Deploying SQLCE.EntityFramework 4.0.8435.1 -

I've applied SQLCE in a project I've been working.
It works fine in Visual Studio and when I run locally (http://localhost:####) it runs perfectly.
But when I publish it at my remote host I receive the "Yellow Screen of Death" the following error message:
Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.
My Web.Config and references are OK (As I said it work fine at localhost) there is no need to chenge it.
The sdf file is deployed in the correct path.
What is missing?

I found the answer.
When SQLCE is installed to your project it add some files and folders under the bin directory of your webapp.
The following files and folders must be deployed along with you app in the bin folder.
[x86] (folder)
[amd64] (folder)
The files in the root of the bin folder (the first four I mentioned above) were deployed but for some reason the x86 and amd64 folders were not sent.
After I deployed those files the app worked fine in the remote host also.

The problem is because your remote host does not have the provider for SQLCE. If you look at your connection string it is something like this:
<add name="name"
connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|yourDbFileName.sdf"
Please note that SQL CE and its System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0 provider has been released after .Net 4.0 so it was not included in standard .Net framework 4.0. So SqlServerCe.4.0 provider is Missing


How to deploy ABP to IIS

I have a ABP template. It is a merged solution for Angular in Full .Net framework. I have already created a published package by right clicking on the Web.Host project and then Publish.
Here is a screenshot of my published folder:
I have also added a website in my local IIS and have pointed it to the wwwroot folder of my published folder as localhost:8081
I have modified the appconfig.json in the wwwroot/assets folder as:
"remoteServiceBaseUrl": "http://localhost:8081",
"appBaseUrl": "http://localhost:8081"
and have also changed appsettings.json to
"App": {
"ServerRootAddress": "http://localhost:8081/",
"ClientRootAddress": "http://localhost:8081/",
"CorsOrigins": "http://localhost:8081,http://localhost:8081"
Do I need to add another Website in IIS for host? If Yes, where should I point it to? Again wwwroot? All the DLLs and appsettings.json are above the wwwroot. Should I bring them all inside the wwwroot?
When I navigate to the localhost:8081 I get "Resource not found" prompt
I noticed that there is a Web.Host.exe file in the Published folder. When change all above settings to localhost:5000 and execute it, it runs the host on localhost:5000 and works fine for both localhost:5000/swagger and localhost:5000/app/
Do I need a website under IIS to execute the Web.Host.exe? If yes, how would I add such website? Where that port 5000 has been set for the .exe file?
If I change the website physical folder to the published folder (which holds the wwwroot folder) I get the following error (seems something is wrong with the web.config file):
You need the .NET Core Hosting Bundle.
Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle on the hosting system. ...
a. Navigate to the .NET All Downloads page.
b. Select the latest non-preview .NET Core runtime from the list (.NET Core > Runtime > .NET Core Runtime x.y.z). ...
c. On the .NET Core runtime download page under Windows, select the Hosting Bundle Installer link to download the .NET Core Hosting Bundle.
Restart the system or execute net stop was /y followed by net start w3svc from a command prompt. Restarting IIS picks up a change to the system PATH made by the installer.

There is no GAC folder on my clients PC

I've created an installer for my application and given it to a client to install, but it's getting a series of errors. I appear to have fixed most of them, but the one that's really causing an issue is one saying
Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.XmlSerialize Version 12.0.1100.0 to be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first.
However, there is no GAC folder on the clients PC when looking in Windows\assembly
I've even searched the Local Disk for GAC, and the only folder results are GAC_MSIL, GAC_32 and GAC_64...
Where do I put this file to make the application work? Why is there not a GAC folder in the Windows\Assembly root?
The GAC folder for .NET 4.5 (and anything after 4.0) is here:
There are three folders beneath that (as you've found):
Where the assemblies should reside depend on which type of CPU(x86 or x64) they target. You shouldn't put assemblies in those folders yourself; they should be installed there by your deployment mechanism.

IBM Liberty issue

An architect is having issues bringing Liberty up. Currently, an individual is running a server on his local computer and they want to move it to a shared server. When he tries to deploy a simple “helloworld” it’s failing and he is receiving an error “Context Root Not Found”. He is not sure what to set in server.xml file to have wlp recognize the application. They have ODM 8.5 on the mainframe. He thinks it might help if he saw an example of an EAR or WAR file deployed. Any ideas or suggestions?
Either put your application in the dropins folder, it will be detected and started automatically, or put it in the apps folder and configure in server.xml like this:
<webApplication id="HelloApp" location="HelloApp.war" name="HelloApp"/>
by default context root is application file name without extension, but you can change it by adding contextRoot="mycontext" attribute.

How to Deploy a JBoss ESB on a Jboss AS

I am Trying to deploy Jboss esb over Jboss AS using Ant. but i am getting the following error and it is giving me a build fail. I certainly have changed the .Properties file with the correct Server home and server config paths.
Below is the error i am getting
Also I have Jboss 5.1.0 AS and Jbossesb 4.1.0
I am not sure what changes do i need to make with my build.xml file.
C:\jbossesb-4.10\install>ant deploy
Buildfile: C:\jbossesb-4.10\install\build.xml
C:\jbossesb-4.10\install\build.xml:480: Directory does not exist: C:\jbossesb-4.10\install\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\all\lib
You've probably set bad server path in property file. Did you unpack server to "C:\jbossesb-4.10\install\jboss-5.1.0.GA\" directory?
You need to set the path to jboss-as directory. Correct may be something like this.
In order to deploy jboss-esb on to jboss-as you need to have file in
your install folder of jboss-esb (for ex: \jbossesb-4.6\jbossesb-4.6\install)
in that deployment properties file you need to set your jboss-as home
ex: org.jboss.esb.server.home=D:/J Boss Book Installs/jboss-5.1.0.GA-jdk6/jboss-5.1.0.GA
NOTE: the direction of slash is very important it should be forward slash(/) (as specified in example above) for it get indexed in to the given server.home location .
Otherwise you will get directory doesn't exist errors just like the one you specified above in your question .
Check your file and correct server.home it would probably resolve your error !!!

deploying source code to webserver

i am just trying to understand the deployment build model with
i write code locally on my machine in visual studio and when i hit f5, it starts up a local webserver for all my testing.
then, i FTP all of my source code to my webserver and then hit the real URL.
my question is when does this get compiled on the webserver. is it looking at the bin/ directory of my local file that i just copied over or is it recompiling the solution and projects on the web server.
If you just drop source files (.aspx, .asmx, etc.) in the web site's directory and site is set to allow dynamic updating then each page will get compiled the first time it is accessed.
Every time you update it, it gets recompiled. In your bin folder, all you have is classes with code.