How to deploy custom assembly in SSRS in Production Environment - ssrs-2008

I have created one custom assembly and this assembly uses a third party assembly.
I have deployed a custom assembly in my local machine. But now, what should I do to deploy the report and those assemblies in the production environment. Is there any automated/wizard process available?

You need to copy that assemblies to production server into
Microsoft SQL Server\MSSRS\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin folder.
Then back to ReportServer folder and open rssrvpolicy.config file to grant FullTrust permission to CodeGroup with name Report_Expressions_Default_Permissions and CodeGroup with class name FirstMatchCodeGroup.

You can copy your library to the ReportServer\Bin folder
ex: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.R2\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin
Then modify the rssrvpolicy.config in ReportServer folder, find "$CodeGen$" and add the following code
Description="CoDe Magazine Sample. ">
Url="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.R2\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\YOURLIBRARY.dll"

There's a tool for that. It's called Reporting Services Scripter
Another option is to connect to your production server through SSRS.


How to avoid mixed output files with MSBuild?

I have a C# big project in Visual Studio 2013 that is formed by:
3 Web projects
2 Windows Services project
14 Dlls projects
2 Test projects
1 Database Project (.sqlproj)
As you can guess the final files are:
3 Web Projects
2 Windows Services
I build it with msbuild.exe invoked from PowerShell.
$option0 = 'FOO.sln /t:Clean,Rebuild /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Outdir=$outputdir'
iex "$msbuild $option0" | tee C:\TFS\Oscar\Build\oscar.txt
The project builds and in the output folder I have a nice directory called _PublishedWebsites that contains the three websites, one in each directory. From here it wouldn't be complicated to deploy to servers using PowerShell.
In outputdir I have my FooDB.dacpac so I can easily use sqlpackage to deploy it to SQL Server.
My problem is with Windows Services. Instead of being in a folder they are in output folder, mixed with all DLLs, sqlproj files, test files.
Is there any way of having them in a folder similar to "_PublishedWebsites"?
I can copy all files to each windows service folder on deploy and will work... but feels wrong...
YES! You can actually use MSDeploy which is the underlying technology for WebDeploy to create a similar deployment package for a Windows service or scheduled task.
The basic steps are
extend MSBuild to zip up the files into a package
add pre/post sync commands
create a deploy cmd to execute the package
We've been using the nuget package PublishedApplications in in our Windows Service projects (which are actually just Console Apps using TopShelf ).
As a result, we get a nicely packaged app in the output folder {OutDir}/_PublishedApplications/{appName} (next to {OutDir}/PublishedWebSites) for those services.
I'm still looking for a way to get a similar behavior for *.sqlproj projects ...

Is it possible to xcopy deploy the Microsoft ReportViewer web control?

I'm trying to setup Microsoft reporting on a shared hosted server. I've set up the web.config files with the necessary entries and uploaded the assemblies Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll and Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll as well as the file Microsoft.ReportViewer.xml via FTP.
The site loads OK, but when I try to load a report a get a missing reference to Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel.dll. If I can get a hold of a copy of this dll, can I expect the report view to work? If so, what's the best way to get a copy? Or should I start trying to cajole the server administrator to run ReportViewer.exe?
This project is using Visual Studio 2008.
It appears that the answer is yes. I had never extracted a file from the GAC before, but it was pretty easy by following the command line method described in this question. Once the correct version of Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel.dll was extracted from the GAC on my development machine and uploaded to the site, the reports started working.

SSRS 2008, custom dll, file not found

I've been fighting with SSRS now for a while and it's beyond silly. When I add a reference to a dll (which is part of the same solution) it gives me nothing but a
[rsErrorLoadingCodeModule] Error
while loading code module:
‘MyFile.MyClass.Code, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.
Details: Could not load file or
assembly 'MyFile.MyClass.Code,
Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its
dependencies. The system cannot find
the file specified.
I've tried hitting the solution config to tell it debug source is in other locations, copying the file to about 50 different locations (not gac, not possible), running Visual Studio 2008 as admin, all the goofy stuff you can think of ... nothing, same error everytime.
Any ideas?
Here is the actual correct answer.. I've had to fight with this twice now and did not document it well enough the first time thinking it was a one-time thing.
Putting it in the SQL Server Bin folder is for the server. for DEVELOPMENT put a copy in the Visual Studio folder,
something like:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies
or Windows 7 64 bit
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies
I got a similar error on ssrs-2005.
Just manually copy your dll to the following report server folder: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin" and everything should work fine.
You may need to add references to the assemblies that your MyFile assembly itself references. So, if MyFile references System.IO for example, you may need to add that dll reference explicitly to the report.
For those who have been having trouble with custom dlls which import System.Data.SqlClient, I found the following tip absolutely essential in the rssrvpolicy.config file:
Short and dirty answer: Change the PermissionSetName attribute from
"Execution" to "FullTrust" for CodeGroup
I hope this helps someone.

Deploying SQLCE.EntityFramework 4.0.8435.1

I've applied SQLCE in a project I've been working.
It works fine in Visual Studio and when I run locally (http://localhost:####) it runs perfectly.
But when I publish it at my remote host I receive the "Yellow Screen of Death" the following error message:
Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.
My Web.Config and references are OK (As I said it work fine at localhost) there is no need to chenge it.
The sdf file is deployed in the correct path.
What is missing?
I found the answer.
When SQLCE is installed to your project it add some files and folders under the bin directory of your webapp.
The following files and folders must be deployed along with you app in the bin folder.
[x86] (folder)
[amd64] (folder)
The files in the root of the bin folder (the first four I mentioned above) were deployed but for some reason the x86 and amd64 folders were not sent.
After I deployed those files the app worked fine in the remote host also.
The problem is because your remote host does not have the provider for SQLCE. If you look at your connection string it is something like this:
<add name="name"
connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|yourDbFileName.sdf"
Please note that SQL CE and its System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0 provider has been released after .Net 4.0 so it was not included in standard .Net framework 4.0. So SqlServerCe.4.0 provider is Missing

Microsoft Robotics Studio and absolute path problems

I have just installed Microsoft Robotics Studio 2008 R2, and I must admit that I'm shocked to discover how paths are handled.
First of the studio wants to install itself into my personal profile (this is on Vista):
C:\Users\MyUserName\Microsoft Robotics Dev Studio 2008 R2
I assume this is because during development I have to write files to the robotics studio folder making C:\Program Files a no go.
Then when I create a new robotics project a lot of absolute paths pointing to the robotics studio is added to the project. If I check my project into source control and another developer checks it out onto his machine the absolute paths will not resolve and the project will not compile.
Also, since all services are collected into a single folder in the robotics studio folder developing multiple independent services on a single computer appears to be at least confusing.
Do you have any good strategies for handling this mess?
I have now figured out a way to change a Microsoft Robotics DSS Service visual studio project into something that you can compile and run in you own source tree independent of the installation path of the robotics studio. Here is a description of what you need to do to modify the project:
Add the robotics studio bin path to you PATH environment variable to be able to execute dssproxy.exe without supplying a full path. I have installed robotics studio into the program files folder to avoid accidentially writing files to the robotics studio folders.
Open the Properties page for the project and select the Build tab. In the Output section change the Output path to Debug\bin. For .NET projects it is customary to compile into folders bin\Debug and bin\Release but the robotics hosting service expects to live in a folder named bin and will store data in the folder above the bin folder.
Go to the Signing tab and select a new key in the Choose a strong name key file box. You can either generate your own key at that point or use the sn.exe utility to generate a new key. Or if you have your own policy for creating keys follow that. The sn.exe utility can be found in the tools folder of robotics studio.
In the Build Events tab edit Post-build event command line:
dssproxy.exe /dll:"$(TargetPath)" /proxyprojectpath:"$(ProjectDir)Proxy" /keyfile:"$(SolutionDir)Key.snk" $(ProxyDelaySign) $(CompactFrameworkProxyGen) /binpath:"." #(ReferencePath->'/referencepath:"%(RootDir)%(Directory) "', ' ')
Pay attention to the argument to /keyfile. Enter an expression that locates the strong name key file created in the previous step.
Copy the files DssHost.exe and DssHost.exe.config (or DssHost32.exe and DssHost32.exe.config for the 32 bit hosting service) from the robotics studio bin folder into the project folder and add these files to the project. Set the Build Action to Content and Copy to Output Directory to Copy if newer. Do the same for the manifest file for your service. Actually, the manifest file doesn't have to be in the same folder as the service, but copying it to the output folder enables you to do XCOPY deployment.
In the Debug tab change the Start external program to the DssHost.exe in the output folder of your project. You will have to build the project once to copy the file to the output folder. Clear the Working directory. Set the Command line arguments to
/p:50000 /t:50001 /m:DSSService1.manifest.xml
Change the manifest file name to the proper name in your project. You can modify the port numbers used either here or in the DssHost.exe.config file. If you are running in a protected Windows environment (UAC) you will have to use the httpreserve command to give yourself access to a particular port. You have to run this command as administrator.
Debug settings are not stored in the project file and each developer will have to create personal settings.
You should also update the Release configuration accordingly.
Since I was only interested in the CCR of MS Robotics, I just add these assemblies as a reference to any project I use it with and just be done with it.
This works without any problems. So if you are also only interested in the CCR and DSS part of the studio then this could be your solution
we see this problem a lot. The absolute easiest solution is to specify the install directory when installing robotics studio to be "C:\program files\microsoft robotics studio". That way moving code between machines, checking out of source control, etc becomes a lot less problematic.
The other option is to use dssprojectmigration, which is included with RDS. Just run dssprojectmigration against your project directory, and it will correct all the hardcoded paths.