Three20 Library. It has lots of general functions, but specifically you would use TTLauncherView, which is derived from the Facebook application. There is an example included in library source, which can be downloaded Here.
Another option that doesn't use the Three20 library is to use paging with the UIScrollView.