Adding CVS perspective for eclipse - eclipse

I do not have the CVS perspective in eclipse (downloaded from the android developer site)
Can I add the same via any plugin or Help->Install new software?

Are you sure it's not under:
Window -> Show view -> Other -> CVS -> CVS repository
As far as I now it's included by default on the Eclipse Java IDE.


Maven SCM Handler for CVS in Eclipse (Juno)

I'm a longtime Eclipse and Maven user, but am just now upgrading to the more recent Eclipse builds (Luna- 4.4.1).
I've noticed that while Luna ships with m2e (1.5), the m2e marketplace no longer seems to have the 'Maven SCM Handler for CVS' as it did in the past. Has this handler been discontinued? Are there any other handlers that would allow for clean integration of Eclipse/Maven/CVS?
Without that handler, importing a Maven project from CVS is a rather painful affair; import generic cvs project, apply java project wizard, convert project to maven project. Once that's done, you then have to reconfigure other project settings such as Java source, resources, etc. All of this was automatically handled in m2e 1.0.x with the CVS handler.
For CVS SCM connector (if you want to import maven project from cvs repository):
Install new software:
More info: Maven Eclipse (m2e) SCM connector for subclipse 1.10 (svn 1.8)
(In case you're wondering, it also worked on Eclipse Mars)
First solution
How to install the SCM connector:
download zip or files from above repository location
unzip the file to an empty folder somewhere, remember that folder (or put the files from repository in that folder)
In Eclipse,
go to Help/Install New Software…
Click “Add…” to add a new site
In the window, click on “Local…” and choose the folder where you unzipped the site before. The result in the Location field should look like file:/C:/theUnzipFolder/
Click OK, choose all available packages to install, and continue the installation as usual
Second solution
Open Eclipse
Go to Help -> Install New Software -> Enter above repository location and hit enter
Select Maven Integration for Eclipse CVS Team Provider -> Finish
Alternative solution to SCM connector:
Checkout your project in workspace
Open cmd.exe and go to project location in that workspace. Then execute the following
mvn eclipse:eclipse
Open Eclipse with that workspace path as target
Right click in Project Explorer panel, Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects -> Select project location from workspace and you should see the projects in here
Right click on your project in Project Explorer panel -> Maven -> Update project -> Select all projects -> Ok
Don't forget to:
set your corresponding JDK in Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs
set your corresponding compiler level in Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Compiler compliance level
set JAVA_HOME environment variable

Subversive SVN Connectors does not appear in eclipse juno

the Subversive SVN Connectors does not appear after rebooting eclipse Juno IDE after installing svn from the eclipse marketplace.
any ideas?
Because of this issue i cannot assign a svn connector to the svn eclipse plugin so therefore it cannot do any svn features at all.
i am running windows 8 and tried to run eclipse in Admin mode but still no joy. anywhere i can download the connectors manually and if so, where do i install it?
Might help someone...
From polarion use this update site.
I installed just
subversive SVN Connectors
SVNKit 1.7.5.v1 Implementation
SVN Team provider connectors source
After this I found in eclipse preferences Team->SVN has the svn kit 1.7.5 selected and everything started to working.
Just remove .metadata folder in your workspace directory and restart
then windows -> preference -> team -> svn click. It will appear
For me, switching to a fresh workspace fixed the issue. I followed this link. The automatic connector discovery tool popped up once I switched to a new workspace.
I cannot add new comments. Just facing same problem. Updating #Saran answer:
Eclipse Mars site is
Eclipse Luna site is
Eclipse Kepler site is
You can install svn conectors manually from there.
(Remember: Help menu -> Install new software -> paste site url)
Can I suggest the CollabNet Eclipse desktop instead of the Marketplace SVN?
I've found its installation to be much less painful than any other way of getting SVN into Eclipse.
Switching workspaces worked.
Also for newer Subversive version`s, the connectors show on the:
windows > preferences > team > svn (in a tab inside this window), instead of the old svn > connectors menu.
Close your Eclipse.
In your workspace directory, open (.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/
Change the option firstStartup=false to firstStartup=true.
Re-open Eclipse again.

Eclipse Maven: no "Checkout Maven project from SCM" option

I have to compile and run a Maven project that some colleagues of mine developed some years ago. I'm using Eclipse Helios on Microsoft Windows Server 2008.
In their documentation about how to compile it with Eclipse, I read that I have to install on my Eclipse:
Maven plugin (from )
Maven plugin extra (from )
Subclipse plugin ( )
After installed these plugins, their document says to select the option "Checkout Maven Project from SCM" and other operations.
I've tried to install these plugins, but, first, I realized that they are antiquated.
I discovered that Maven Plugin changed name and address (now is Maven Integration for Eclipse 1.2), and that Maven Plugin Extra does not exist anymore.
Subclipse, instead, is available.
So I installed these plugins, but, afterwords, no "Checkout Maven Project from SCM" functionality was present on my Eclipse.
Then I searched online to solve this problem, and I found this thread on It suggested to install the Maven SCM handler for Subclipse.
I've searched it on the plugin repository of Elcipse but it does not exist anymore.
Which Eclipse plugin may I use to get the "Checkout Maven Project from SCM" functionality on my Eclipse IDE ?
Thanks a lot
When you go to Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Discovery, you have a button "Open Catalog", which opens a plugin marketplace specific to the m2e plugin. There you'll find a plugin called m2e-subclipse, which should give you the appropriate options:
Change the installed sub version to have m2 plugin. then check out as maven shows up.
Eclipse Marketplace -> Installed -> Subversive SVN -> Change -> Subversive SVN Integration for the M2E Project (Optional) and install it.
see images below.
I have recently run into same issue and found solution, as preferences trick mentioned in this post did not work for me.
All you need to do is to go back to your SVN installation (tested for subversive, guess similar for subclipse) and check m2e integration plug-in.
In my case: Eclipse Marketplace -> Installed -> Subversive SVN -> Change -> Subversive SVN Integration for the M2E Project (Optional) and install it.
I have a workaround , since I was not able to find m2e-subclipse in Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Discovery.You need to check out the project.Once done, right click on the Project Explorer and Import->Maven->Existing Maven Project and select the checked out project and click Finish.
Just a heads up for anybody seeing this again for future versions of Eclipse.
Sonatype is no longer maintaining this:
You can either use the fork currently being maintainted in github []:
Or you can use the eclipse maintained link for the eclipse version:
Install either one by using the "install new software" link in Eclipse above "Eclipse Marketplace"
I used eclipse version 2022-12 from this website
After I face this problem and try many ways. Finally, I got the solution.
Right-click on repo
Select Find/Check Out As...
Choose Check out as a project with the name specified, then input your project name alias
After checkout is finished. Right-click on the project.
Select Configure > Convert to Maven Project.

How to fully remove subversive plugin

I've installed Subversive and want to switch to the Subclipse plugin.
After uninstalling Subversive via About Eclipse -> Installation Details -> Uninstall... and installing Subclipse, there are now two SVN options available in Preferences -> Team, one for Subversive preferences (which has been uninstalled and shouldn't be there anymore), and one for Sublipse preferences.
How to remove Subversive completely, so that there aren't any traces (such as Subversive's preferences screen) left in Eclipse?
Remove from Eclipse's plugins and features folders all files and folders like:**
Help->about eclipse->installation details->Installed Software tab
You can choose the software to uninstall.
If you have installed Subversive via Eclipse Marketplace:
From Eclipse menu open Help -> Eclipse Market Place...
Then search for subversive, click uninstall under Subversive - SVN Team Provider
Restart the Eclipse.

Subversive for Eclipse not visible

I installed the subversive plugin for Eclipse to use SVN. The installation was OK, no problems. I restarted Eclipse, the plugin is visible by "Installed software". But if I look at Team -> share or Window -> preferences team SVN is not visible. Someone an idea?
Did you try switching to the svn repository perspective? Can you see it (top right corner, drop down menu, "other")?